Who wants to be my friend?


White Mage
Dec 6, 2006
I have yet to see this topic posted, but nevertheless, it will be! (If it is posted, just close this thread)

So, how do you meet your friends? How do you first introduce yourself in a brand new society in which you know no one? How do you start to have a social life with total strangers?

Really, the question I am asking is....How do you, yes YOU, meet new friends?
On the forums:
Oi, nice to meet'cha, or like I said when I first posted: I R n00b. Basically =D

In real life:

Or I just try to find out which people have the same interests as I do, much like I did on this forum and my Beatles thread in the music section.....it's all about reaching out, for me.
I'm Stephany. But my name isn't really spelt that way. It's Stephanie. But I think that the Y looks better at the end...since my bf's name ends with a Y...it just looks much better together.
I'm Stephany. But my name isn't really spelt that way. It's Stephanie. But I think that the Y looks better at the end...since my bf's name ends with a Y...it just looks much better together.

You should spell it with an i. Stephani. =D

As for me:

Forums: Let things flow. People can't resist my attitude....XD. No, really, I don't care. People usually add me to their friends list.

Same thing as the forums really. I talk and make cracks to people. They enjoy it and so they talk to me more. However, at my school, they hate me for my ideals. In turn, they hardly speak to me. But, like forums, people come to me.
You sound incredibly like a future dictator lol =P

Like your jokes though, I laugh at everything.

But now I greet newbs, quite ironic, considering I am one.

Oi! Welcome to the forums!
Happy posting!

I dunno. Sounds kinda funny now that I look at it.
But whatever.
You sound incredibly like a future dictator lol =P

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I never heard that before, though. XD. One day, maebeh one day. -Thinks of the last time a German was a dictator-

On second thought, no thanks.

Oh, greeting people is ever-so-fun. It's base to speak horrendously. ;D

lyke dis 4 dis is kuhl
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You guyssss You guys!!!!!!
I made a LIFE altering decision!!!!!!1111111111

I've decided...to dye my hair...black. =]
You're dying your hair black? You ain't goin' goth on us, I hope.


I just chat with people online, and through some twist of events, I end up "making friends." I don't go in thinking, "Okay, Von...act cool. You gotta come outta this with some friends." No set way of doing things.

Offline...pretty much the same deal. I won't walk up to random people and start chatting. I make friends with people I'm forced to associate with; like co-workers, classmates, etc...
Well in real life, I just act like myself and see how things go. I'm actually kinda shy, but I think I've grown out of my shell since I work and deal with customer service. I'm usually quiet at first, but once people get to know me, they'll think I'm crazy. =/ I don't know why. It's not like I act crazy on purpose. I suppose some of the things I say or do comes off as weird and funny to some people...

On the forums or chatrooms, I'm pretty much kinda hyper. I guess it's a nice change from being quiet and all in real life. I'll post in forums and some would be drawn to me, like AG and Rydia. ^_^ I don't even remember how we all got to chatting on MSN, lol.

Same in chatrooms, although I don't really go there anymore. I used to back in my teen years, and I actually met a friend last year when I moved out here in Ohio whom I used to chat with when I was only 15. She's now one of my best friends and we try to hang out every now and then since we live kinda close to each other.

So yep, I have many ways of meeting friends, I guess. And no, I don't go around thinking constantly, "I need a friend!" because that's kinda...weird. =/

I be a sarcastic, belittling, snooty little shit who most people would tend to dislike. I prefer to repel those people, and attract the better ones. On here, however, I can't really put a typical way of acting to it. 'General' kind of member? *shrugs*

I don't care. I don't like meeting new people, and I have a tendency not to talk to people AT ALL. I've been on my current course now for 8+ months, and I don't talk to any of them without them saying something to me first. Chances are, if someone forces themselves on me, then there's a slight possibility that I'll actually become fond of that person. Minimal chance, but it could happen. ;p

I'm just not a people person. Don't regret being this way either.
you know I don't like to be a new person on the forum
I was all alone every one seems to know every one exept you
but I tag along along and be friendly and now I have a lil family
of my own here

Kaos-X is my first friend here I know him from the rpg
Shenorai euh from the fighting arena I gave her the nickname pom pom girl ( PPG )
firecrotch I know him from spam coloseum
Kira in her sig she wanted someone to pm her and I did now she is my onee san

I hope to put you in my FFF family one day

Is it just me or are we seeing a trend here?
Lots of shy people, including me....so welcome to the foruming world, people.

