which weapon would you rather use?

Which would you use

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Man I'd want that Buster Sword, the gun arm doesn't even make sense, I mean, where are all of those bullets stored before he shoots them?
I would prefer the Buster Sword since I have the tendency to use huge blades in most games in which you have to select your own weapons. For example, in Soul Calibur III, the character I created has the "Soul of Nightmare" allowing me to use Nightmare's arsenal of Huge Swords :cool:
Magic. I love using black magic in all the FF games. Whenever I get comet and meteor in any of the games I tend to over use them.
I've always been fond of swords.
So I chose Buster Sword. Even though it was huge, it was cool in every way.^_^
I would have to choose magic, since I probably couldn't lift cloud's sword, and...I wouldn't want a massive gaudy gun. XD
buster sword know y cuz

  1. it bulletproof ( if you have seen before crisis jack use the buster sword to shield himself )
  2. it is powerful
  3. it looks awesome:nerd: :smartass: ^_^
I'd definantley use the Buster Sword...

It's intimidating looking, very stable and powerful.

But even more so...who wouldn't like to slam a huge piece of steel through the mid section of some punk you don't like?! :P

If i see someone pull out a huge freaking sword and can use it really fast as if it were a katana or a really light sword....id be dead scared.

Magic...hmmm not so much

Gunarm. Hmmm i'd be more wierded out if anything.
magic has better range. and does more damage than berrets andd ppl just say clouds cuz he owns in that game cmon
Man I'd want that Buster Sword, the gun arm doesn't even make sense, I mean, where are all of those bullets stored before he shoots them?

in his anis *makes dramatic noise* dun dun dun *as each gets lower in pitch*