Which Final Fantasy game should I get?

Sephiroth (FF7)

Chocobo Breeder
Mar 10, 2007
I don't know?
My birthday is in June which is almost here. But I'm getting a Final Fantasy game but which one should I get and why? And I have FF7 and FF8 (well it's broke).
FFIX is an amalgam of pretty much every previous FF game up to that point; you'll recognize a lot of characters and features, etc as parts of previous games. Solid game overall, too, so I'd recommend that one. If you're into emulation, explore FFV and FFVI.
I recommend FFIX and FFX then :). I like FFX's battle and level system more but FFIX have a cool storyline and characters.
Final fantasy VI has a very good story :D, and the same as what the others said any FF is really good so if you can get any that you've not played then it's a good story. I've not played them all but i've played quite a few and all have had great storys. At the moment i would deff go for ff 6
IX is totally worth owning. I still find it enjoyable to play through once in a while, even after all these years. I think it's a great first FF to play too, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. :p

XII is also worth getting, but not until you've played some others I think. It's good, but the likes of IX and X are musts.
Buy any - if you like sidequests, buy XII for sure. It has a decent storyline, of course, you may not like it - you'll just have to wait and see. XII has no random battles also.

Buy TA as well if you like lots of missions, even though It can get repetitive =P
Any that you buy you should be gladly pleased with. I'd personally recommend going back and playing the oldest ones first, but FFIX and FFX are 2 of my favorites, so I'd recommend them probably.
Best overall...

FFIX brings the fantasy back into the series...
Get Final Fantasy IX, the gameplay is good and the game has a great story. its not too hard either so you should get throuhg it fine, to me i think it is a perfect starter game.
i believe you should get FFX, it was amazing but hey, its also my faveorite..or if you cant decide, GET THEM ALL!!!! lol
My vote goes to Final Fantasy 9. Very great and well made game. It never feels like the game is slowing down or taking a break. It always feels like your progressing towards the greater good of the game. Also the sidequests and minigames are great!