Which Guy Is The HOTTEST FF Character


Final Fantasy Fanatic
Jul 15, 2006
I think Squall is
He has light skin with dark hair and a longing to be loved by others but pushes them away because he has close himself up. He's a lone wolf and i just love that he is so hot and his swod just adds more points to him!!:D
Hotest... hmmm.... Could be Sephiroth? He as long white hair (I like white haired mans in anime xP). Kyaaaaa!
I'd have to go with Vincent Valentine on this one. I find mysterious men to be pretty hot. Plus, he has a gun. *nods* Yep, he's definately deemed hot by me.
*looks around*

Seifer's mine =O I love his personality and attitude the most <3
I'm going to have to go for Irvine from Final Fantasy VIII. He's handsom and I have allways had a thing for long hair =O

Vincent comes in very, very, very close second to him though.
Too many to choose from: Judge Ghis, Judge Zargabaath, Edgar, Setzer, Sephiroth, Loz, Vayne, Basch, Vossler, Al-Cid, Zell, Auron, Gippal, Nooj, Baralai - funny how i go for the older guys, as Gippal is the only character younger then me o.o
I found Tidus to be the hottest. He reminded me of a sufer, and I think surfers are gorgeous. He had amazing, deep blue eyes, god they could make you melt when you stare into them xD And he had cool blonde hair. And then there was his skin, smooth and tanned, yummeh <3 Oh and he had nice muscles too ;)
Cloudgurl69 said:
He had amazing, deep blue eyes, god they could make you melt when you stare into them
Did you pause the game and stare into his eyes like he was your own real live boyfriend?
Never took notice of the Final Fantasy guys... Now, if we were talking about RPGs in general I would have plenty of names to list ^_^'