Who dislikes the ATB system?

What do you think about the ATB system?

  • I prefer it/ Its my favorite.

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • It's fun on its own.

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • It's BAD.

    Votes: 2 20.0%

  • Total voters

Tetra Master

Mandirigma ng Liwanag
Feb 18, 2007
hi. what do you people think about it?

as for me after I see the original systems in FF1-3, it made me think that square made a bad move for innovating ATB in the series for so long. it makes you worry about pushing buttons faster to avoid the enemies do more turns. And I find the active mode dumb. I actually dunno much about the X-2 one but I'm gonna say the best battle system goes to FFX. what's yours?
I love the ATB mode. Makes me think quickly. ATB just adds to the strategy for me in boss fights and I usually know what my next move is going to be so I am usually ready to select it. Probably the most fun battle system out of the series to me.
Yup its great, makes each battle much harder, keeps you on your toes.:|
I always get confused with this..can someone fully explain it all to me? ATB I mean.
I think that if you don't like the ATB system, then you're playing the wrong series. Everyone knows that FF is renound for having the ATB battle system. I personally see it as more strategic and challenging than regular...hit and run hit and run back and forth attacking battles. =\

ATB means active time battle or active time bar or something.
It means the battle is run on a time bar based on your character's stats.
It's ok in it's certain specific FF games, but it wouldn't fit in with FFX and I'm glad they went to turn-based for it. ATB goes well with FFIX and all previous games, but the series is adapting. It's a great system, but doesn't fit every game.
I agree that FFX was perfect with the turn based system. X actually had one of my favorite ability and leveling systems in the series. It was relatively easy...not much strategy involoved, but it was still fun. =]
Hard call.

When I really think about it, I preferred the ATB battle system over the other. However, I did enjoy the turn-based battle system as well.
It really depends on the game. The CTB system used in FFX worked beautifully and some games are better off having a turn-based system where one can be more chess-like in their tactics ...

In other games, ATB works better. FFXII uses ATB brilliantly, it works, and it flows perfectly.
The ATB system is almost like a trademark of FF, so I don't see how one can hate it and be a true fan of FF at the same time. D':

But anyways, if you don't, then I guess that's fine. :P
I don't see who would vote against the ATB system. The ATB is like a trademark for the FF series...if you don't like the battle system, then what are you doing playing FF?
I can understand playing for the story...but...there are plenty of games that I liked, such as Legend of Dragoon and Valkyrie profile, that I would have loved to have played the whole way though, but...the battle system just ruined the fun for me.
If you don't like the system, it's hard to appreciate the game. XD
I see the FFX system's only small difference is their turns are already calculated and is more refined rather than determining it through time waiting in ATBs. It's been experimental anyway and I could care less if it's a trademark of the series. I'm not saying it's utterly bad though. I did enjoy it but it's just not my favorite.^_^
I see your point in X though, the system on that game I thought was just flawless, not saying I absolutely love it, just that it fulfilled its purpose through the whole game.
But having it calculated based on turns, I dunno, that's far from realistic as possible, but then again, not much is realistic in the world of Final Fantasy. :P

The ATB system was just a bit more challenging, I guess that's why I like it.
ATB was a good system.
Nothing brought me more into the game than having to think on my feet during a battle. In FFX I could just sit back, relax during a battle and go back to it later.