Will this final fantasy game bring the PS3 out of the hole?


Jul 17, 2007
The PS3 is behind because Xbox lunched there system before PS3 so will this game bring PS3 ahead of the Xbox. I think it will because in my opinion, Final Fantasy have the largest Fan Base for a video game.
it will certainly make me less stingy with my money, and ill buy one because i simply don't want to miss out on this game.
Thats what ive recently done...i bought a ps3 last week for the simple fact of FF13 And FFversus13...no other decent games have been released for it yet....i can say one thing...the money wasn't worth it so far with the games ive bought..
yea, I feel the same way but when PS3 start making good titles, it will make a huge impact on the industry.
I'm not sure that it will, it will probably make the PS3 more popular but a lot of people I know aren't going to bother buying a Playstation 3 for quite a long time yet because of the price, it's too expensive. A lot of people can't afford that. I know I won't be getting that console for ages yet, even if FFXIII comes out within the next couple of years. I will be getting a Nintendo Wii instead.

It may make more people buy it but we'll just have to wait and see, it would be cool to see it become more and more popular.
there was recently a 100 dollar drop in the price, so now its 499.99 ^_^

how much was the 360 when it came out?
there was recently a 100 dollar drop in the price, so now its 499.99 ^_^

how much was the 360 when it came out?
I believe it was $399.99 and the Core System was $299.99. BTW, apparently Europe's not getting a price cut. Ouch, that's gonna hurt Sony's European market.
I'm unsure if Final Fantasy will bring them out of the hole. Some consoles have games that you get quite a lot of people who are not fans of the game but they will play it (i.e. The Legend of Zelda. I know lots of people who bought this game that aren't fans of the franchise but enjoyed it). However, Final Fantasy is more of a hate it or love it type game and I know lots of people who hate it, mostly because the JRPG doesn't really appeal to most people.

The game that I think will help Sony climb out of its hole will probably be MGS4.
It was rumoured that FFXIII will come out for the Xbox360 as well. Was this true?
PS3 shouldn't rely on this game to bring itself out of the 'hole'.

Isn't this out for another few years?

If so, PS3 surely can't wait that long.
FFXIII is the game thats going to make me get a PS3. Although there are a few other games coming out too which really will save the PS3. I think that if they had these games available when the PS3 was launched it would be far more successful than it is now. when the PS2 was first released i longed to get it for months, but with the ps3 i couldn't care less, untill XIII is released, because there is nothing drawing me to the console at all.
Its a simple fact that individual titles can sell systems, Halo shifted a hell of a lot of 360's. Personally, as huge a fan of FF as I am, the game that is going to save Sony's butt is GTA IV.

GTA IV will help but I'm sure the fact that the game is being released on both consoles with the Xbox 360 getting exclusive downloadable content, then surely those who either have:

1. Both X360 and PS3 or
2. Neither

Surely these people would favour for the X360 version?
This is about the only chance the PS3 has got. If the PS3 loses FFXII+VS for whatever reason, then it's doomed. I don't know if XIII will be enough to pull the console out of the hole, but it'll definitely help. FFXII and FFXII VS are the only reasons that I would even consider buying a PS3, so that kind of sums it up for me.
Uh, they should bring the price down a bit. :D

No but really, I'm not buying a PS3 until FXIII comes out. I've checked out most of the games that's for PS3 and none interested me at all. Not even close. It's rather disappointing.

When PS2 came out, they had quite a few games that were just a must-play.

Now, I don't know about FFXIII bringing PS3 out of the hole. It's impossible to tell since no one's played the game yet, therefore I don't want to judge things at the moment.
Hmm, I had better start saving up because the release of this game will most certainly make me buy a PS3 despite other's....will. >.>

They need to get the price down a bit though, and maybe a lot of people will actually start buying the console, you know? ;)

But yeah, consider this, FFXIII, to be a catalyst in bringing potential buyers into actual customers for Sony.
Ps3 isnt even in a hole, it just had a bad start in AMERICA, its outselling the 360 in europe, japan and austrailia.

Also with the ps3 having over 200 exclusive games for 07 and 08 it has more titles 360 and Wii.

But yer if by the 0.001% Square leave sony and put FF on the 360, sony will be in a very bad situation.
I have bought the PS3 on the launch day and never regreted it.
I have got a great console, blu ray player and entertainment center (it even reads DVD Audio and SACD). And all of that for a bargin price of sum 800 USD (PS3 is even more expencive here in Europe).

And regarding the games, right now, almost the only game I am playing on it is FF XII, and sometimes Resistance Fall of Man. And watching Blu ray.
But theres a lot amazing games coming out this fall and next spring like Haze, Killzone 2, MetalGearSolid 4, FF XIII and many others.

so thats about it.

And you can not compare Wii to PS3 as thats absolutly other league, its like comparing a Rover Mini to Cadillac Escalade... Just the sheer possibilities that PS3 is offering can not be matched by any system (not even by Xbox 360)

thats my 2 cents, I own a PS3, never even considered anything else and I am a proud and realy satisfied owner of it...
i think this game will be great also the same for ff vs 13. also the ps3 has games such as assassins creed and devil may cry 4 too.