Why Yojimbo instead of Odin?

Well I think the creators just wanted to use updated summons for the new Final Fantasy. That's why they've chosen Yojimbo over Odin, besides Yojimbo is a hidden aeon that's no really needed unlike Odin.
Odin was the final aeon.

That's what Ject took the form of.

That makes perfect sense. The final Aeon is the thing that "kills everything" which is pretty much a description of Odin. and like Yiazmat Said Odin is a one-shot Summon, which wouldn't fit in with FFX-Aeon style. so they chose to incorporate Yojimbo because he had more moves at his disposal. rather than spoil the traditional Odin by giving him new moves.
That makes perfect sense. The final Aeon is the thing that "kills everything" which is pretty much a description of Odin. and like Yiazmat Said Odin is a one-shot Summon, which wouldn't fit in with FFX-Aeon style. so they chose to incorporate Yojimbo because he had more moves at his disposal. rather than spoil the traditional Odin by giving him new moves.

... In IX, Ifrit was a one-shot summon, Shiva was and Bahamut was. I don't understand what makes them so special as to be turned into "FFX style Aeons" while Odin can't be? It's not exactly hard to think up new attacks for a summon, X proved that.

I think that Yojimbo was a nice change. We had Odin in FFIX, and he played a nice part in the changing of the plot
(Queen Brahne using him to destroy Cleyra)
. This time, Yojimbo doesn't play a part to the story (that I know of). I personally don't think that Odin would "fit" with the theme of FFX. FFX is an asian-themed game, while games like IX are European-themed which is why Odin fits so well, being based on a Norse God and all.
It's nice to be refreshing and change things around occasionally, so I think Yojimbo was a good addition in X and I really enjoyed him being an aeon. But I agree that if a future Final Fantasy had controllable summon monsters 'X'-style, it would be awesome to control Odin.
Odin is a special summon though. He was a one shot summon like all the others... but in games like Final Fantasy VIII he came in without you even having to summon him. He's always been a fan favorite, of sorts. They couldn't have made him someone who stood out on the battlefield and exchanged blows with your enemy. That's just not how he's been portrayed in the entire series. He's always been a hit-and-run summon with a good one hit kill attack. There was no way they could put him as a summon without taking away his ability to hit and run... and his one hit kills thing.
I totally agree, they definitely should have used Odin instead of Yojimbo.

I didn't like Yojimbo's moves or his appearance nor did I like the fact that you had to pay him gil each time.


... In IX, Ifrit was a one-shot summon, Shiva was and Bahamut was. I don't understand what makes them so special as to be turned into "FFX style Aeons" while Odin can't be? It's not exactly hard to think up new attacks for a summon, X proved that.

I think that Yojimbo was a nice change. We had Odin in FFIX, and he played a nice part in the changing of the plot
(Queen Brahne using him to destroy Cleyra)
. This time, Yojimbo doesn't play a part to the story (that I know of). I personally don't think that Odin would "fit" with the theme of FFX. FFX is an asian-themed game, while games like IX are European-themed which is why Odin fits so well, being based on a Norse God and all.

What I meant was, Bahamut and the others could be translated into attackers that stuck around for multiple attacks. Odin has always been there for just one action. If he couldn't do Zantetzuken, what else would he do?
And I agree with the theory that Jecht was Odin. Pretty cool :lol:
Yojimbo uses Zanmato as an attack to one-hit-kill enemies. I don't see how Zantetzuken can't be implemented in the same way? Just because Odin was always a hit and run summon it doesn't mean change can't be made.

I don't see how Bahamut and the others are able to have new abilities but Odin can't? Weak argument.
I dunno, I think they want a new summons. I mean think about it...there's summons in FFVII not in FFVIII and there's summon in FFVIII not in IX like (Diablo) but they keep the usual summons like Shiva and Ifrit.
thats the reason I think.
I imagine since Spira had an overtly Japanese (particularly Okinawan, from what the producers claim) influence in its design, having a Norse mythological figure might not have fit, whereas Yojimbo's design absolutely did.

And I agree with Grimoire Valentine. No way is Braska's Final Aeon Odin. He's a visual exaggeration of Jecht when he was human. The beard, the bandanna, the tattoo, the armor on one arm, it's all interpreted and amplified in Braska's Final Aeon.
but if u pay yojimbo the right amount he will kick butt, u need to know the prices and he caould kick andones butt for the right price.
Yojimbo was all right... you could pay him 1 Gill and still get Zanmato sometimes.. but they should have put in Gilgamesh rather then him I think. Anyway wasn't Odin killed in VIII.. I havn't seen him in any other game since either.