why is Final Fantasy so popular?


May 28, 2007
The Netherlands

I'm currently working on a small project for school that involves Final Fantasy. I have to find out why Final Fantasy is so popular. is that because it holds to the general rules of computergames or is it because Final Fantasy is so unique.

I would appreciate it, if you wanted to fill in the small questionlist for me. and with it I hope to find the answer I need.

anyway thanks for helping me out.


then here are the questions:

Which game of the Final fantasy game have you played?


What was your first impression of the game?


What did you like from the game? (gameplay, story, graphics, sound, controls etc.)


What didn’t you like from the game? (gameplay, story, graphics, sound, controls etc.)


What elements in the game did you experience as boring?


Did the game match your expectations?


Why did you play or have you played Final fantasy?


Would you play another part of the Serie or not? And why?
Which game of the Final fantasy game have you played?


What was your first impression of the game?

My impression? I thought the games were great!

What did you like from the game? (gameplay, story, graphics, sound, controls etc.)

I liked the overall story of most of the Final Fantasys, especially FFVII.
The overall backgrounds of the characters were just superbly made.
The Fantasy element only served to make the overall gameplay the best it could possibly be.

What didn’t you like from the game? (gameplay, story, graphics, sound, controls etc.)

I'll use VII, because that's what I've been talking about so far.
I don't have any complaints about VII really, it was a superb game.
For VIII, it would have to be the character backgrounds really.

Nothing for IX and just the voice acting for X.

What elements in the game did you experience as boring?

The really long monologues obviously.

Did the game match your expectations?

It exceeded my expectations.
Not many games out there are as magical as the Final Fantasy series.

Why did you play or have you played Final fantasy?

Because it is a great game.
It's hard to explain, but that is my reason.
I have no other idea as to why I like it, to be honest.

Would you play another part of the Serie or not? And why?

Yes, exactly because it is involving, magical, and overall a great play.
Highly recommended for RPG players out there, I mean, if they haven't played it already.

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Which game of the Final fantasy game have you played?

FFI, FFII, FFIII, FFIV, FFV, FFVI, FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX, FFX, FFX-2 & FFXII. All PS1 and PS2 titles only. Some of the very originals I played on the NES/SNES and III on a friends DS.

What was your first impression of the game?

The first one I played was VIII :D , so my impression after that was one of “Awesome!”

What did you like from the game? (gameplay, story, graphics, sound, controls etc.)

The game play and story lines have always been then main reasons that attracted me to FF. The graphics have always impressed me and still continue to impress me, but have never been that important. As for the sound, I’ve yet to be disappointed as well. Controls, meh… Small learning curve with each new FF, but thats what makes it fun!

What didn’t you like from the game? (gameplay, story, graphics, sound, controls etc.)

Hmm… The only things I can think of here would be game play or characters. Every FF has a boring part sewn into its game play as well as characters we windup hating or loving.

What elements in the game did you experience as boring?

Again, some of the game play areas. Very, very rare thought.

Did the game match your expectations?

They’ve always matched or exceeded my expectations, except one of them.

Why did you play or have you played Final fantasy?

Their excellent games that are always full of replay value in my opinion, but to answer your question, I watched a friend play and was impressed with the series ever since.

Would you play another part of the Serie or not? And why?

Yes, I was disappointed with one of them, but I still loved it as well. Their among some of the best RPG’s in my opinion and because of that, I’ll always look forward to new additions to the series.
*sigh* I don't think this is a very good subject idea for a school project, but alright...

Which game of the Final fantasy game have you played?

What was your first impression of the game?
Which one? This question really doesn't make any sense...I think you'd be better off asking people what drew them into the series.

What did you like from the game? (gameplay, story, graphics, sound, controls etc.)
Again...they're all different somehow or another. These questions are so broad, you won't get anything out of them.

What didn’t you like from the game? (gameplay, story, graphics, sound, controls etc.)
They're alllllll different.

What elements in the game did you experience as boring?
They're all different.

Did the game match your expectations?
Some of them did, some of them didn't.

