Winning a logical argument against your mother


Red Mage
Sep 12, 2009
A few years ago when I was still living with my parents, my mother got on my ass about $1.25 worth of international messages accidentally sent a couple months before. The time-stamps for the messages were in the space of two minutes, during a time where I would have been in class. I tried to explain that I must have sent them by accident, but she wouldn't have any of it and instead blew up about the $1.25 lost. I blew up in turn out of the ridiculousness of the whole situation and, when i went back to explain again later, she refused to admit she was being petty.

Moral of the story is you can't win an argument against your mom. It's not because she has better logic, but because she will almost always refuse to acknowledge that you're in the right. If she's forced to admit it, she'll bury it and never talk about it again.

Anyone else tried winning an argument with their mom and failed?

EDIT: this seems to be the wrong forum to put this topic. please move it to Costa Del Sol if possible.
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Yes, I have. But after a certain point in the argument, I give up. Since I know I'm right, I see no point in shoving it in her face about how she was wrong. What does that get me? Nothing, but I made someone feel like a fool.

So, when I know I'm right, I say my piece and if it isn't listened to, I leave it be.
Well, my mom didn't want me to spend my money on an Xbox, and tried to actually forbid me to get one. I repeat, this is MY money. Whether I got it from my birthday, a job, or my allowance is irrelevant.

Also, she seems convinced that games are only for children. My uncle is a gamer, and she constantly says that he shouldn't play at all (mind you, he has a job and children that he takes care of), and that he isn't "mature". I tried arguing it, yet apparently I didn't understand because I'm not an adult. Yet she somehow understands although she's not a gamer.

Parents assume they are right because they are older so they think they know more than you about everything. My dad is actually pretty good with that stuff. While my mom disapproves of playing any M game at all, my dad will at least give me the benefit of the doubt and look up the game.
My god, you're only 15 and your mom wants you to be a full fledged mature adult? You should tell her if your too old to play games your also too old to take orders.

Which means, go get your damn Xbox.
No, I have an Xbox, that was a while ago. I just kept pushing until she eventually caved. Maybe she realized how stupid her argument was.

Also, the argument was more than gaming is only for teens and children, rather than her wanting me to be an adult. Either way, I can already see this be a problem as I get older...
Ah the joys of arguing with the parentals. I remember when I first moved int my house and she was like, don't get beige carpets, so I did, just to do the opposite of what she said. i think they will just always seee us as their children, and in a way whenever I argue with my mum, i revert back to a childish way of thinking....

It's more her telling me what to do still, than actual arguements really. I just resort to not telling her stuff that I know she will start about. Actually one I never win (I just dont answer) is the 'I thought you were skint' one. Whenever I'm doing out that involves spending cash, I get that everytime. It's like, hello, Im in my 20's and it's my money. Go away. Of course I don't say anything more than an 'eh...I havent been out for ages' and a shrug (though recently I have, so if I tell her Im Glasgow bound again soon, Im gunna get a right earful)

Also, she doesnt know I bought a PS3. I daren't tell her :8F:
I always win most arguments with mine, i don't understand why she thinks she is right all the time. I know i am not and when i'm caught in the wrong i'll admit it. But knowing my mother she'll throw a hissy fit until i say shes right, she pretty much does that if she doesn't get her way.
I'd have more luck teaching a chicken to play the flute than I would arguing with my mother. She just doesn't know how to debate something properly - she re-iterates the same point repeatedly with that absolutely insufferable "I'm right, you're wrong, and there is NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT." mentality. It doesn't stop me from trying - and, from my perspective, winning - but it really aggravates me...which might be why she does it, actually...
I have lost many a time, but I won once!!!! It was when we got Sky and there was Pay Per View. Now she had gone out and me, my brother, cousin and stepdad were in the house. A month later we got a bill for Jurassic Park 2 and a WWF event from Sky. Now my mum checked her dairy and seen she was out. So she confronted me! Yes me! I told ehr it wasnt me as I had JP2 on video and had no interest at all of wrestling. She called me a liar and I was arguing till I was almost blue in the face, when my step dad got involved. He confirmed that he had purchased them for my bro and cousin to watch ... did I get an apologie from my mum ... did I bugger!!!
We just scream and swear at eachother. Shel tell me to fuck off then get raged when i swear, its nuts.
Wer both stubborn simply put and we both know what annoys eachother. So an argument tends to turn into the both of us winding eachother up til one cracks, which is usually me.

I just don't even bother because in the end I know, that she knows I'm right if it happens to be the case.

I just brush it off and say, 'Whatever.'

Otherwise I'm just wasting my breath trying to win a battle that simply can not be won.

My mum is very stubborn and thinks that she's always right as most mothers think they are. I'm not the sort of person who has to really make a point of ensuring that I've had the final say and that I am right. I can deal with the fact that she's stubborn until it gets to something serious, which is rare.

So until those times I don't even try to win an argument unless I'm getting accused for something I didn't do and I want to ensure that she knows the truth, or it's something else serious enough for me to bother. >.<
The only time I try to argue something against my mom is when I know I am right. Any other time, it is just me wasting my breath. Even though she is wrong, she never wants to admit it, even on the smallest things.
I have a fool proof plan. Just agree. Agree agree agree. Mom's teem with rage when you aren't arguing back, or they will leave you alone. I recently discovered this a few years ago and have been using it since. Although I no longer live at home, occasionally it is a technique I must implore. Give it a whirl... you have nothing to lose... except the argument you were going to lose anyway XP