Why doesn't anyone want to play as Tidus?


Chocobo Breeder
Aug 30, 2009
why anyone don't want to play Tidus?eventhought he is a little annoying character,but he got nice move right?like a 'slice and dice' and 'ject shot'..
that ject shot is realy powerful don't you agree guys?

all my friend don't want to play Tidus they prefered to play Cloud...


"This isn't over yet. There's no tomorrow for me...unless I beat you today!"

Eh... it's probably because they don't play a lot of roleplaying games.

I'd say a good majority of the time when you pick a character out of an elite bunch, you will usually select the one that looks like he's got a half ass setup going on, but that his offensive expertise will be so much greater than this blindspot that it won't matter.

And *somehow* I think that is how Cloud has more than likely been set up.
Cloud, IMO, is the most popular Final Fantasy Protagonist throughout the series.
I think the developers built his character way too much but when you come to think of it, he's just a lowly infantryman.
People like to use Cloud in Dissidia because his attacks are straightforward. The classic hack-and-slash thing.
And his huge Buster Sword make him seem strong for some reason.
He also has a few flashy tricks like the Omnislash ver.5
And mostly because people like the heroes that brood all the time. (hello Squall)
my favorite FF protagonist is actually Ashe. tidus reminds me of the typical trying-too-hard-to-be-cool asian guys i used to see in HS (and i still see them in college).
I like using Tidus in Dissidia. I prefer all the fighting/melee types opposed to the magic users (I don't hate the magic users mind you).

And in general, I like Tidus' character, and I didn't hate his voice actor either (I never got why there's so much hate for his voice >_>)

The only thing that sucks for me in terms of Tidus is that if his Energy Rain misses, he's stalls for a couple of seconds and it's enough time for the opponent to land some decent hits on him >_<
The only thing that sucks for me in terms of Tidus is that if his Energy Rain misses, he's stalls for a couple of seconds and it's enough time for the opponent to land some decent hits on him >_<

yeah i agree with you,i hate him when energy rain misses,our opponent will have some time to counter attack >.<


"This isn't over yet. There's no tomorrow for me...unless I beat you today!"

I personally don't use him as my main, but I don't mind him either. Zidane and Onion Knight are faster though, and I love the fast characters so much <3 Cloud's not my favorite, he's FAR too slow. Tidus before Cloud any day :P

I like most of Tidus's moves even, I just prefer other characters to him. I'll still level him to 100, and he'll probably be the third or fourth one I level. He's not bad, just not what I look for.
Oh, the Cloud fan-girls. *sigh* I personally love Tidus, I don't know why he gets somuch hate, BUT... I don't think everyone does hate him. he's just not that popular. Unfortunatly.
I love playing as Tidus i have him to lvl 100 and so far the only person to have 100% on destiny odyssey he will always be my number 1 =D
I actually think Tidus was fine in FFX, but I'm not using him in Dissidia because his attacks are awful. He gets stunned everytime he misses an attack and he's too fast and weak. Just not what I prefer in a fighter.
I love playing as Tidus i have him to lvl 100 and so far the only person to have 100% on destiny odyssey he will always be my number 1 =D

i already done it ^^

but he still weak,perhaps the equipment =)


"This isn't over yet. There's no tomorrow for me...unless I beat you today!"

Eh... it's probably because they don't play a lot of roleplaying games.

I'd say a good majority of the time when you pick a character out of an elite bunch, you will usually select the one that looks like he's got a half ass setup going on, but that his offensive expertise will be so much greater than this blindspot that it won't matter.

And *somehow* I think that is how Cloud has more than likely been set up.

Cloud is one of the harder characters to make successful. That glaring "blindspot" you refer to, or speed in Cloud's case, is highly exposed - something you can't "strength" away. Because of the lack of speed, Cloud requires you to dodge or block more than you would with most characters. And typically, "dodging" and "blocking" is not something that a lot of people are keen on doing until they get comfortable with a fighting game. To make Cloud successful, you have to counter punch a lot, which is nothing "half assed" in set up or strategy, nor is it something that's a relatively easy thing to accomplish. Because of that, Cloud's one of the hardest characters to make successful.

That's likely why they made his story mode the easiest.

