Will She Ever Return?


Best I Never Had...
May 15, 2007
Macalania Forest
So, Seeing as how Anima can only be summoned threw Seymour's mom, will they ever bring her back again? I would love for Anima to be in future games.

Discuss: Anima & Possible Future Appearances
I think that she will. Summons like Ifrit and Shiva keep being brought back and Anima was really popular amongst fans when she was shown in FFX. I vote, aye.
Well, in order for her to return, they have to make up a story about Seymour's mom of somesort. I mean, they just can't pop her into a game. lol.
they could just Include her in a game, just because Seymours mom summoned her in one game doesn't mean that Seymours mother has to be involved at all in the others. Ifrit and Shiva don't have the same backstorys game per game, in FFVI they came from the Esper World, in FFVIII Ifrit lived in a cave.

so yes they could and should include Anima in Future games, because like Faith said She was popular amongst the fans.
Not necessarily. They can always pop her up with a different side story or slightly different appearance.

But it would be really cool to see Anima return ^^


You ninja'd me Aerith xD
I understand what you mean.

Well, in that case, Anima really needs to be brought back in future games. It was one of the strongest Aeons I had.
In the same manner, you'd have to make an entire story revolved around the Fayth who represents Bahamut. The only different between the two is that we know who Anima's Fayth is.

There's also a Cid in every game, and a Biggs and a Wedge. The games are just different, ergo, no 'consistency' is really needed.
Yep, we dont really need the fayth just for Anima to reappear. I mean in VI the summons actually had their own world and society, and that hasnt happened again in any game (though i'd love to see it happen).
Yeah, that's true. I wonder what kind of story they would give her.

Would she still be attacthed to chains since the story line is different?
Maybe not though, many summons have their appearence altered to fit the game - Bahamut is the most obvious example of this.

They could radically alter anima and give her a whole new backstory - the fact is she'd still be Anima as long as she essentially had the same abilites.

and VR, i ninja'd you gurd :ph34r:
They wouldn't have to keep the same design - none of them do. Take Shiva, for example, who continues to lose another garment of clothing as the titles progress, and Bahamut who, at one point, had three different designs in one game.
I don't know that they'll bring Anima back. I think she was more of a plot device for FFX. And they have so many more summons to choose from. There are several others that have only appeared in only one or two games. (Remora, Ashura, Stray).

I would personally like to see Terra as a summon in a future game. ;)
Maybe not though, many summons have their appearence altered to fit the game - Bahamut is the most obvious example of this.

I'm assuming you mean X Bahamut, whose appearance i HATE with a passion?

Take Shiva, for example, who continues to lose another garment of clothing as the titles progress, and Bahamut who, at one point, had three different designs in one game.

X shiva had one of the coolest overdrives ^_^ And Bahamut Zero ftw!

I would personally like to see Terra as a summon in a future game. ;)


That would kick ass!
Hrmm...Well, I liked Bahamut's design in X. O_O!

As for Anima, she would have to loose the chains, right? I mean, since she wouldn't be connected to Seymour anymore. lol.
I thought bahamut looked like a lion on an acid trip. I still used him anyway cuz he was strong though.

Nah, she could have chains, they'd just use her design but completely disconnect her from IX. It's like throwing Cid in every game, he's disconnected from every previous Cid.
I can see them bringing Anima back, though I don't think it'll look quite as cool as it did n FFX, but it seemed pretty popular in X so I don't see why it couldn't make another appearance
I can only see Anima appearing in X's variations, personally. The only reason Shiva, Ifrit, and Bahamut were in so many games was because they eventually (and somehow...) became trademark monsters within the series. Anima's powerful, but I think they should leave her as an exclusive.

Hayate said:
As for Anima, she would have to loose the chains, right? I mean, since she wouldn't be connected to Seymour anymore. lol.

Anima didn't have the chains because it was connected to Seymour. =/ They were just a little extra to her appearance, which, one presumes, restricts her/it's immense power.
I can only see Anima appearing in X's variations, personally. The only reason Shiva, Ifrit, and Bahamut were in so many games was because they eventually (and somehow...) became trademark monsters within the series. Anima's powerful, but I think they should leave her as an exclusive.

[/color][/font]Anima didn't have the chains because it was connected to Seymour. =/ They were just a little extra to her appearance, which, one presumes, restricts her/it's immense power.

that is true
draws you to that game
i've spent years searching for a game that i thought was just as good as FFVI and had some of the games main components
but that neve happened
you have to stick wih the original if you take something that worked really well somewhere else and try to apply it some where else it sucks
for instance all the FFVII sequels
oh and FFX-2