Which final fantasy games should I play ?


Jun 30, 2010
Hello everyone,
I want that we gaves me any suggestions for a future final fantasy games that I should buy in a shopping center.

My first final fantasy was the IX, after I played the X, X-2 and XII.

My favorite one was the final fantasy X and the sequel X-2.

My least favorite was the final fantasy XII, I have find that the gameplay was very different than the other games and I have dislike this game also because I have find the story more boring.

I wish to played maybe final fantasy VII or final fantasy VIII or Final Fantasy XIII.

Wish one should I choose ? and why ?

I'm very a fan of final fantasy X, so I hope that we will suggest me a game also good than him.
I liked VIII :monster:

I mean, it's totally and completely up you but, I think outta the ones you've listed VIII would be my choice.

Its a really great game I think. I like the characters, the storyline, the junction system (though, can be a pain drawing magic) but still, I really enjoyed the game.

Have fun :dave:
If you are looking for the older battle system style, XIII might not be to your taste either, though its better than XII - storywise as well, though, it's not an overly great game and there's no mini-games or sidequests. It's ridiculously linear

I'd be inclined to agree with The Doctor, but throw FFIV into that as well, that's an ace game, but if you are just choosing between VII and VIII... erm, personally I think they are both great games, so deciding between the 2 is hard, though VIII is very much centered around 2 characters and focuses quite alot on romance I guess... so it depends whether yo are into all that, and the damsel in distress thing. You might find the junction system tedious as well...

Actually, start on VII and get VIII at some other point if you still fancy it

/end ramble
What systems do you own? That might help in narrowing down the choice of FF games :hmmm:

Me personally, I loved FFVI-FFX all equally. Awesome stories and characters, great gameplay. Challenging but not punishingly difficult. I wasted so many enjoyable hours on each game ^^

FFX-2 had a great battle system but the story wasn't the greatest, and I will forever hate what Yuna became -__-

FFIV had an great story but I felt it's one of the harder FF games in the series - I actually haven't beaten it, but I played pretty far to judge it enough. FFV's system was pretty stellar in my opinion and the characters were alright.

I think you should stay away from FFXIII though. If you hated FFXII's battle system for being different from what you're used to, you'll probably hate this game then. You should be able to read enough hate mongering about why the game apparently sucks ass for being so different even though I, a person who enjoyed the older FF games, liked it -_-

And personal shout out to FF Tactics WotL. It's a standard SRPG with FF familiarity, but the story and characters are AMAZING.

i think u should try ff IX first.....
that is the true masterpiece for ps1....

best game ever...~:mrgreen:

i think u should try ff IX first.....
that is the true masterpiece for ps1....

best game ever...~:mrgreen:

I have already played it (ff IX :)) And I agree, it's one of the greatest game that I have ever play and it was my first final fantasy.

It's between final fantasy VII or final fantasy VIII or final fantasy XIII that we are talking.

And for the information of the member in the forum, I like better the old system battle (to final fantasy 1 until final fantasy X-2). I played ff XII and I didn't like the system battle.

So, which game should I get ? : final fantasy VII or final fantasy VIII or final fantasy XIII.
i think u should try ff IX first.....
that is the true masterpiece for ps1....

best game ever...~:mrgreen:

He's already played IX according to his post. :lew:

I personally enjoyed IV, V and Tactics as well as VII, VIII, IX and XII (to an extent). On the contrary, I didn't really care for X. :8F:

If you don't mind sprites, I'd say give IV a go, especially if you enjoyed IX. VII is pretty enjoyable as well if you can get past all the fanboy hype. xD

Edit: You ninja'd me. :lew: Between VII, VIII and XIII, I'd go with VII, especially if you'd rather have the older battle system. A lot of people are turned off by the junction system in VIII and the leveling up is a bit different. :hmmm:


i think u should njoy ff XIII first (the graphic is freakin wow)
then try ff VIII then VII...my opinion though^^

Id say go for VIII next. It has mixed reviews with fans. Its kinda like Marmite, you either love it or loathe it. Personally its my all time fav. Mad story with a twist thrown in there. Great music and brilliant characters. but be warned about the Draw command lol.
I think VII and VIII would both be fine choices. I liked XIII, but I'd put it further down the list in priority. Saying X is your favorite is somewhat unhelpful, because it's sort of an oddball in the series. It's my favorite too, though.

VII is of course a total classic. Awesome, convoluted plot. Unforgettable cast of characters. Elegant battle systems - simple but with a huge range of possibilities. My second favorite FF and the first one I ever played.

VIII gets a lot of hate, and it does have some legitimate flaws, but most of the HATE that lingers for it is due to the fact that it's not VII. Or VI. Or any of the games that came before it that people loved. The plot gets kind of stupid in the middle, and it's very easy to never take advantage of the junction system and just spam summons instead. Don't, though, it makes the game completely unfun. VIII's saving grace in my mind is that it's fun as a game and that it has a great cast. Squall remains my favorite Final Fantasy lead.

