who is the best looking final fantasy character?


Mar 27, 2010
new zealand
in final fantasy there are alot of good looking guys... i was just wondering what other people think... my personal favourites are Squall (ffviii) and Baralai (ffx-2)... i know there are lots of girls who love cloud (ffvii) but hes not really for me...:funnyface:
Pleeeeeeeeease we all know who the real hottie of all FF games is X3 Jecht of course XD come on, he's pure smex. I personally think so anyways, even from the first moment I caught glimpse of him in the beginning of FFX XD he's so manly XDDD!
Lol are you kidding? He's a total babe! Like I said, he is super Smex! He really doesn't get enough credit, guess it's cause he wasn't really much in the game same for the spheres and some flashbacks here and there, but in Dissidia he rocked the villain role and just proved himself to be awesome and smexi even more
Irvine :3

I'm not really into the whole cowboy image, but Irvine just rocked it. It was love at first sight with me.:inlove: I really liked his personality too, although he was an absolute ladykiller he was rather down to earth. I prefer him over Squall or Cloud... *runs from fangirls*
Squall, been a fangirl for a long time, thanks to KH I bought the game and became more of a fan and hated Rinoa because she chased after him XD
Vincent and Snow look damn good as well.
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This is a tough one. :hmmm:

I'm going to go with Vossler though. I really liked his character design (minus the stupid shorts). I prefer facial hair to clean-shaven so that was hot and I really liked his personality. He was just smex, imo.
Hmm... I only really begun to view them as attractive about a year ago, I guess.
My favourite is Tseng (I am... slightly embarrassed to admit that), and I have soft spots for Squall, Baralai (X-2) and Balthier. Usually I find it hard to find any animated characters attractive but, yeah, I quite like those 4.
Jecht... huh... never heard of any Jecht fangirls before :confused:

Edit: oh man, I forgot Genesis. I have a valid reason there though, I absolutely love Gackt so naturally I love the video game version of him :lew:
Hmm... I only really begun to view them as attractive about a year ago, I guess.
My favourite is Tseng (I am... slightly embarrassed to admit that), and I have soft spots for Squall, Baralai (X-2) and Balthier.
Jecht... huh... never heard of any Jecht fangirls before :confused:

Ditto on the Jecht fangirlism. :8F:

Tseng was actually pretty hot in Advent Children. :hmmm:

And actually Rude and Reno were as well. I never even imagined Rude as being anywhere near attractive until I saw Advent Children, tbh. And Balthier is <3
Ditto on the Jecht fangirlism. :8F:

Tseng was actually pretty hot in Advent Children. :hmmm:

And actually Rude and Reno were as well. I never even imagined Rude as being anywhere near attractive until I saw Advent Children, tbh. And Balthier is <3

Well yeah Reno is quite cute too, I guess. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks Tseng is hot though, don't meet many Tseng fangirls either :neomon:
Oh and in IX I had a thing for Blank... seems like I have one out of every game I've played :wacky:
Rufus was pretty good looking, and pretty clean looking too XD But any reason for thinking he is cute is pretty shallow because he was kind of a jerk XD

I always liked the way Irvine looked too. I dont' know if it was his hair or his outfit. I always had him in my party.

I like the way Locke looks because he doesn't look feminine if you look at the Amano artwork. And Zidane, if you un chibize him XD I remember I saw some guy that looked like a real life version of Zidane and he looked pretty hot.

And Sabin. His muscles make his extremely hot. And then add his fighting style...
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... seems like I have one out of every game I've played :wacky:

Same here. :wacky:

And Ali, I think it was both for Irvine. I loved his outfit, especially the hat, and his hair. He looked pretty cute in the FMV where you meet him at Galbadia Garden. He was actually one of my favorite characters in the game as well. xD
Hmmm.. Rufus is a good one, actually, I forgot about him. I liked him in AC because I generally like guys with blonde hair. Hmm, there are actually quite a few FF guys I think are nice...
Rufus suprised me, I didn't know he would be that good looking, for some reason I thought he would be old. (didn't know anything about VII back then)
when he revealed himself in the movie I was like: woah, he's pretty good looking xD

Cloud Strife. Well, him or Al Cid from XIII.

Cloud is just sexy because he's so bad-boy. And he rides a Motorcycle, that's sexy okay.

Al Cid
because he's got that accent and that usually means he's a good frencher, lol
Also, his clothes are just so sexy. And that hair, sure it's got body but DA-UM is it sexy.
I'm probably the only one that thinks he's hot, but oh well. To me, it's Cecil Harvey. I just adore the way he looks as a Paladin and his purple lipstick isn't so bad, once you get used to it. I find it kind of cute. And his personality makes him hot too. I guess I just have a weakness for bishie looking characters...<3
I have to agree with Vossler. Gabranth is very good looking, too.
Am I the only one who thinks that Wakka is quite good looking?

The best looking is probably Gabranth, AKA Noah fon Ronsenburg. I like men with stern face.
I'm going to say Snow to be quite honest. I actually died at the scenes when he had his top off. He also has slight face fuzz and looks generally quite manly. its allll gooood! I also want to say Tidus because he's a pretty boy and needless to say is good looking. Along with Squall and also Yuj or something from team Nora :| ahaaaaaa.
far too much likey with the boys
Snow was pretty hot although his voice kind of annoyed me. :hmmm:

And I think Gabranth is hotter than Basch. They may be twins but Basch had too much of a surfer thing going on and he looked silly. Gabranth had that sexy Judge Armor. xDD