Will the story bomb?


Jun 6, 2006
Most action RPGs I played have had horrible stories. Do you think this will be one of them? Nomura still has to direct something with a really good plot.

KH1 story was decent, although it was pretty cliché and the pace was terrible. It somehow worked because of it's overall style and target audience.

KH2's story was as cliché as KH1's, the pace was as terrible if not more, but it actually tried to be serious, which made it fail a lot in certain aspects. Actually, there's even more filler scenes in KH2 than in KH1.

In Advent Children, Nomura decided that almost every single cutscene should be about action. Nojima is a good story writer, but not even he could do much with such a terrible direction from Nomura.

And the first thing Nomura says about FFVXIII is that it will be full of action, no, that it will feature extreme action (he actually said that). Do any of you have any hopes that FFVXIII will have a "good" story?​
hey whats kh

ya i think that FFVXIII has tons of potential. also i don't think that it will bomb because every single FF have been fantastic
I doubt it would "bomb". You can't forget Threads of Fate, for an action game, it had a really nice storyline. At least in my opinion it did. On topic though, I think that it would be cool to play VXIII after XIII, because it would be cool to see the storyline from a different perspective. Playstation 2 was pretty limited with action and all that, well, compared to the Playstation 3 at least it was.

Oh and KH is Kingdom Hearts, Cloudstrife21.
Hmm, dogging on Nomura's work? I didn't think that Kingdom Hearts was cliche. In fact, I think it was create creative. Who would've ever thought, merging basically Final Fantasy and Disney? I loved Kingdom Hearts for my life to tell you the truth.

Advent Children, for any true movie critic, was probably an average to below average movie I admit. Only for the fans really. Too much action can sometimes destroy the whole point of a movie. Yeah, I can see why AC would be viewed as kind of shallow.

As for Versus, Nomura is already seemingly loosing creativeness in character design... That sorta worries me with the story as well. But it doesn't matter since, I won't be getting Versus nor the PS3 anytime soon. If not, ever. =/ I cry for the sake of Metal Gear Solid 4 at the same time...

Can't deny that the thing with the main character and the 10 swords was pretty rad.
Big Boss said:
And the first thing Nomura says about FFVXIII is that it will be full of action, no, that it will feature extreme action (he actually said that). Do any of you have any hopes that FFVXIII will have a "good" story?

EXTREME ACTION. That's hilarious.

I hope Nomura realizes how big this is. Kingdom Hearts? One thing and different from the FF series. Advent Children? Fan movie, enough said. Versus? I want this game to be good, and I think Square-Enix (and Sony, for that matter) want this game to be good. There's a lot of pressure on them to continue this win streak of high ratings they got for FFXII. The last thing they need (or I want) is a post-XII meltdown, especially on a new system.

FFVII was a good opening for FFs on the PSone and FFX was a good opening for FFs on the PS2. If I had to guess, I'd say they'll nail it with FFXIII, but Versus will suffer a bit in its big brother's (big sister's) shadow. Still, Versus should come through with a good story overall. I'll put my vote of confidence and wishful thinking in Nomura.
i think the game will be good. if it isn't i'll be really pissed of for buying a ps3!! i've seen the trailer and thought it was very cool. i really hope the game will be good. square enix don't piss me of again like you did with ffx-2. that game was THE worst ff game i have ever played in my life!!!!! (no offence to the ffx-2 fans)
hey whats kh

kingdom hearts

best game ever lol on ps2

I agree it is the best ps2 game:) . I got crappy ps2 games like Jak 2 & 3/Final Fantasy X & X-2/Rachet & Clank series/ Star wars Episode 3/Clone Wars 2 <_< and more others I forgot but not really hate. I never really liked those games no offence to the people who like those games,it's just my opinion. I real hate Final Fantasy X-2,Star Wars Episode 3, & Clone Wars (don't even know why i got Star Wars Episode 3 and Clone Wars 2 since i'm not a star wars fan. But I thought Final Fantasy X-2 would be good but it turned out to be horrible:angry: ) Kingdom Hearts is the only one I really like^_^ but Kingdom Hearts 2 was too easy:shakehead:.
Kingdom Hearts 2 = Best Game on PS2. :huh:

The character designs, setting and story are either unoriginal or uninspiring at this point, maybe closer to release it'll pick up more on my interest but it's not a system seller by itself and attaching Final Fantasy to the name doesn't make it a good game (Dirge of Cerebus for example).
Even though not many action RPGs are known for their BRILLIANT stories <_< I still think that Versus XIII will have an amazing story. Just from the trailer, you get the feeling that it's going to be a very ominous, very tragic turn of events. Nomura said it himself, this might be the most tragic (hopefully not melodramatic, though) Final Fantasy to date, because that's the only way the story can be told. Whether or not it'll turn out to be good or bad depends on the individual gamer, but I have faith in Nomura. I don't think that HE would shaft the storyline in favor of intense action, even though that's apparently what we're going to get.
i'm looking more forward to FFVXIII than FFXIII not really sure why i guess cos the trailer looks better (to me anyway) so i hope the story doesnt bomb if it's more like KH than DOC then i think it will be really good ^_^
There is always a possibility it will be crap (Dirge of Cerberus). By the look of the trailer it looks like its going to be pretty dark themed. Can't wait for that "extreme action" .
How can you go wrong in that badass looking city? It may be light on the story but my guess is its just meant to have a fair plot that occassionally references the main game. Just for "oh wow" value.
I really hope this isn't one of those live action battle systems.
Please, I mean...they're taking this to a whole new level, and some of us are still playing SNES classics, since the new ones are starting to suck. =x
I really hope this isn't one of those live action battle systems.
Please, I mean...they're taking this to a whole new level, and some of us are still playing SNES classics, since the new ones are starting to suck. =x

It should be irrelevant about whether or not modern games suck, you should
always make time for some good old-fashioned retro gaming.

It'll be a live-action game most likely since it's the KH team that's on it, so don't expect too much.
final fantasy is a rpg game they cant make a live action battle system because then final fantasy wont remain rpg it will turn into a action game
final fantasy is a rpg game they cant make a live action battle system because then final fantasy wont remain rpg it will turn into a action game
As it isn't the main game they could make it into a shooter or action game like FFVII: DoC. I don't know why but I think FFVXIII looks a lot more cool than the main game, maybe because of the main character?