So, really the choice is yours.
I hesitate between the two yet (Final Fantasy VII and VIII) because people's opinions seem to be fairly divided. Considering that my favorite games are these:
1. Final Fantasy X
2.Final Fantasy IX
3. Legend of Dragoon
4. Chrono Cross
5. Final Fantasy X-2

What is the game that suits me the most between Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII and final fantasy XIII ?
Play Final Fantasy 7, it may be a classic on the PSX but the fantastic storyline will never let you down.
If you're looking for some old-school Final Fantasy, V is one of your best choices. It has a very deep job system which allows you to create varied parties with different abilities. Want a Ninja that's tossing around Summoning Magic? Want a White Mage that has the ability to throw items? then FF V's got you covered.

The storyline is not as deep as the later entries and the graphics are 16-bit, but if you love building custom parties Final Fantasy V is the best game when it comes to doing that.

Final Fantasy V is an underrated game, but it is worth checking out if you can find it on the GBA or PS1.

I've spent hours playing around with my party and I've enjoyed every moment of it. The quest is fun, it has some awesome boss fights, and it gave us Gilgamesh. The storyline may not stand up with the other games in the series, but in gameplay Final Fantasy V is very much the equal of any other title in the series.

I'll say this much, I enjoyed V more then I did VI or VII.
To know what FF was at it's peak, IV, VI, and IX.

If you're one of those people who are playing them just to get in with what's 'cool', but not necessarily good, FF VII. And I doubt that most people have even played it, or they wouldn't speak so highly of it, IMO.
I hesitate between the two yet (Final Fantasy VII and VIII) because people's opinions seem to be fairly divided. Considering that my favorite games are these:
1. Final Fantasy X
2.Final Fantasy IX
3. Legend of Dragoon
4. Chrono Cross
5. Final Fantasy X-2

What is the game that suits me the most between Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII and final fantasy XIII ?

In order of need to play!

1. Legend of Dragoon - A fantastic, rather unknown game. It's first for two reasons: A) It's good (duh!) and B) If you play another game and then Dragoon, the graphics will keep you from playing Dragoon longer than 30 minutes.

2. Chrono Cross - One of my personal favorite games of all time. This would be number 1 on this list, but look at Dragoons' 'B' reasoning. So many characters and parties to use in this game, you could play several times through and have a unique time each time. ;)

3 and 4. FFX and X-2- Play these back to back, and thank me later. X-2 on its' own is a .........ok game. But couple it with the POWERFUL FFX (mainly the emotion at the final stages/ending of the game) and you'll enjoy these games sooooo much more than if you played them seperately. This pairing is the last on the list because X-2 holds it back, but you should still play them.

Edit: WOW, I need to fully read and then comprehend what I read before I post. NEW LIST!

Between VII, VIII, and XIII!

1. VII - This story is epic. EPIC. It has been dragged through the mud a little due to it's popularity and following. But, if you've never played VII before, you really need to play it now! You won't be disappointed.

2. VIII - This is my least favorite of the series, and that is because it is brutally hard in some areas, and annoyingly easy in others. The level system is a unique twist, and so is the junction system, but it's built so that you don't have to level AT ALL and can beat the game at level 1 (level 10 more likely). This was the one game that I built my team to 100 (yes, level 100), and then faced the final boss...........so many Game Over screens.

3. XIII - This is number 3 only because I haven't played it yet. Sadly I don't own a ps3, but I have heard about people not enjoying it too much. I'd play this one lastly.
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I wish to played maybe final fantasy VII or final fantasy VIII or Final Fantasy XIII.

If you own a PS3, I would recommend getting VII from the Playstation Store. It would be pretty hard to find a reasonably priced copy of VII, if you can even find one (I got mine off of Amazon.com...well before the PS3 came out mind you).

VIII may be kinda hard to find too, but I think the price will be the normal price for a game of it's age. But again, if you have a PS3, it's probably easiest to just buy it there.

The Dоctor;763898 said:
The only good ones are VI - X, so take your pick from those.

No way, definitely IV - X

If you're one of those people who are playing them just to get in with what's 'cool', but not necessarily good, FF VII. And I doubt that most people have even played it, or they wouldn't speak so highly of it, IMO.

I've played VII and loved it, but I don't think I would say it's the BEST. It is one of the best, if not in the top 3.

Hell, I wouldn't even say VI is the best.

IMO, IV is the best by far (although, I don't know if that's because it's the first one I ever played, or just because it is that good). I practically have it memorized.
You should play all of them!!! Except Mystic Quest :) If you haven't played any, FF7 is the way to go, I guess. lIf you haven't played too many, you probably haven't played FF9. That one is a good starter simply because it's newer and still has classical elements of the old. Do not play 13 first. You will get the wrong idea of FF//