Will Pokemon ever die?


Im Shadddy!
Jun 21, 2010
Waterbury, CT
I was just thinking of this today and just realized how long pokemon has been going, over 10 years now.:highfive: I rarely see people playing them, bigger in japan i guess, but i checked out the sales figures and these games are still selling millions of copies. So anyway do you think Pokemons death is on the way or does it have a long life ahead of it like Mario and Zelda? I think it has a long life ahead of it, i love pokemon games and with the black and white coming out i think its gonna reinvent the whole series.:awesome:
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I hope not. I cant believe its been 10 years wow! I guess it will always be big in Japan. Its a uniquie thing Pokemon, it started off all the monster collecting shows and games that followed it. They are running out of colours lol, guess they could remake some of the older games. I hope it doesnt die. Pokemons still fun IMO.
I remember I was talking about something like this to one of my friends. He's a die hard Pokemon fan and he doesn't think people will stop buying these games.
And now that I think about it...I don't think that they'll stop selling and or making them. I mean, the game is safe enough to give to little kids and keep them entertained for hours at the same time as being incredibly addictive and competitive towards older gamers and adults.
Takes dedication to get yer Pokemon level up there ya know?

But...I do have one question...
When they run outta colors and precious jewels...what names are they going to start giving those games?
Watch, they're gonna start giving them odd names like 'fusha' or 'teal' or 'magenta'
When they run outta jewels, they're gonna go look for the precious stones that no one knows about, no one will probably questions them, they'll probably sound cool. :mokken:
Of course it will. All great things must come to an end. Even Power rangers! And like...Dr Who. I think they will squeeze as much as they can out of it, but I highly doubt that it will go for another 5 or 6 years without struggle. The next big thing will come out. I would like to see it improve but it honestly wont.

Plus if you take that coma theory into account, he has to die or wake up at some point, right?
I think the potential for longevity in Pokémon is considerable, and considering the target audience is always going to be there, capitalising on the same churned out material is of no real consequence to the company - Pokémon is money.

Personally I'm finding it to get a bit repetitive nowadays, but that's only because I've basically played it non-stop since the start. Unless I have a massive shift in character though, I'll always have a niggling urge to have a go when a new version is released. =P It's too fun - recycled content or not.
Personally I'm finding it to get a bit repetitive nowadays, but that's only because I've basically played it non-stop since the start. Unless I have a massive shift in character though, I'll always have a niggling urge to have a go when a new version is released. =P It's too fun - recycled content or not.

i havent played a pokemon since emerald. I have diamond but my DS broke. :rage: i really need to get a new one and finish diamond.
But...I do have one question...
When they run outta colors and precious jewels...what names are they going to start giving those games?
Watch, they're gonna start giving them odd names like 'fusha' or 'teal' or 'magenta'
When they run outta jewels, they're gonna go look for the precious stones that no one knows about, no one will probably questions them, they'll probably sound cool. :mokken:
I want pokemon neon. :awesome: Periodic Table of elements has to be pokemons next target.
I can't foresee the franchise's death anytime soon as it's such a juggernaut of a name spanning over countless forms of medium from video games to trading cards to clothes. Certainly in Japan, there is the vast appeal of having accessible RPG games based off it and numerous and friendly designed monsters to collect in each game. It's been such a successful formula (culminating in tremendous and unfaltering worldwide sales) that the games have stayed conservative for over a decade now.

And as mentioned, other mediums other than the games contribute greatly to the success of the franchise. Pokemon cards should still be going quite strong - I don't know much about them, but they certainly were popular when I was younger. The anime is still pulling in high ratings after four generations, and I can't see that changing drastically anytime soon.

And like many people, I find it's just become utterly samey. To me, Pokemon has declined a while ago. The games just fail to excite me much nowadays. The anime is more or less the same. I could skip about 100 episodes while watching the show in chronological order and still get the gist of what's happening.

EDIT: Is there a 4th option - as in: "I'm sick of it, but clearly many others aren't?" ;D
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I think this is the case with most series. While older fans may begin to lose interest, and possibly hate how a series begins to gradually change, there will still be newer fans that can be appealed to :hmmm:

The beauty of Pokemon is that there's very little reference to other games, so really, anybody could pick any Pokemon game and be okay.

To be honest, 250 Pokemon was enough for me, and I've been out of the loop since for the most part :monster:

EDIT: I think the anime/manga/card games may begin to lose appeal, but games should be going strong for a long while more
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I've never been a massive pokémon fan. I've never played a pokémon console game because I've never had a console compatible with it (never been a nintendo fan, either). But years and years back, when I was about 6 or 7, I used to watch it on TV and have loads and loads of those crappy cards... which I never actually played. I just collected :andry:

Nowadays, I don't see so much of it. I think it's dying, as it's certainly got less popular. I don't think it'll be forgotten quickly but I think, fairly soon, they'll have to stop making new shows, games etc...
To me, the Pokemon franchise has been slowly dying since the fourth generation, maybe even the third. I don't know how much more abuse I can take from this franchise as they release new Pokemon that are getting crappier in design and even more broken than the previous generation has been. Online battling has completely changed the face of competetive battling, but the physical/special split has completely destroyed some Pokemon, whilst pushing others into ridiculous new heights. The game just isn't balanced. At all.

