Who do you think is better Cid or Barrett ?

Cloud Strife VII

Feb 21, 2008
Who is your favourite out of Cid and Barrett and why?
Its a hard choice for me, but I would have to say Cid because he lightened the mood sometimes in the game..
The better character or the more useful party member?

Either way, I'd give it to Cid...though I like both characters. I never really give Barret much training.
Cid wins cuz he oozes coolness. He's got an airship, he's got an airship, and let's not forget that he has an AIRSHIP!!!

What does Barret have? Marlene? pff!
Having a gun for an arm is pretty badass in my book. That's a bit more noteworthy than ol' Marlene at least. haha
Hrmm...That IS a hard choice.

I didn't play with both of them. They both were very powerful though. If I HAD to choose I guess I'd go with Cid since he's such a bad ass character.
I'd definitely have to say Barrett, because come on, not only does he have a gun arm,BUT HE ADOPTS LITTLE WHITE GIRLS AND KILLS THEIR DADDIES!!!!
Definetely Cid, he was even more hilarious than Barret, but he had better stats and the better Limit break. Plus him actually telling Shinra they can stuff it up the A was badass as well.
I prefered Cid in recent years as he reminded me of myself (always had a fag on) but now that i don't see myself in him (quit smoking i have) i don't like ether of them.

but if i had to choose i would go with barret cos his gunarm is ssooooooo cool
What criteria are we judging? Usefulness on the battlefield or personality? Either way I pick Barret for both.

His limit breaks are some of the best in the game (hell, he even had that handy one that drained MP), he was the stereotypical angry black man but he still was a good father to Marlene, and he didn't verbally abuse his assistant.

That just always disgusted me about Cid, he treated the woman who devoted her life to him like crap. Plus he's a hick, and I hate those types too.
I hated both of them.

But if I had to choose, I would probably choose Barret. His backstory was far more interesting, and I enjoyed his relationship with Cloud and Tifa and Marlene.

Same thing what VR said about Cid. He just reminded me of my uncle, and for that, I'm never allowed to like him. Or any other Cid in the FF series, for that matter. xD
Good points, VR and Reality.Fantasy. I never really viewed Cid's personality that way, I guess, but your words ring true in a way.

However, Barret never really appealed to me either. I'm not sure why...I just thought he was this big loud-mouth who annoyed me most of the time. Cid was in the same category, but I did find his bad-ass attitude quite amusing.

So between the two, my favorite would still be Cid afterall.
Barrett gets my vote 100%
Cid's a cool guy, but Barrett is so bad-ass and he has a gun.. on his arm..
i really dont think muc else needs to be said
Cid by far! Barret was just a Mr.T clone with a gun on his arm. Cool but not a singe on Cid!

Cid was always swearing, always being bad ass, has an airship and plane, Dragoon-type character, convenirantly carrys Dynamite in his pocket, and ALWAYS having a fag. yep even at the end of the world with his impending death before him he kicks back and lights up a cancer stick! (I'm a none smoker and don't think its good too but admittedly he gives it style:cool:)
Hahah, Barret definitely. They either modeled him after the stereotypical black guy, or after Mr. T xD
I really liked both characters, both of them cracked me up.

Barret's dialogue on the stair case up the ShinRa tower = classic.

Cid's incomplete speech about protecting the baby planet = gold.

That said, I'm going with Barret, he was fighting the good fight right from the early days.

He's an eco-warrior and a badass one at that, no holding earth child occupations in tree huts in the rainforest for him, he'd just go and blow up the logging company.

That's gets old Barret my vote.
Thats a hard question because i liked them both im going to go with cid just because not only was he a great fighter but he made the game funny to
i would have to say cid because of his weapon and the way he sometimes makes me laugh!!^_^
Never used Barret much. I dunno, I like Cid alot, he's so cool. And he has a great temper ;)
I say Cid aswel, I do like Barrett but alot of what he says makes me cringe '&$%#@^& pizza' is probably the worst >_<

I love how Cid is just rude all the time :wacky: And he always manages to keep that fag in his gob. Epic