Which outfits do you like more?

I thought Cloud's outfit was awesome. Tifa's was as well. Barrett's seemed alright, not much of a change though. His facial features mainly changed.
WOW 25,000 yen is cheap for a costume like that!

I think cloud's new outfit is cool but I loved that Tifa changed her outfit{her old one isn't that good} Black is so cool.
hmm i really enjoyed all the new outfits presented. vincents cape got a new attitude (although it couldnt really have much of one before) my fav of the new ones has got to be Yuffie though, her outfit is great :) in general a lot of the outfits are more realistic, (except vincents but who cares, its still nice)
Yeah,i think that Vincent has still the same outfit and it's one of the best that were ever made.
Cloud's outfit is definantly awesome. He just looks so sexy in it *droool* Much better than that soldier attire he wore. Tifa's new outfit was really awesome but those long shorts just don't do it for me. I did like her shirt though and I've always loved Aerith's outfit even though it hasn't changed ^_^
yeah,i think you should.
in a mission Yuna must wear a moogle outfit,because she doesn't want anyone to recognise her.