Why did you play or have you played Final fantasy?
It depends. I played FFVII because I loved it...then I played the following addition (VIII) because I thought it would be just as good, but as it turns out, I HATED VIII with a passion. Each game is different.

Would you play another part of the Serie or not? And why?

Probably...and...because I feel like it.
Which game of the Final fantasy game have you played?

I've played a bevy of Final Fantasy games, these include: Tactics, Tactics Advance, III, VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, and XII. I have yet to complete Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, III, and XII.


What was your first impression of the game?

I thought ''Wow, this is the greatest thing Japan has ever done for me,'' I said this because I was astonished by the high quality (At the time) gameplay, and strategy elements. The storyline also intrigued me as well.


What did you like from the game? (gameplay, story, graphics, sound, controls etc.)

Final Fantasy Tactics was the first Final Fantasy game I had ever played. The storyline was dramatic, and captivating. Although I was too young to understand most of the story, I got the gist of it enough to be interested by it.


What didn’t you like from the game? (gameplay, story, graphics, sound, controls etc.)

I'd have to say the difficulty. The difficulty at the start of Final Fantasy Tactics was a bit obscene for me. The battles eventually got dramatically easier to do. Inviting monsters to your party would have to be the thing I liked the least. The monsters would be exceptionally strong in that battle, but 3 battles later, and the wild monsters would massively overpower them.


What elements in the game did you experience as boring?

The only thing I found boring in all of the Final Fantasy games would have to be Final Fantasy X-2 Blitzball. You could only act as a mere coach instead of a player unlike it's predecessor, Final Fantasy X.


Did the game match your expectations?

They all surpassed my expectations. I've nothing much to say about that.


Why did you play or have you played Final fantasy?

Every time I pick up a Final Fantasy game, I always play it because the previous one was such a great game in itself. I play Final Fantasy games because the previous one always makes me eager to play the next installment in the series.

Would you play another part of the Series or not? And why?

a new Final Fantasy game comes out, I will always give it a try. Final Fantasy games have never disappointed me, and I highly doubt they ever will.
(Man, that is beautiful writing!)
Which game of the Final fantasy game have you played?

Played all the ones released in the UK and own them also.

What was your first impression of the game?

Amazing and I want more!

What did you like from the game? (gameplay, story, graphics, sound, controls etc.)

All of it.

What didn’t you like from the game? (gameplay, story, graphics, sound, controls etc.)

Sometimes it can be a character or a certain area.

What elements in the game did you experience as boring?

Levelling up can sometimes be so dull and boring.

Did the game match your expectations?

Some do, however after all the hype of 12 it wasnt as great as I was expecting.

Why did you play or have you played Final fantasy?

Because Im an RPG fan.

Would you play another part of the Serie or not? And why?

Ive played most of them.
Which game of the Final fantasy game have you played?
FFIV - FFXII (not including X-2 or XI).
What was your first impression of the game?
Usually, it's all good. The first impressions of games are the best ones. FF's generally start off very well (XII wasn't great though).

What did you like from the game? (gameplay, story, graphics, sound, controls etc.)
I'm all about a good story and characterisation myself, which is why I love FFVII. The characters are excellent and varied, and the storyline is memorable and gripping. Of course, they play very well too which helps a lot. Generally, the music is very good too.

What didn’t you like from the game? (gameplay, story, graphics, sound, controls etc.)
Each games have their own problems and hiccups, and I don't have time to go into them =/.
What elements in the game did you experience as boring?
Usually too much character interaction for an extended period without break. It's tedious having to constantly read and press one button.
Did the game match your expectations?
Most do, but FFIV, V and XII were awful IMO.

Why did you play or have you played Final fantasy?
I saw a friend playing and jumped on the bandwagon.

Would you play another part of the Serie or not? And why?
I already have many times.
Which game of the Final fantasy game have you played?


What was your first impression of the game?

Very fantasy-like. My first impression when first playing VII was that it was sooo good, I had to buy FFVIII right after I finished VII because I simply couldn't get enough of it's greatness.

What did you like from the game? (gameplay, story, graphics, sound, controls etc.)

The gameplay, story and characters. Most important things there. Good music helps a lot too, as it puts people in the mood.

