Serious Which fate is worse?


Jun 12, 2006
I asked this question in the shoutbox but due to some unwise choice of wording a staff member chose to delete it, so I am putting it here and making it a little clearer.

What fate would you find worse, or maybe better?

"To be forgotten is worse then death."
Being forgotten completely and utterly by everyone you care about and who cares about you.


To be the last person alive, for the entire Human race to be dead bar you.

Forgotten by all or completely alone, which fate would you choose if you had the choice and why?

oh and to keep it clear being forgotten can mean either dead or alive, but in this case still alive, there is the opportunity you can make a new life but everyone that knows you know will forget you and also this means any paper work or records about you will also disappear.
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Wow.. depressing topic.

They are both very similar though, as they both end up loneliness. But I suppose if you were only forgotten, yes, it would hurt, but you can try and get people back, start fresh, meet new people aswell. I think that would be better than being the last person alive, where you have no hope left and no purpose for living. I think if I were in that situation (and thank God I won't be) then I would probably kill myself because I would have nothing left to live for.
Thats a depressing answer PA.

Personally I think being alone would be better as being totally forgotten in this day and age would mean a hell of a lot of trouble. Having no form of ID, no home, imagine going to your own parents house and finding you never existed to them. Imagine your parents and family swearing to the police they have never seen you before at all.

If I where the last Human sure it would be lonely but at least I could have some fun.
Ah true, but I feel incredibly lonely if I don't see/talk to my friends in a couple of days, so I don't think I could cope all by myself >.< Tbh, they are what keep me going, and without them (or ANYone as the case is) I wouldn't be able to have fun, there would be nothing to do, no point to anything that I did...

And yeh, being forgotten WOULD be terrible, I'm not disputing that, but seeing as it's an either or question I think that being alone would be a lot worse. =/
If you can't stand being alone then I guess I can see how you would think it worse. I still see it the other way myself but then again seeing the trailer for I am Legend maybe being the last Human around would not be so fun but I still think it would be better then alone and forgotten in the world as it is. It's sort of comforting and infinitely frightening that the government keeps such a close eye on people.
This really doesn't make any sense to me.

One option leaves you having to start anew, sure. But the other one gives you no such opportunity. Either way, no one is around to "remember" you. If you believe in an afterlife, and you assume you will be headed to the more pleasant version (assuming two versions exist, such as Heaven and Hell), then I suppose you could consider that as being remembered, otherwise both options involve nobody knowing you.

Personally it has always been a little fantasy of mine to be the last person alive. Now, I would rather have a couple choice people left behind with me, but if that wasn't an option then I guess I'd be fine being the last one. It would be lonely, sure, but I think the creepy factor would get to me first. Being the last person alive would probably give me the constant feeling that someone or something was always out to get me.

The more I think about it though, the less confident in my decision I am. If, for instance, I choose to recognize God and Heaven, I suppose it would be better to just be the last person alive. I could live out my life (having as much fun as possible) and then meet up with everyone when I died. No big deal in that scenario really (on a grand scale). However, if there were no afterlife, then I suppose it would be better to be forgotten. You probably would have good odds of becoming friends with your old friends again, seeing as how you had to become friends somehow to begin with, so obviously there is something about you they like. However, the family aspect would be a little more difficult. There are a few family members I can think of off hand that I probably would never be friends with if I weren't related to them. However, I would always love them and it would be hard not to be able to be around them because they don't like me because well... they never felt like they had to.

It's a difficult decision, but at the moment I would still probably go with being the last person alive. I just hope that doesn't mean I had all the bodies laying around. Hopefully whatever killed them off / took them away also disposed of the bodies for me. Talk about adding a serious extra creepy factor to the mix.
"To Be Forgotten Is Worse Than Death"
... I'd choose this one.. Loneliness is worse, to me. Despite being forgotten, it is still possible to make another memory ye, dudes? Like, making new friends??
At first thought, being the only human left alive as the worst option. That would be fucking gawdawful. xD

It might be some fun at first, but it would soon become a pastime without anyone to enjoy it with.

But if you've just been forgotten, it's really a new chance at life. Just because someone has forgotten you, it doesn't mean you can't rebuild those relationships or make new ones. Of course, without any records of your existence, you could probably get in some trouble. xD

But to be denied completely, it would really be a bad feeling. I'd be pretty upset if the few people I actually talked to didn't even recognize me. When you think about it that way from my perspective, then it really starts waning to the other option because of all the technicalities. Because having your records and paperwork wiped clean would make it very difficult to make a living, being that no-one knows who you are, you probably wouldn't be able to get a job and would be stuck somewhere as an illegal immigrant. For me it's all a factor of time; How long would I be (most likely) imprisoned as an illegal immigrant? How hard would it be to shape those relationships again?

