Who did you level?


May 27, 2008
I was wondering if I was the only person who did the following... I doubt it. Did you pick certain characters to level during the game or did you try to even your characters out? I personally have never used the advanced sphere grid. I've only used the basic one where it takes you down a path.

While playing this I figured out that as long as a character does SOMETHING during the battle, they will get sphere's just like everyone else. So during the entire length of the game in every battle I would switch every single character in and out and make them each do something so that everyone would get sphere's. It takes a little longer but everyone is on the exact same level throughout the entire game, nobody is left behind.

Am I the only one who does this?
Hahaha I did that aswel, switching in and out to get everyone spheres but once I started my next run around the grid and started deleting spheres, the 3 charactes I didn't use so much got left behind a little beause I just stopped concentrating on them, so now I have 3 uber characters and 3 that have become quite shite :gasp:

I much prefer the expert grid though, it's easier to navigate imo, there always seemed to be too many locks and not enough keys on that sodding standard one
My first game...I was only training Tidus, Yuna and Auron. Sometimes Lulu, Wakka and Rikku.

But never Kimahri, there was just something bout him that i couldn't be botherd training him. Hahaha.

But then on my second save, i tryed switching in all of them for everyone to get exp but it just got annoying after awhile.
I made sure that each person did SOMETHING in battle just to get sphere levels, even if it was defend or whatever.

I don't have a favourite trio to use in FFX; I just use those who can beat the particular enemies; kind like at the beginning where only Wakka hit the flyers and Auron hit the hard shells and Lulu thrashed the elementals, etc...
Like everyone else, I made it so that everyone got exp in battle. Although I would tend to fight with one specific trio, even though I trained them all.

Eventually however, I picked three characters, and trained only them for most part. Easier when you are doing sidequests etc.
I never evened out how my characters were leveling and when it came to the end of the game if i wanted my 'backup' characters at about the same ability level as my main party i would simply swap one or two of my main party members out (normally Tidus and Wakka) leaving my last main character (Yuna) to fight alongside the two weaklings down in the Omega Dungeon
When I first started playing the game, I tried to keep all of my characters on the same level. As I progressed in the game however, I realized that Tidus, Yuna, and Auron were my strongest characters, and I stopped leveling up the others. So now those 3 have over 7000 HP while all of my others are right at 3000 HP..

This did bite me in the but when Yuna left the party, and I had to fight that Everet dragon thing.. I was forced to use Lulu and Wakka more than I ever had, and they didn't last very long >_<
I generally stick to only about 4 characters, maybe 5 if I'm feeling generous... and not lazy. At the start it's easy enough to train people up evenly, but becomes somewhat of a bother when the fiends get notably tougher - hitting much harder and faster.
I generally try to use eveyone in battle when I'm training near a Save Sphere. If I'm trying to get somewhere during the story or fighting a boss, however, then it's every man, woman and Ronso for themselves.
I make sure at least each character gets "1" before advancing on the sphere grid, and switching to another character. I do keep characters in longer that have more blank nodes to move along until a next spell, ability etc can be learnt.
I leveled Tidus, Yuna and Lulu until the end of the game after that, I started going to areas with strong monsters and then place Auron instead of Lulu and kill them and then plenty of sphere levels for Auron =D
Well the first two times I played the game I only leveled up Tidus,Wakka,and Lulu.But the third time I decided to level them all up and make sure they are all in the same level.Just incase if someone dies you can just call in one of the other members and it wouldnt make a difference.
In my first game i trained wakka auron and lulu, but then when i started again Sum41 ^_^ my friend helped me and told me to switch during the game
auron,tidus and lulu were the most useful in my opinion and so those were also the ones i level/used the most out of the 6. wakka and rikku were close behind though but i used them mostly for there overdrives during boss battles, rikkus is really helpful combining the right stuff. As for kimari, his grid was completely empty up until the very end. Hes not much help. Also i have never been able to tell what levels my characters were and i think thats because of the version of the game that i have cause in the youtube vids that i would watch some you could see there levels and others you couldnt looking at the character menu. Why would they do that?
I didn't bother training everyone equally. Tidus, Wakka, Yuna, Auron and Lulu all saw decent playing time--but Kimahri and Rikku never really got a chance to stretch their legs. They were useless throughout the entire game.

Normally, I like keeping all my available party members on the same level, but for some reason, I didn't care much during my playthrough of Final Fantasy X.
In my first game I leveled mostly Tidus, Auron, and Kimahri then I started to switch more so my characters could get more spheres.
I only trained 3 Characters.Tidus,Auron,Yuna.And that was a mistake!I hate Kimarhi,Wakka,and Rikku!