While IX was a Great game it had one really annoying fault with it...


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
Which is the simple fact that Zidane Vivi Garnet/Dagger And Steiner are the only ones to get any character development at all. I Mean Beatrix (who is mainly a NPC) Gets developed more than Lets say Quina Or amarant.

Freya - her story ark is breif - after disk 1 there is no further character development at all for her.

Quina - All we know is s/he came with the party to eat the foods of the world - One of the most interesting backstories in a FF game EVER - Not.

Eiko - Shes on the boderline between developed and not - she is more developed than Freya/quina/amarant but way less developed than Zidane/Vivi/Garnet/Steiner/Beatrix

Amarant - WTF?!? he joins zidane so he can figure out why he is so strong, oh and he was a security guard who has like no memory before being one - one word *yawn*

So IMO Square wasted a lot of interesting characters and possibilitys by only breifly developing them, personally because Zidane/Vivi/Garnet/Steiner had more backstory and personality i cared about them more and used them more. I think that if the other characters had been more developed as well FFIX couldve been a more memorable game - Because lets face it whos more memorable Cait Sith Or Freya??
Well, it's been time when I played FF9 last but as far as I remember I didn't fell this things like foult. They just added some side characters to add to the story, so it can take the all 4 CDs. :D
Quina - All we know is s/he came with the party to eat the foods of the world - One of the most interesting backstories in a FF game EVER - Not.

Now, I seem to recall a game diary, and near the end, this is what the guy who was writing it had to say:

Quina - Seriously, FUCK OFF! It's like that friend you have who cracks the same joke every time you see him. "Hey man, just broke up with your wife? I EAT FOOD LOLZ!"

Quina was a less-than-stellar character.-_-
There were secret scenes with character development for Quina and Amarant just plain sucked in every possible way.
what about Freya?? persoanlly i thought that after disk one character development for freya was minimal - to the point of no existance... anyone else agree?
The first few hours of Disc Two Freya developed... I forgot what that tree surronded in desert was lol

But I know more of her history was shown there.
I think that was a concious decision by Square. Inevitably, you're best party is Zidane, vivi, dagger and steiner, maybe Eiko, so that is why they get the best developed backstories(even though Steiner only really has a sidestory with Beatrix, rather than a mysteriou past that lead him into the Knights of Pluto or something.)

BTW, they never REALLY explain why Zidane saw Dagger leaving Madain Sari in Memoria. Obviously, he was probably on the invinceble, but they never come out and say that.
I always though it was implied that zidane was on the invincible with garland and Kuja maybe after that whole thing was when kuja dumped zidane in gaia
I could understand Freya's and Eiko's being part of the party but Amarant and Quina?

Not really necessary. Man, they could've substituted a freaking moggle for Quina and a chocobo for Amarant.

I personally perfer Eiko over Garnet because Eiko had a summon that reminded me of FFVIII Griever. Eiko could've played a much more important role in unraveling Garnet's past. But you know, Beatrix could've replaced Eiko. SE could've have Beatrix become the general who tried to right her wrongs under Queen Brahm.

Amarant was definately not needed.
Well, I kind of agree with some of this, but I found Freya and Amarant to be sufficently developed. Quina was somewhat...well....lets just say BAD. But, I never really even understood why Eiko was in the game, I mean about the ONLY part she plays, storywise, is the whole thing in Alexandria in...disc....2(?). well, she DOES play a minimal part in Madain Sari, but that is negligible.

Also, even though I hardly ever used Freya, I understood her Character development was fairly well developped. And, yes, I may have had the four main characters as my main party, but I also used Amarant a lot as well, most times, I just replaced Steiner with him because he was just awesome.
I don't know what you guys are going at, but I definatly liked Freya. (Partly because of the 'Jump' but whatever.) I, personally, liked Freya more than Steiner so at the end of the game my Steiner was worse than anything. Quina, Amarant, and Eiko weren't needed though.
I actually thought Freya was pretty well developed. Most of her story took place on the first two discs and then we don't get to use her for awhile. I think through most of the last two discs she was still hurting over the fact that two of her towns along with many of her people had just been destoryed. We do see her happy at the end even though her lover never recovered his memories of her.
Quina and Amarant really aren't very well developed. I'll admit that much...and I normally have nothing but great things to say about this game.

The rest of the characters on the other hand are very in depth and detailed.
Hmm. Its porbably because Final Fantasy 9 was more of a 'main character' driven story. The lesser characters were only there to help in battle and for backing story.
Am I the only person who liked Freya, Amarant and Eiko?


* Freya's character was generally more likeable than Steiners, and she had decent abilities (Like Lancer).
* Amarant's character is just a videogame standard - moody assassin who slowly learns to treat life with respect. The character development is there, if you look hard enough.
* Eiko... actually, Eiko annoyed me. But she got Holy. =D
Am I the only person who liked Freya, Amarant and Eiko?

I loved them. They make a great battle team if you know how to use them! ^_^

But like it was mentioned before, FFIX was focused around Zidane almost 100%, since he was the object of the story. Garland's creation. Kuja's brother. YAdayada.
I don't know what the deal is with Quina...
I really don't like him/her/it. =x

I even try to avoid getting it in my party sometimes. o_O
Am I the only one who thinks the game wasn't mainly focused around Zidane? Sure, he's the main protaganist, but the game mainly focuses on Garnet. Zidane's story was only picked up in Terra, and thats the last part (minus Memoria) of the game.

Garnet was focused on hugely throughout the game. She was the one Zidane was meant to kidnap, it was her journey to Lindblum that mattered. She wanted to bring peace to Alexandria and her mother. Garnet had to cope with the loss of her mothers, of Maiden Sari and Alexandria, and her own betrayal at the hands of those she thought cared for her. And she had an inferiority complex. She thought she could only be of help if she could use summon magic.

So yeah, it's Garnet's game really.