Wich is the best


I love Camping
Jan 4, 2007
Say anything about whch is better and wich is not the best, the X-box or X-Box 360?
Xbox 360. Never owned a regular Xbox. So I can't really have an educated opinion on it now can I? ;D
Considering that the Xbox 360 can play Xbox titles, I'd have to go with the 360...
Considering that the Xbox 360 can play Xbox titles, I'd have to go with the 360...

actually the 360 can't play all the original xbox games.
i don't have a preference because the xbox is it its the original and the original is always better than the copy. Although the 360 has more space but Xbox live is the best.....
actually the 360 can't play all the original xbox games.
i don't have a preference because the xbox is it its the original and the original is always better than the copy. Although the 360 has more space but Xbox live is the best.....

I never quite understood why Microsoft would only make best-selling Xbox games compatible with the Xbox 360. It seems easier to just make each and every game compatible with the 360 rather than a select few.

I was aware that the 360 can't play every Xbox game, though. I had to ditch my copy of TimeSplitters: Future Perfect because of that little detail. Lame...

You are correct in saying Xbox Live is the best. Having an original Xbox with Xbox Live is better than having a 360 without it.
All depends on what u intend doing with them. If it's for modding purposes then a Xbox is the best bet. But if your after Xbox Live and bigger games, a 360 is the one to have.
360 all teh freaking way. The Xbox was a huge letdown. As Morgan Webb says: "The Xbox has not aged well. In fact, those of you who are lucky enough to get a 360 are probably using your xbox to prop open your door."

Im not using my xbox to prop open my door, but i did take it apart...fill it with lead...and i now use it as an anchor for my boat when i go camping.

Tell me that is not AMAZING!