I'm a very impatient person, so I'd rather do in death than being condemned in a Cell for a prolonged period of time just because there is no evidence that I have ever existed.

So it's not really something I can choose between because the future holds infinite possibilities.
For me, this is a simple answer... I have always had a very severe terror of being alone, and forgotten.. I'm sort of a diva-- I love being the center of attention-- I thrive off being loved, and doted upon. If suddenly all of that ended, and I had no one? I'd go mad.. Death is a natural part of life. All things must die eventually.. but to not have anyone to stand next to you to face it? No. Just.. no.
I dunno, at least if I was the last person alive I wouldn't have to go through the heartbreak of being forgotten by everyone I loved.

Gee, both of these options suck. I need human contact WAY too much. I couldn't survive without my daily natter with my best mate

I think 'to be forgotten is worse than death' would be personally worse for me
well, I'd assume that if you did meet someone during the forgotten state, they wouldn't care about you... psychologically, being the last person on earth would be better for you.
but physically, being forgotten would be better because you would still be able to live in a society..
I'd choose forgotten. (no people = no electricity)
I'd rather be forgotten. Anyone see "Into the Wild". That's always been a fantasy of mine. The world is harsh and life is tough. I personally don't have the willpower to go on and on by myself. I'd rather sleep forever. Yes I am selfish...
To be forgotten while you're alive is just about the same as being alone in the world...
So I think the better question is...Is it worse to be forgotten after death, or to be the last person alive?

That's a hard question for someone with an ego. I'm sure some people couldn't care less if they're remembered after death. And there are those prideful people who want to leave a mark on the world (as long as their name is in the title of their deeds).

In the long run, unless you do something like discover gravity or build the first spaceship, you won't be remembered in the long...long...long run. Writing fantasy novels doesn't count, because in the way-too-distant future, people won't care what your name is or what your face looks like unless it's something you need to learn for history class. conclusion...I think that being the last person in the world is the worst fate. In this circumstance, there is no chance that you'll be remembered, AND you are alone.
That's a hard one, since being acknowledged and loneliness do not bother me.

Although I'd have to choose the last one, not because I fear the loneliness more than being acknowledged, but because if I were the last person alive, then there would be no people to make my favorite video games or my favorite books, movies, etc. I'd get pretty bored. If I were forgotten, at least people would leave me alone if I were alive. If I died, it's not within my hands to know whether or not people would remember me, and being dead, I could not know or care, and asking a world full of people to remember one person that they don't even know is impossible, particularly because I'm not Einstein.
I'd much rather be the only person alive. At least the people wouldn't be there, so I wouldn't have to keep asking myself 'what if' type of questions.

To be forgotten is painful.

Uhm. Wow.

I'll have to go with being forgotten. While I'm sure I can't fully comprehend exactly what that'd be like, I know for a fact I couldn't handle being the last person on Earth.
to live alone in the jungle is better for me than to be forgotten. becuse being forgotten may gives you a lot of bad memories. unlike living alone. you may live alone and have all your good and bad memories.
It really depends. If you're the last human on earth, you are privileged.

However, most people are forgotten quickly if they are not immortalised in human memory and civilization.
I would opt to be the last person alive if I could somehow start humanity anew.

If I was to be alive and completely forgotten, well, one could rectify that. My past is not important at the moment.

So, it really depends. If I were to die and be forgotten completely, well, that would be a waste. However, I wouldn't be around to know. :rolleyes:

Either way, everything, and everyone, is forgotten and left to rot one day. What matters is how long they exist in human memory.
"We can tell other people about - having faith. What we had faith in. What we found important enough to fight for. It's not whether you were right or wrong, but how much faith you were willing to have, that decides the future. "


"Building the future and keeping the past alive are one in the same thing."


"We need to pass the torch, and let our children read our messy and sad history by its light."
The idea of ONE person I love forgetting me is enough to reduce me to tears (when I watch films about this), but I don't think I could find any happiness in being the last person alive on earth.

If everyone forgot who I was, I'd build new relationships. If people forgot me at the end of each day, I'd build new relationships with them each day. It would be terrible...but I'd find happiness somehow.