I really shouldn't say that 'cause I'm a newb to forums anyway... =D

Like Saix, I don't talk to people unless they talk to me first, so for me it's pretty hard to meet new friends, but those friends I actually do have are actual friends, so it's a good strategy.
I think I'm a bit too shy for my own good, now that I think about it..... =(
~SapphireStar~ said:
Whats wrong with goths?

Uh-oh. Forget I said a thing. There's absolutely nothing wrong with Satan-worshipping children of the night.

I don't approve of the goths stealing "The Nightmare Before Christmas," though. Jack Skellington has become some sort of goth icon, it seems. God, there's nothing but Jack Skellington t-shirts in Hot Topic. Blech.

And Saix not a people person? Oh, how he kids. Life o' dah partay, I bet.
Uh-oh. Forget I said a thing. There's absolutely nothing wrong with Satan-worshipping children of the night.

I don't approve of the goths stealing "The Nightmare Before Christmas," though. Jack Skellington has become some sort of goth icon, it seems. God, there's nothing but Jack Skellington t-shirts in Hot Topic. Blech.

And Saix not a people person? Oh, how he kids. Life o' dah partay, I bet.

.........Satan-worshippers, huh?


Uh huh.

And in the words of Foamy the Squirrel:
"It's not a style, it's not a fashion sense, it's a state of mind. If you're dark and disturbed...you're probably Goth. It doesn't matter if you're dressed like a preppy. Doesn't matter if you're dressed like a hippy!"


Back on topic, now...

In real life, I usually just sit in a nice quiet spot and draw. If anything, people who are curious about what I am drawing will come over and look. I let the people come to me. :) Considering I draw in the typical manga-style, I can determine someone's general personality based on their reactions.

"Oh, that's pretty cool. Wish I could draw like that." = some potential
"Hey, look! This Chinese chick can draw Pokeman/like Dragonball Z! Hey, can you draw a dragon, too?!" = ...general ignorant (and probably racist) jerk who never watches anime, therefore can't tell the difference between them

On the net, though, I do one of two things:

1) poke into topics I am interested in
2) go to the spam section

There's bound to be someone who'll see what I've typed and would be interested in becoming acquaintances, if not friends.
Define gothic.
I'd like to see all of your different inputs.
I'm not even sure what gothic is nowadays...

+I don't simutaneously wear multiple shades of black. Ever.
+I don't have a stupid haircut that looks like I got my head caught in a chain saw.
+I don't wear my pants so tight that you can see my female genitalea being squeezed in two different directions/if I were a guy, I wouldn't smuggle grapes in my pants.
+I don't like to be bitten/whipped/cut/tied up/ PLUS I sometimes pass out when I see my own blood, so that'll never be a fettish of mine.

Anything else?
i have a naturally friendly personality and make friends easily but i have low confidence with new people so i make friends slowly but i am good at getting them as friends once i know a bit about them

Someone who owns at least two pairs of tripps.
Someone who has a very fucked up way of thinking.
Someone who probably smokes pot.
Someone who moaps out of boredom all day.
Someone who distances themself from everyone.
Someone that always has their metal turned all the way up.
Someone who couldn't give a shit about what you have to say.
And finally, last but not least, someone who's always doing something stupid with his/her old friends.

E.G: Smearing your asses on the windows at McDonalds because a security officer threw you and your friends out for throwing french fry boxes at each other.

Now, on topic here....

On the forums:
I just do whatever and go with the flow. I observe a bit and usually make some good posts that get me recognized on the forum and then some people just add me to their friends list.

I'm always eager to meet new people and go to new places. I haven't really got anything else better to do. And besides, meeting new people means meeting more chicks, sometimes.

So scene and goth are two totally different categories?

You know what? I always go to the hair salon with my bf so he can get his "scene hair" straightened, and there's this goth chick who he's friends with and she's always busting out these serious conversation killers.

Like the other day, she asked me why I looked so glum and I said (in a joking manor) "My dad's being a shithead, haha."
And you know what that conversation killing cunt said?
"Oh! Well, I don't talk to my dad! =]"
Followed by a really long stupid smile as if to imply I'm a stupid cunt for having a dad I talk to...
Followed by another smug conversation killing comment..."Guess that's what I get for running away and living on my own at 16..."

And then my bf has the nerve to say that I'm out of place for rolling my eyes and walking away. SHE KILLS conversations. What am I supposed to say? "Stfu, wtf does that have to do with anything."?

THAT would be rude of me. <_<