Who are you most like?


Sep 4, 2008
I think Final Fantasy always has such great different characters with their own personality..

Who are you most like? :P

I think i'm most like Squall(FFVIII) and Wakka(FFX)
Something in between that ;)

any cloud's, zidane's or rikku's in here?
I'm probably most like Zidane, either that or Irvine or Edgar.

Mainly cuz I'm often trying to joke around, be a bit pervy or alternatively trying to be nice and understanding. :monster:
I'd say I'm most like Zidane. I have my flirty side and I tend to hit on anything that moves, but I also have his desire to help people without regard to my own feelings/safety.
I am most like Squall definitely, but there are alot of resemblences to Cloud too. I am almost identical to Squall personality wise, but I don't in any way dress like him. Nor do I like that fur coat and belt strap attire he's working in the game.

Edgar or Selphie/Yuffie I'd say, Edgar because he's just a sex mad pervert


Selphie/Yuffie because they are bother hyper active, Selphie screams woohoo alot (which I DO do ...haha) and also she's like well clumsy. And she's a midget like me too. Oh and I used to get travel sick like Yuffie. So liek, I guess Im more a combination of those 2 than Edgar, Im not really THAT sex mad....
Kuja. I can identify with his character. Manipulative, sociopathic, ruthless, and so on, but with a sensitive side too. :wacky:

If not Kuja, Kefka.
I would have to say Sephiroth/Kuja.

Why both? Well they are both ruthless but Kuja knows when to stop (when he is on the verge of death) But Sephiroth never stops when he wants something.

So I am like these two all the way there is no turning back from it. xD xP
Well. I'm most like Yuna: softspoken and caring. I'm a really kind person and I'm nice to everybody just like her. But I guess I also have some of the determination and stubborness of Ashe.
I use to be like Rinoa, driven to fall in love with a guy who was pretty much like Squall but I am not like that anymore. Now I would say that I am more like Paine, the quiet one with a tough exterior and is a bit of a loner type gal like me.
This is a good question. I've never thought of that.
I like to joke around and stuff but I get very serious when I have to. Defenetly not the shy type. I like to share everything except pop-corn. Like color white... I dance and sing a lot...
I don't know, I guess it sounds like Yuna :P
When I did an FF test to see what character I was, I got Ashe but I'm nothing like her -__-

Yuna it is then :)
Oh gosh XD This is such a tough question. And it sucks, almost none of my friends have played a FF game, so I can't really ask their opinions D:

But, just going off how I view myself, I'd say I'm most like Wakka (FFX) or Rikku (FFX). Probably somewhere in between them, actually. Rikku, because I'm kinda flirty (At least around friends) like she is, and I like to joke around and have fun. But, I don't think (or at least hope) I'm not as immature as her XD; Wakka for a lot of the same reasons, joking around etc... but also being able to focus up and be serious when the need arises, or when I'm talking with somebody important.
I have such a multifaceted personality, it's hard for me to say.

I'm somewhat like Celes in that I keep myself guarded, yet I have very strong emotions.

I'm like Yuffie because I love money! Yuffie loves materia the same way as I love money. However, I do not steal. I hate stealing and lying.

I'm also somewhat like Lulu in demeanor.

I would LIKE to be like a few of the villains in the series. I also like the Cid of Final Fantasy VII.
It might be a little too obvious but I'm most like Tifa. Maybe that's why I like her so much.
Kind, caring and willing to fight for what she believes in; shy at times and ready to be a shoulder to lean on for anyways, yeah; that's pretty much me...I'm embarrassed now. x.x;;

Don't be embarrassed ;)

I've gave it some thought.. And i'm not like Squall nor Wakka at all ><
I guess i'm most like Zidane, playful, flirty, witty sounds more like me with a bit of sarcastic Auron-like humour.
I just look al lil like Wakka, except for the red hair that is =)
I gotta say a mix of Wakka and Zidane. I love the risks that Zidane takes when he's off and getting himself into trouble, but when it comes to jsut chillin' and playing sports and all, Wakka's who I am.
Hair wise: Its been Yuna, Selphie and I wanted to go Paine at one point lol.
Personality: I guess im a mixture really. I have Cid's (7) short temper lol, Selphie's spunkyness and Yuna's sort of relaxed charm. I cant really explain it lol. Im mad!!

I really don't know xD. I could name a character that I wish I was like but then I couldn't think of a reason why.

Maybe...Cloud? o_O
I'd say I'm a mix between Zidane's laid back attitude and willingness to help anyone in need, and Paine's quiet, sheltered personality because she doesn't talk very much and puts up a wall to distance herself from everyone.