Who has a PS3 already?


[x Sexy Seducer x]
Nov 12, 2006
US of A
Does anybody here already have a PS3 or played on it a lot?

I can't find anybody to talk about the new games for it with! ^_^
Hey I'll talk about the games with you, message me If you wanna know more. But I have Resistance(fun game) Call of Duty 3, Madden 07, and I'm getting Rainbow Six Vegas and Oblivion when they come out.
Hey I'll talk about the games with you, message me If you wanna know more. But I have Resistance(fun game) Call of Duty 3, Madden 07, and I'm getting Rainbow Six Vegas and Oblivion when they come out.

Great, thanks Link!

I have Resistance:Fall of Man and Madden too, and just went out and bought Dark Kingdom, the only RPG out so far!
I played it at my friend's house a few days ago, it really sux here, it's like $1800 and theres only 5 games.... and no RPG's, ill only buy it when theres RPG's. I only played Ridge Racer 7 though, it's not very fun, the graphics were pretty good!
nope but had 360 4 over a year now will wait until versus comez out 4 it i think b4 splashin out on 13 not bein sexist but who wants 2 play the main character as a girl anyway?
I don't really want one. I am hoping/betting on Square Enix going back to Nintendo. The PS3 isn't as impressive as everyone thought it was going to be. The Wii kicks butt!
Definitely want one, but only when FF or MGS games are made for it. That's what I waited for on the PS2, same for the PS3. I'd like a Wii as well, but sort of in between living quarters at the moment, and don't want more consoles to move around o_O; The 360 will hold me out til both of them come along. ^^
I wish I had one. I saw some of the games for PS3 though and so far, nothing really caught my attention yet. Only FFXIII but that won't be out for awhile. =( I really wish there'd be a lot of RPG video games release for this system.
i have one

i work at best buy and we put them out randomly

and one time i wasnt working and went to buy a game...and they brought them out and it was like 1 in the afternoon...me and my girlfriend bought one
Well, since I live in lil' ol' England, that inevitably means that we'll be one of the last to receive the console. =(

I'd probably buy it regardless of the games available, as of yet. It's media capabilities are fantastic, and an online connection will be an added bonus. ^_^
It's media capabilities are awesome... I still haven't gotten around to even messing with all it can do. And I love watching Blu-Rays on it with my HD-TV. The picture is just amazing!

And wolfman_120 how is the Genjii game? I was thinking about buying that next.