Who can name all the cards in da game?


White Mage
Jul 14, 2006
Winnipeg, Canada
Who can name every card there is in the mini game of VIII? And which one was the hardest for you to collect? Mine was always the Pu Pu run card, cuz i did what the book said word for word, and still i never got to fight that mothership that gives u the card.
not sure why anyone would want to name all the cards in the game, as i cant see how that would help you in anyway. but the hardest card to get was probably gilgamesh for me becuase i took on quistis so many times and she only used it after about 20 or so tries.
ehh hardest card for me would have to probably be Squall's. Ellone would hardly use it and since like all rules are on in the space station I couldnt get rid of certin ones at times like random. So all my good cards were taken like Laguna... wait I am talking about the Laguna card sorry. anyways still all best character cards were taken then i got him and lost him getting back all my other cards. Gilgamesh was easy quitis always played him and if not when i challenged her like the 2nd or 3rd time she played him. Hardest card to get from the CC club would of have to been Carbuncle then Levithan.
Lol… Not off the top of my head, but there are 110 in total, 55 Monster cards, 22 Boss cards, 22 GF cards and 11 Character cards.

Which one was the hardest to get? Two, actually…

Getting Doomtrain’s card took about 45 minutes to win, mostly waiting for the Pub owner to place it in his hand. Laguna’s card took about 30 minutes for Ellone to place it in her hand, but I lost the first round due to that pesky random rule.
Haha no, I don't think I would be able to name all of the cards.. nor do I really want to. There are way too many to remember. I could only name the character cards lol.

The most difficult card to obtain for me is probably Edea's! I still haven't got it because I can't seem to win a single card game against her. The rules in that region are stupid and so it makes it difficult for me! Maybe I'm just a really bad card player.. :P Cid isn't easy to challenge either. Normal rules are easier!
i have NEVER been able to get irvines or Kiros's that angers me greatly. WHO the chuff has them?!?

Never really struggled with the others, i just refined all my unused cards so the random rule didnt bug me too much. That plus rule did my head in. So id have to say getting lagunas card sucked abit
not sure why anyone would want to name all the cards in the game...

I didn't get many of the rare cards because if I did, all I would do was transform them into some kind of item or ability. I hardly ever played the Card Game in FF8. I tried to get all my Guardian Forces souped up, but other than that, I just wanted to complete the storyline part of the game.