Why Square-Enix?

Aztec Triogal

Feb 8, 2007
Williamsport, PA
Before I start, I'm sure this thread has been made more than once. And on a forum that has a problem with duplicate threads, I really appologize for this one. I know someone's made it before. Has to be. But I searched and couldn't find one... so hopefully the last version of this question has been archived already and this one is brand spanking new.

Anyhow, why did you guys decide to sign up on an FF forum? Why do you play the games? What make Final Fantasy so special in your eyes? And if you really love it, have you spread out to other Square-Enix titles? How much of a fan are you? Have you spent time listening to the music outside of the game? Are you more of a casual fan? A casual gamer in general? Or just a hardcore FF nut who might have 1 or 2 other favorite games... but pretty much just cares about the FF series?
Because the first video game I ever saw was my babysitter playing his brand new copy of FFVII, and he explained FF to me.

Ever since then I played and liked most of the games Square put int stores. Metal Gear and Castlevania are pretty high up there, though.
I didn't become a big Final Fantasy fan until I watched Advent Children. I had played some of the games before seeing it, but I only saw them as separate video games. My friend convinced me to watch AC with her because she thought Cloud was hot. So I watched but couldn't remember the game too well and had trouble following the movie. So I went back and replayed VII and remembered how much I loved it. So I started playing the other games again and suddenly became a big fan of the series.

Then awhile later I did an internet search because I wanted to talk more about the series with people and found this place. :)

When i was about 10 year's old i went to a friends birthday party and he showed me the scene in VII when Sephiroth kills Aeris. Since then i have been hooked.
Probably when I got FFVII, my first PC game. I saw a friend of mine playing it but I honestly couldn't remember asking for the game, it was quite a good shock. That was the game that got me started but I probably wasn't completely hooked on Final Fantasy until I played FFIX. I still go back and play them when I can and gone back to play the older titles aswell. I think it is because that each game is different in characters, places, story etc that it makes the series more unique and appeals to me that I won't have a clue what is going on until I play the game.
Well i liked the look of it even though i didnt understand what it was (i was 8 or 9 so i cant remember)
It was ffVII and i actually completed it
Then when each new ff came out i got them as well

I moved over to kh cause it sounded good and then i found out it WAS good
I first got started when FFVII came out, and I saw a friend playing it. Then things sort of led on from there and I've been a big fan ever since. I don't play any of the other SE games though, because none of them really appeal to me
I signed up because it's one of the few forums that have little or not flame wars as opposed to most forums.

Also FF has always been one of my favorite games of all time.
What attracted me to Final Fantasy.... Well the main thing was the story, when an old friend of mine brought FF7 over one day I was absorbed into the story. It was full of action, adventure, comedy, romance, drama, and suspence. The the second thing was the music, after hearing some of the music it got stuck in my head for years just beging me to hear it again. After all of that I became addicted to FF.
Square Enix have made some spectacular games but at the same time i feel they have made some major flops. Personally i think its the fans that make it what it truly is. X

So I only look at other titles from Square if they look good!!
I agree.
The main thing about the Final Fantasy Series I think that captivates most audiences is the fact that they're just so darn good!!!!:D
The first one I ever played was VII and that just got me hooked and I've played all the PS1 FFs and X and Tactics and including the Anthology.
Square-Enix may have made flops here and there but there's really a lot that they've some right somehow since we still play the series...
And branching out???

Xenogears may probably been my second favorite game of all time (if you count FF series as one giant game lol:P)
Anyhow, why did you guys decide to sign up on an FF forum?
Why do you play the games?
What make Final Fantasy so special in your eyes?
And if you really love it, have you spread out to other Square-Enix titles? How much of a fan are you? Have you spent time listening to the music outside of the game? Are you more of a casual fan? A casual gamer in general? Or just a hardcore FF nut who might have 1 or 2 other favorite games... but pretty much just cares about the FF series?

Back when I signed on the other (now dead) FFF (that has no relation to this FFF mind you), FFX had just come out and I was looking up stuff about Final Fantasy. Also, it was back in my Blogging days so i figured I'd check out a message board and see what thats like. Thats how I ended up on the old FFF.
Tbh, my love of Final Fantasy has faded a bit but it still holds a place in my mind. The main reason I joined this forum was because of Busta and Aztec.

I play the games because SquareEnix are one of the most respected developers/publishers and they usually come out with quality products that I enjoy.

Final Fantasy is special because I played it when I was young. I think it was on of the more story intensive games I had ever played at the time. Then when I played FF7, FF8, and FFX, it kind of sealed the deal that I like the franchise. Plus, FFX still stands of one my top 5 games of all time.

Hell yea. There are only a few games of theirs that they have made that I haven't played and most of them are japanese only.

Im a big fan, but Final Fantasy doesn't control my games. If a new FF comes out and Im in the middle of something, I will usually wait till the first game is finished.
I do have quite a bit of the music. FFVIII and FFX OSTs.
I guess you could call me a casual fan compared to a lot of people on this forum. Then again, outside of it, I'm the FF geek around my friends.
Not a casual gamer, but I do like playing casual games.
And tbh, I like Kingdom Hearts better than Final Fantasy atm.

EDIT: My post looks like it was part of a skittles factory explosion
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RPG master

well, ok first of all i play any RPG. not just FF but it just so happens to be my favorite game on the market know, i lisen to alamost all theFF music, i love 1000 words from FFX-2.