Will watching this ruin the game?

No. In fact, it will make the game better, as the movie is so darn confusing if you haven't played the game that it makes simple things like slashing a monster with a sword a bazillion times over seem much more enlightening.
I personally think it wouldn't ruin it, though I think watching it without playing the game might make it a bit hard if you don't know characters, and past happenings, etc. But in no way will watching the movie ruin the game.
I think it would ruin it. Honestly, I watched the movie when I was about halfway through the game, and was upset when I watched the summary for the game on the DVD.
Then again, most of it was stuff I already knew.
I watched it before I knew much of anything about the game...big mistake, as the movie is too confusing if you haven't played it! I suggest if you prefer spoilers (like I do), learn as much as you can about FFVII *before* watching AC...LOL. Lucky for me I had LadyAerith and my boyfriend to tell me all about the storyline and everything else (and thusly get me obsessed, dammit :lol:)
I think it all depends on how well you interpret the movie. Now if you have the special edition with the extra DVD that has all of the extras, there is a Remeniscence of Final Fantasy VII the game. So unless you prefer spoilers, as some people do, then I say go ahead and watch the movie, though it will leave you VERY confused as to what happened in the game. Take note that this story takes place 2 years AFTER the game. But like I said, if you don't want spoilers, don't watch the movie. If you want the spoilers, then watch it and it will make the game much more interesting ^_^
Yes it would ruin it to an extent. It'll be confusing as 'ell either way.

but depends really. wont ruin the gamplay but in terms of story, certain aspects of it will be blown to shit.

play the game, finish the game, watch AC, play it again :lol:
I think it all depends on how well you interpret the movie. Now if you have the special edition with the extra DVD that has all of the extras, there is a Remeniscence of Final Fantasy VII the game. So unless you prefer spoilers, as some people do, then I say go ahead and watch the movie, though it will leave you VERY confused as to what happened in the game. Take note that this story takes place 2 years AFTER the game. But like I said, if you don't want spoilers, don't watch the movie. If you want the spoilers, then watch it and it will make the game much more interesting ^_^
LOL what she said:P
Its best you play the game so you can understand everything in the movie.
I realy like the idea how they explained what hapend in the movie at the start of the film but i dont think thats enouf cause it doesnt explain about the other characters since they only got a short scene in the movie.
Well, I watched it. Much better than TSW, I say. Luckily I had my friend give me some key elements of FFVII so I could comprehend the movie. I thought Cloud died at the end! I was crying!
I did enjoy this film But playing the game would infact make this movie alittle less confusing just so you know why things are happening.
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The game is better. AC..well, it was just more money for SE. Yeah, you kinda have spoilt it for yourself, if you watched it before playing the game, but that is only concerning several characters tbh.

Well that, and the obvious big spoiler with a certain..woman.

Eh, it's not a major loss. The game has more going for it.