The tiers are clearly broken as well, although I suppose that is neither here nor there...

The anime is irritating me, as well - I swear, if Ash doesn't win the Sinnoh League, I am DONE with it. The DPP saga has been quite enjoyable, and for the first time, like, EVER, Ash has had some proper character development, but if he loses yet AGAIN to some random person who hasn't even been in the series before then (most likely the person with the Darkrai...what the hell is a LEGENDARY doing in a tournament?!) I'm never even looking at it again.

That said, I still love the spinoffs. The Mystery Dungeon series is ace, and Pokemon Snap is still awesome after all this time. Whilst I can see myself abandoning the main series and the anime as the designs get even worse and the story just repeats itself to have the same pointless conclusion that makes you feel like you just wasted your time watching the whole journey, I can see myself buying any Mystery Dungeon or Ranger game that comes out, regardless of what it has in it. To me, they are the fresh style that is keeping the series alive.

I can't ever see it dying, though. Its a massive franchise that has at least another ten years in it if they can actually be bothered to adapt it a bit as Nintendo bring out new consoles and new ways to play. Not to mention there are those people like me who have been with it since the beginning and are reluctant to give up what was once our most loved franchise, regardless of how bad it may be getting...
Pokemon has been on hiatus for a while now to me, until heart gold and soul silver came out, i got heart gold to get my remaining pokemon that i couldnt afford to get in pearl,i got most of them,but its pretty boring,these 4 generations. The 5th generation will make me open the door to pokemon again ^_^
I think the series has been getting worse as the years went on. Pokemon Silver and Gold were good, but I think the series went downhill since Ruby/Sapphire.
The spinoffs like Mystery Dungeon and Ranger are still pretty good, but the anime will die off eventually.
I still haven't caught them all...
Very disappointed to see that its on its last leg has been getting more votes than no way... :sad3:

I say no, I don't see this franchise dying, this whole series that is Pokémon just seems everlasting to me, it is a strong craze still going strong today, it can get hooked players young and old, that being said the audience it draws in is huge, thus the reap some big benefits for their efforts.

So I see this going on and on, and to be perfectly honest I am quite excited about the upcoming 5th generation of Pokémon, the Pokémon battles will finally be more lively even between moves, this will breathe even still a bit of a fresh experience to it. :awesome:
You guys seemed to like that pokemon mystery dungeons and ranger. I found the concept of them horrible and was never able to get myself to play it outside of the gamestop demo. I'm all about the original get the badges, legendary pokemon and beat the elite 4. Tha never gets old to me. I really wanna get heartgold but I don't wanna buy another ds. Gold was my all time favorite. I loved the added gyms and the fun mini games.
^^ Well, variety is always good, ya know? If you get bored of one, pick up the other set xD. I remember having Blue Rescue Team for DS, but that's about it. I remember having some pokemon games on the SP but ehh, Idunno i'm not a huge fan of the games itself.

For the show though, I use to be all over that shit <3 Wake up every Saturday morning and watch it. The original was the best ever! Now the show's ehhh. I can't stand the newer versions of the show :hmmm: Maybe its cause i'm older but ehh xD

The movies.. aren't all that good expect maybe the first one :hmmm: Not a huge fan of the movies either Dx

As for the cards and whatnot, I never bothered collecting all of 'em. I'd just have a few of my favorites and that was it.

Over 10 years...huh? Even though i'm not a huge fan of pokemon anymore, it's still pretty strong. I think it's slowly dying :hmmm: Over here anyways you hardly hear about it anymore. I know it's bigger in Japan and whatnot but, the way I see it, it's slowly going to fade.
No pokemon will never die to be very honest. I do not see it at all plummeting to the ground. They may have made lots of pokemon but if 5th generation reveals itself as the last genaeration of pokemon then It might. But I do not think so as Mr Satoshi Tajiri has endless ideas for pokemon that he makes Ken Sugimori draw. Actually Ill be honest that all the versions were based off of colors and gems so far and there are millions of possinle ideas for othe rpokemon designs/versions. Its really HUGE in Japan LIKE HUGE so I dont think it would be possible. Unless Mr. Satoshi Tajiri somehow dies(which I hope never happens as he is awesome) If Pokemon falls to the fround it could very be the end of the world for Japan even though there Anime makes big bucks and stuff. Still I dont see it ever dying. Its Just Beggining :ryan:
I'll say now the Pokemon movies I saw were absolute shit. I still remember when I was 9 years old, I was bawling my eyes out because tickets were sold out for the showing of the first movie me and my mom went on the day of. I remember getting mad at my mom 'cause she was laughing at how upset I was.

Then I saw the movie. It...sucked. So much. A few things were kewl (MewTwo and such), but over-all, it was terrible.

I've been out of the loop of the anime too, so I don't what's been happening with the story either >_>
I used to really like them and would get every new version, but recently Nintendo has just been remaking the old games. After a while, the gameplay gets to be a bit boring. It also seems that Nintendo isnt doing anything to improve the mechanics. I still cant walk in eight directions?
Okay, granted, four directional movement is pretty lame, I mean even way back to Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars you could walk in eight directions (that was a really great game btw, one of the best SNES games). >.>

I think it wouldn't be very hard to update that, but they don't so it still has something of an old school feel, how ever much they update with the new games in other ways. ;)