What didn’t you like from the game? (gameplay, story, graphics, sound, controls etc.)

There's really no reason for me not to like the game itself, as I completely enjoy every minute of it. Even the graphics...I approve of.

What elements in the game did you experience as boring?

Why they talked about Shinra this, Shinra that. >.<

Did the game match your expectations?

Yes, in fact indeed.

Why did you play or have you played Final fantasy?

I have played FF. I think everyone here pretty much did. And I played it one day because I was bored. And now I can't get enough of it.

Would you play another part of the Series or not? And why?

Of course. As long as it has a good storyline and characters.
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Which game of the Final fantasy game have you played?
FFI-X, tactics

What was your first impression of the game?
fun and exciting, full of fantasy stories, a different battle sytem(It's one of the games that introduced me to command battle systems)

What did you like from the game? (gameplay, story, graphics, sound, controls etc.)
gameplay, graphics, CGs, music, characters and stories

What didn’t you like from the game? (gameplay, story, graphics, sound, controls etc.)
no voice overs in the old entries

What elements in the game did you experience as boring?
random battle encounters, the speed depending on the console

Did the game match your expectations?
yup. generally FF games did great to me.

Why did you play or have you played Final fantasy?
Before I hear it popular among my friends. so I decided to try and became a fan of it too.

Would you play another part of the Serie or not? And why?
why not as long as I could afford. I believe in Square's skills so I think any new game from them is worth trying. ^^
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Which game of the Final fantasy game have you played?

What was your first impression of the game?
I'll go for FFX, my first impression was based on Zanarkand, I hate games with modern settings, so I was blessed when it was all destroyed

What did you like from the game? (gameplay, story, graphics, sound, controls etc.)
Everything but Tidus

What didn’t you like from the game? (gameplay, story, graphics, sound, controls etc.)

What elements in the game did you experience as boring?

Did the game match your expectations?

It surpassed them.

Why did you play or have you played Final fantasy?

I heard good things about it.

Would you play another part of the Serie or not? And why?
Yes, because of the original storylines, characters and beautiful soundtracks.
Which game of the Final fantasy game have you played?
ummm... 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. havent finished any of them, just played them.

What was your first impression of the game?
ever since i first played them i loved them. they were like no other game i have played, and every one was unique.

What did you like from the game? (gameplay, story, graphics, sound, controls etc.)
the story in each game is amazing. the plotline in each game is interesting and it captivates me every time i play, i just cant stop playing. the game play is also interesting, and different to anoy other game ive played.

What didn’t you like from the game? (gameplay, story, graphics, sound, controls etc.)
i liked everything.

What elements in the game did you experience as boring?
leveling up the characters.

Did the game match your expectations?
every game does, my expectations arent that high.

Why did you play or have you played Final fantasy?
my brother had them and let me play them. ever since then, i was hooked.

Would you play another part of the Serie or not? And why?
yes, every game is individual, and has its own storyline ect... there all interesting
Which game of the Final fantasy game have you played?

I've played I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, X and XI, as well as spin-offs and side-stories.

What was your first impression of the game?

I love it. They have good storylines and characters, fun battles, magic and swords...

What did you like from the game? (gameplay, story, graphics, sound, controls etc.)

I like the music from most Final Fantasy games - it's my favourite video game music. The storylines from the games, although often similar to each other, are fun to play out and interesting. It has simple controls and they're easy to get to grips with.

What didn’t you like from the game? (gameplay, story, graphics, sound, controls etc.

If there's one thing I don't like about them, it's the final boss stage. Often they are some huge, mutated, colourful, tentacled mess with a swirly colourful background. I don't really like that.

What elements in the game did you experience as boring?

Training gets boring after a while. To beat bosses, you have to get stronger by beating weaker monsters, which gets tedious.

Did the game match your expectations?

It beat my expectations. I was expecting it to be kind of cool when I bought my first game, now I'm obsessed.

Why did you play or have you played Final fantasy?

I saw a review in a games magazine for one of them and thought I'd buy it. I love magic and swords and that kind of fantasy feeling.

