Who did you end up with when facing Kefka?


What an irony, I can't die!
Feb 23, 2007
Croatia, Sesvete
What title says, With who did you end up with when facing Kefka? Who was your starting party and who died when facing the first three monsters and then Kefka?

I first started with Strago, Relm, Mog and Edgar. The monster before Kefka killed Strago and Edgar and I killed that monster with Relm using Meteor, and then they were replaced by Gogo and Umaro.
Celes, Locke, Terra and Mog. They managed to survive all the bosses before Kefka, and kill him without dying themselves ^_^
Last time I beat VI I was very underleveled.

My characters started out with Terra, Sabin, Edgar, and Celes.

And ended with Terra, Mog, Gau, and Stratego.

I think I went through Edgar, Sabin, Celes, Locke, Cyan, Setzer, and Relm.
ummm if I remember correctly I had Terra, Edgar, Sabin and Locke that was a while ago, first FF I finished
I only beat the game once a long time ago, so I can't remember everyone. But I remember I managed to beat Kefka with the first four people (people brag about going to him under leveled, and all my character were atleast lvl 75) I started with, and they were: Terra, Edgar, Shadow, and I think Locke.
I think I had Setzer, Lock, Tina and Mash. And, they survived the balltes, except for Tina, who was replaced with Uumaro.
Last time I beat it I had the same part as the first time!

Setzer, Edgar, Celes, and Terra.

Any party with Celes and Terra in it is practically cheating. Terra spammed double ultima while Celes dished out the pain with 8 attacks per turn. Setzer and Edgar were both all-around so they handed out cure spells when needed, and used attack spells to support the main attackers. Setzer's slots also helped deal good damage to the multiple enemy groups before Kefka.
I think my latest one (GBA) was; Terra (for Ultima and Curaga), Strago (for double casting Ultima since by that time he had the highest magic stat), Edgar (Drill), and Locke (healing and to steal the Ragnarok).

I started out with these four characters and ended with them. Even on older play throughs with the PS version I rarely lost a character.
My ending party was Umaro, Mog, Edgar, Locke.

i think i went through like a million freaking characters to finally beat Kefka because i was a retard and kind of rushed through the friggin game.

Although i did kill the warring triad and 6 of the dragons without getting screwed over^^
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I ended up with Gogo, Celes, Sabin, and Terra.

I had all of them learn Ultima and Quick for that infamous "Spam" combo.

I also had Terra equipped with the Accessories "Soul of Thamasa" and that one which reduced the MP cost by half.

Gogo would easily copy any skill if you set his second (or third) ability from item to the desired category.
I put my top 4 as Sabin, Locke, Cyan, and Edgar since they were my strongest characters and had learned the most magic spells thus far in the game.

During the final battle only Cyan died, but I had Celes ready right behind to come in and deliver the final blow to Kefka. Great end battle with some awesome characters.
mine would be Sabin, Edger, Terra and Celes
Sabin was the strongest one I liked the combat option (I forgot what was the name of that option) :monster:
I had...

Locke With Genji glove, master scroll and a couple of weapons.

Edgar spamming chainsaw and Ultima.

Terra with trance and ultima.

Celes with thamasa soul and (That thing that makes all spells cost 1 mp.)
celes, sabin, locke, gogo

it's true tho, even if ure underleveled, as long as u had ultima, and had celes/terra as your first choice, it's almost guaranteed you won't use more than 6 characters, except if u screwed up badly when kefka casts 'fallen one' on you.
I used Terra, Celes, Sabin & Edward. I did fine until I got to Kefka and Edward died the fool. He got replaced by Locke and I slapped him 'til he died :monster:
I always use my main party, which consists of Celes, Terra, Locke and Shadow. The four of them usually make it through to the end, though occasionally one will die and disappear before I can revive them (usually Locke, the douche), and be replaced with Gogo.