Why go Mobile?


Dark Sorcerer
Jun 18, 2007
Both Games Versus and The regular are on the ps3, why not Stick With Sony? They problably would also make more money going with a major portable game system.
Square has already stated that the consoles are no longer their primary concern (despite the console wars). They believe that handhelds are the new thing. So you can expect more Cell Phone games, more DS games, and sadly more PSP games.
Personally, they should've made it for DS or PSP. I can't imagine playing it on a mobile phone.>_<^_^
Although I strongly agree that handhelds are better than consoles, I do not like cellphones as they are NOT made for games.
Handheld games are nice since they can be played where and whenever, and also do not require large expenses to get the best out of them. Final Fantasy XIII wouldn't be so special on an old tube TV, and HDTVs aren't affordable for most people. And then a nice sound system would also be pricey (and I LOVE FF soundtracks.) I mean, having a great TV and sound system is great right now, but I'll be leaving it in a year...
A handheld is a single purchase (with a game) to get the whole experience. And it's portable. Although I do not support the move to cellphones... I support moving to handhelds quite a bit.
I wouldnt mind if I could get hold of them on my mobile but most of them are for Japan only.
Yeah these games will prolly never reach the uk for about 3 years since the mobiles in japan are way ahead of ours in technology.>_<
Square has already stated that the consoles are no longer their primary concern (despite the console wars). They believe that handhelds are the new thing. So you can expect more Cell Phone games, more DS games, and sadly more PSP games.

Sadly.... i think not. i like it that they have more psp games. is sad that there makin them for mobile!!
I can see why some folks might want to go mobile... If you live in freaking Japan. Honestly, I would play an FF game on a phone, so long as it doesn't require button mashing, which I'm sure it won't, I mean, not like anyone would want to break their phones. But I don't even own a cellphone. Never have, either. Thinking about it makes me shudder. The screen is tiny. How entertaining can that be? Might as well go for a hand held instead.

But maybe someday... Or Square right now... Is trying to maybe practice making games on cellphones because it might be a big revenue one day and Square might be considered one of the forefathers. But whats next, FF games on mp3 players?

Agito looks interesting, but I can't help but feel its being wasted as a mobile game.
Actually... You can already play FF games on MP3 players. xD Well, technically iPods. I read up about a Gameboy Advance emulator and roms that could play on an iPod. Thankfully though, that had nothing to do with Square-Enix, but I'm sure if they caught wind of it, they'd do something similar and make you pay monthly for an iPod port of FF-FF7
I have never played an FF game on a cell phone or an MP3 player. Never found out how really. I would definily rather have this on a portable device such as a PSP or DS. It would be amazing... But on mobile.. i just dont think it would be as good.
does anyone know who will carry it. i don't like the idea of a cell phone game but I still want it to get the whole set.
Personaly I not happy with this either, it sounds like that cheap attempt that one company that made Ragnarok Online did, personally I found though every FF game I found had been breath taking when I first was playing like Advent Wings but it having to be on a cell phone...

Their are many things that concern me like:
- Will this have several missons or just 1 mission
- Will this have several monster/character fights or just 1
- Will the graphics look bad?
- Can you save your progress?
- Will it have a decent or amazing story to back its self up
- What possible characters would be used for this besides the obvious (Cloud, Vaan, etc, etc)
- Is their any special trinket that other final fantasy games did not have?

...And More...

So as a fan this is what I wonder what they will choose to do for a FF game being on a dinky cell phone (Sorry ahead of time to any cell phone lover just I think they are a waste of time/money/space to me)
I agree it was a dumb idea to make a game that people can only play on a mobile phone.

I dont know how popular games are on mobile phones in Japan, but speaking for the UK, they're NOT popular.

I don't know about the US, but i guess they're not too popular there either (but i may be wrong?)

It just seems to me Square-Enix is only in it for the money.

I mean, look at when it was sqaure-soft. You got ONE game , FF7,8,9 etc Since it's been Square-Enix, EVERY SINGLE game has had a sequel, or expansion pack added to it, and to be fair, every sequel / expansion has been awful.

I just hope they make FFXIII a GREAT game with a top notch storyline like FF7 because i bought a PS3 for £425 ($850) when it first came out just on the fact i heard FFXIII was coming out on it.

I dont want to be disappointed

Their are many things that concern me like:
- Will this have several missons or just 1 mission
- Will this have several monster/character fights or just 1
- Will the graphics look bad?
- Can you save your progress?
- Will it have a decent or amazing story to back its self up
- What possible characters would be used for this besides the obvious (Cloud, Vaan, etc, etc)
- Is their any special trinket that other final fantasy games did not have?

1) a mobile phone can only hold what is on the memory card, so, unless it comes out on something like the N-Gage, then it depends on the Memory card. They were talking bout downloading each chapter, deleting the old chapter and downloading a new one to continue the game
2) again, this depends on how big or small Square-Enix decide to make the name
3) graphics wont look good unless it's a real good, top notch phone
4) yeah you could save on the memory card
5) no idea how good the story would be, thats up to Square-Enix. I doubt it'll be a hardcore RPG storyline though because its just a spin off really.
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The thing that I don't like about games being on mobile phones is that the phones are way small and that the buttons are way too small as well.

I'm not really concerned about the screen as of course they would create the game's graphics according to the phones capabilities and so on.

If they would make it on the iPhone then it would be a much different story (including the cost (ugh...) if it came to North America)
In all honesty I wouldn't worry about it being on a phone, chances are all that means is that they probably have a small budget or isn't worth buying anyway ^_^
Well to put it into another perspective, it clearly isn't good enough to be even ported to the DS or PSP. Even if is "a different approach" their are plenty of SE game that have or are going to be on the mobile that very few people are interested in.

- Final Fantasy VII Snowboarding
- Final Fantasy VII: Before Crisis
- Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII: Lost Episode
- Final Fantasy XIII Agito
- Kingdom Hearts
- Kingdom Hearts Coded
- Final Fantasy IV the After: Return of the Moon

Though I'm only speaking on my behalf, they are all mobile games they have either been released and few people have heard of them or people have shown little interest in them being released. To be honest I'd rather play Snake.