Would you play another part of the Serie or not? And why?

I will always look to buy new Final Fantasy games, because they always grip me and I can't put them down. However, I'm not really looking forward to FFXIII because in the trailer there seem to be a lot of guns. I don't like guns in a Final Fantasy game so much.
yes thank you! think I have about enough for now....

but I would just like to ask (if there are any) people who have only played one or two games to fill in the questions
It's about time I replied to this thread.

Which game of the Final fantasy game have you played?

What was your first impression of the game?
That the game was breath taking (FFVII)

What did you like from the game? (gameplay, story, graphics, sound, controls etc.)
I loved the battle system, the story, the FMV's, well written scripts (Not including bad translation), the music (some very catchy themes), and the fact that each title always brought something new in characters, plot, music and world. All the FF games are different that everyone's favourites are always different.

What didn’t you like from the game? (gameplay, story, graphics, sound, controls etc.)
Well, some of them will probably be the translations in some of the scripts. Most notably FFVII had various errors. Some of the later protagonists can be a bit of annoying and don't want to hear talk. Sequels to any of the main series, especially like FFVII when they are only doing it out because of all the FFVII's want more so they just keep adding to much crap to FFVII.

What elements in the game did you experience as boring?
I like random encounters but on the PS1 games the transition between the overworld, dungeon etc to a random encounter can be annoying. Especially on the FFI-VI ports which was really slow aswell was opening the menus. Thankfully they fixed that in the GBA remakes. Apart from that, it is hard to say what I thought was boring in general of FF as each game is very different.

Did the game match your expectations?
Some games exceeded my expectations like FFVII and FFIX but some others didn't match my expectation like FFX and FFXII.

Why did you play or have you played Final fantasy?
An old friend use to to live near me played FFVII on his PC and I thought it was great so I ended up getting FFVII that Christmas.

Would you play another part of the Serie or not? And why?
Yes. There is still some games I have been meaning to buy like Final Fantasy Tactics and would definitely want to get FFXIII when it comes out but the price of the PS3 is preventing me at the moment.
You know what...I don't know why FF is so popular.
The only ones that I'm sincerely in love with are FFVII and IX.
I only had a chance to play tactics once, and I'm sure that if I HAD a copy, it would be my favorite because of the challenge.

Was the last game that I ever played...meaning I played it after playing VII through XII...and I still loved it. It had every original RPG quality that I could possibly want. Dungeons, magic, abilities system, romance...Short game, but...it had it all.

Introduced me to the series. It had a twisted, and somewhat morbid plot in my eyes, and that's what really drew me in. I loved the materia and weapons combo. The characters were depthful and creative. Good game.

Was lame. Each character shared the same history. Rinoa was a whiney brat; a horrible heroine. The plot was unusual. The draw system was okay. The only thing interesting about this game is the Rinoa/ultimecia theory, and...its just a theory.

Drew me even further into the series. This game had everything I could want. It had the magic, the romance, the friendships, yada yada. The abilities system wasn't not notch, but it was the story that made the game so worth while...

I did love X on account of the new battle and abilities system, but I wasn't too interested in the story line; I mainly just played for the sidequests.

I'm still formulating an opinion on this game. I've only played it once.
Which game of the Final fantasy game have you played?

I only own final fantasy 7,8, X and X-2

What was your first impression of the game?

magic, good storyline, weapons, characters with cool hair, good plot
everything a game needs :)

What did you like from the game? (gameplay, story, graphics, sound, controls etc.)

i quite liked the fact of running around developing my characters strengths and the music and great storyline was just amazing.

What didn’t you like from the game? (gameplay, story, graphics, sound, controls etc.)

i wasnt too fussed on the random battles popping up out of nowhere. the music makes up for it though!

What elements in the game did you experience as boring?

there we parts where nothing was really happening story related.

Did the game match your expectations?

blew off the lid of my expectations

Why did you play or have you played Final fantasy?

because of the popularity and the high scores of all the games, thought id try them out.

Would you play another part of the Serie or not? And why?

yes yes yes !
ive become pretty hooked on the final fantasy games now