Anyway, I'm not really sure what this topic is getting at... Just because your friends don't prefer Tidus doesn't mean "no one uses him". There are loads of people I know who prefer Tidus for his mixture of distance attacks (IE the Blitzball throws) and his rather quick swordplay. He's one of the faster characters there are... If anyone would have a reason to be turned off by using him, it'd be the "hit and run" style that his character forces. But he has a lot of fans in this game. In fact, if you need proof of that, go on youtube. There are tons of videos in which people use him.
Cloud is a hard character to master, because to really use him against other players requires you to master patience and the ability to dodge and punish. Luckily, I've got a good sense of timing and stuff, so I'm pretty natural with that kind of thing, but not everyone is a .SkyE ^-^

Finding the perfect opening and predicting your opponent's moves are what Cloud's all about. Sadly, not everyone you face will give you as much of a chance to attack them as the CPU will xD

Seems Highwind's covered everything that's worth saying, really :3 Good job on shutting down this little topic on how anyone doesn't play Tidus xD
i realy hate cloud,because his HP attack "Braver" cannot be dodge..
i always tried to block it,but still "Braver" can crush my block.....
damn cloud >.<


"This isn't over yet. There's no tomorrow for me...unless I beat you today!"

I have approximately thirty friends that I can think of off the top of my head who have been playing Dissidia since it came out...

Fifteen of those use Tidus as their main.
Seven use Cloud.
Three use Squall.
Three use Zidane.
and Two use Terra.

:monster: I think Tidus is pretty popular tbh. xD

I don't like using him because I got so used to the speed and agility of Onion Knight, that trying to use any character that forces 'dodge and slash' is tricky for me. I'll still master him and his equipment, but he isn't me favourite by a long shot. As for Cloud... Ugh. Don't get me started. :wacky:
i realy hate cloud,because his HP attack "Braver" cannot be dodge..
i always tried to block it,but still "Braver" can crush my block.....
damn cloud >.<

Sorry... But... what? xD Are you seriously saying that Cloud's Braver can't be dodged? LOL!!! Oh gawd xD You've gotta be kidding me :3 It's as simple as getting the right timing :3 If you dodge when Cloud prepares his Braver, you are bound to be hit =) If you dodge when his Braver is executed, you have a chance of not being hit. If you dodge when his Braver is close to you, you will NOT be hit. Ever.

It's not hard to dodge a bullet in this game :3 Cloud's Braver isn't the fastest following HP attack in the game :3 If you're finding dodging Cloud's Braver hard, you need to consider how much time you use playing the game, and how much time you use training yourself in the game :3

Good luck.
Sorry... But... what? xD Are you seriously saying that Cloud's Braver can't be dodged? LOL!!! Oh gawd xD You've gotta be kidding me :3 It's as simple as getting the right timing :3 If you dodge when Cloud prepares his Braver, you are bound to be hit =) If you dodge when his Braver is executed, you have a chance of not being hit. If you dodge when his Braver is close to you, you will NOT be hit. Ever.

It's not hard to dodge a bullet in this game :3 Cloud's Braver isn't the fastest following HP attack in the game :3 If you're finding dodging Cloud's Braver hard, you need to consider how much time you use playing the game, and how much time you use training yourself in the game :3

Good luck.
yeah i'm serious...when i face cloud,he always user "Braver" and i tried to block it and counter attack with my Tidus HP attack "ject shot",but still his "Braver" crush mine --"


"This isn't over yet. There's no tomorrow for me...unless I beat you today!"

As a Tidus player, you should be able to dodge Cloud's Braver pretty easily.

I play Onion Knight and I have no problem at all with Cloud and his Braver. Tidus is built for dodging and counterattacking. Try and stay out of his range is the only advice I can give you. Because, tbh, I don't know Tidus fully but I had no problem evading Cloud when I was leveling him as far as I have done.
I wasn't into gaming when final fantasy was still on PS1 my very first game was FFX on PS2 and so Tidus quickly became my favourite character, and then launched me into the final fantasy series. When i first got Dissidia, i only ever used Tidus, as i was used to his style of fighting, the dodging was easy, but using some of his techniques leave you vunerable, so i stopped using them. but so far he is level 87 and i usually get through every stage without being hit, plus 8 accessory increasing exp earned, so he levels up extremely fast. Good luck on using him though, he is not for everyone more an acquired taste. Later