Worst Movies of All Time


"We do away with your kind."
Feb 10, 2009
I'll initiate this thread with one that I saw over the weekend:

Highlander - The Source

Um....I'm not entirely sure how to Describe this. I believe a group of ADHD teenagers wrote out the script and a mentally handicapped child was playing in a gutter and taken to create the special effects. They start off the movie by declaring two Immortals, yet by half an hour into the movie at least six are made clear. The characters' movements in the fight scenes are like enabling the trail on your computer's mouse and violently flailing it back and forth. By the very end of the movie, the producers realized that there was no real plot, so they incorporated a "surprise twist", and even rehearsed scenes from the movie, as if we didn't spend the last hour and twenty minutes watching it. At this point, I could no longer retain my laughter, and with my girlfriend and her mom's jaws dropped and eyebrows squeezed together, not really knowing what to think, I bursted out laughing and went to look for The Last Samurai.
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Worst movie i have seen....

Hmmm.... Honestly i have seen lots of crappy movies, but whenever i'm in frontt of my screen and realize that this is a bad movie, i usually don't watch it.
But for the heck of it, let me say Highschool Musical
I mean...godammit.
I'm not really into much of these teenage American college movies and especially when it tries to be a musical..meh!

I watched this movie with BustaMo over at a friend's place and the movie literally was so boring I was nodding asleep by the end. Something about Samuel L. Jackson hating people who can teleport and poking them with big sticks. I have no idea. It really was incredibly boring and I wouldn't watch it again if I was threatened by a rabid polar bear with an overbite... who could talk and threaten people... I guess he'd need those qualities too...

Me and Aztec and a few others were at a buddy of ours' house over the summer and he was all cocky because he had a Blu-Ray on his PS3 and he got this Blu-ray film called "Jumper". So basically, we all trust his judgment even though he's dumber than a pencil eraser, and we start to watch the movie.

I fall asleep 20 minutes in, and the 20 minutes I saw of the movie, were the worst 20 minutes I've ever spent watching anything; and that includes my grand-parents cutting out coupons from the newspaper.

Horrible stupid movie.

EDIT: Holy shit, that was not planned...!
Catwoman......watched it a long time ago .....so all i remember about the movie is that...Halle Berry was the catwoman.....and that the movie was horrible....i probably have suffered severe psychological traumafrom watching that and just blocked it out of my memory, so dont recommend showing me the movie..or watching it yourself.
Lol at Aztec and Busta! You guys must share a wavelength. :monster:.

I'm not sure if I really have a worst film... Theres very rarely a time that I walk out of a film, or turn it off at the TV as I'm rather OCD about stuff I watch. Once I start watching I want to see it to the end so that I get the full experience, know what they were going for, and judge then.

However one film that annoyed the hell out of me recently was Mamma Mia. I'm not sure if its just because it was annoying in general, or if it is by EVERYWHERE starting to play Abba songs AGAIN.... FOREVER! Loop! Crazy!
But no seriously, I don't really think its a guys film really. I'm not into the whole "hitch'em up and find your daddy" type movie, even if it was set in Greece.
redneck zombies

The title pretty much sums it up, i love zombie movies and no matter how bad the dub is i can watch them. This movie takes the piss though its just 80 minutes of cheese. I suppose its almost that bad u want to love it but unfortunately it falls short of the mark. Terrible acting...and i mean terrible, even worse directing, the picture quality is terribly terrible '_' and the story is pathetic, i wont bother explaining it just look at the title of the movie.
Usually in a zombie u can overlook these things if theres some decent gore, but again it falls short. If i wanted to see tomato sauce spurting through the air id go to burger king.

It was the worst movie I have ever gone to see at the movies and I am so glad I didn't pay to see it. * Free Movie voucher*

It was pretty much just a movie about zombie sheep. They bite you and you turn into a zombie sheep o_0.

I remember it was me and my partners second date when we went to see it. How awkward seeing that movie on a second date!


Oh and Meet The Spartans follow very closely behind in second place.

I actually walked out halfway through the movie. Something I have never done before. My brother works there so we got in for free anyway. Even if I had spent $9 on a movie ticket I reckon I would have walked out anyway, just to save my sanity. >_<

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Basically, this is one of those cult movies me and my friend have been wanting to see for a long time. It has been heralded as "THE GROSSEST MOVIE EVAR!!1" so my friend and I, with our shared morbid curiousity, decided to grab a pirated DVD copy since it's so fricken hard to find.


Basically, the film stars an flamboyant, overweight crosdresser/tranny (I cannot tell) named Divine who proudly wears the title of "the filthiest person alive." This couple, who run a hotel where they kidnap/rape teenaged girls and sell the resulting babies, plan to take this title away for Divine. Divine, offended, plans to kill the couple in order to reclaim her title as "the filthiest person alive."

The movie is made on an extremely low budget, and mainly consists of the actors doing really cheap, insanely gross things (guy lip-sinking with his anus, incest, rape, beastiality, murder, killing dogs, beastiality rape and murder involving a chicken etc.). I am actually not sure how this movie actually got made, because I've read that they used a live chicken in one really nasty sex scene.

The most disturbing thing about this movie is probably Divine's mother. She seems to be some sort of mentally unwell fatass who lives in a baby's crib, and she's in love with the man who delivers her eggs every day.


SHE DOES NOT LEAVE THE CRIB, SHE BASICALLY LIVES IN HER OWN SHIT. Oh, and probably smells of eggs all the time, since that's all that she seems to eat *shudder*

Oh, did I mention at the end of the movie, once Divine kills everyone (oops, sorry, spoiled the ending to this giant piece of shit movie) she, FOR NO REASON AT ALL, eats a pile of fresh dog shit from the side of the road? I kid you not she did. The fact that that scene was filmed live (as in, it was a legit scene of the actor eating really, fresh, steaming dogshit) is what apparently made it famouse.

Oh right, and this is supposed to be a comedy. I dare anyone to top this movie in how incredibley fucking bad it was.
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Ohh, a few years ago we did a film study on Shrek. At first we all laughed when we watched the movie but then the horror began. Our teacher insisted that we watch the scene where Farquad is first introduced (where he is walking down the corridor and when compared to the guards is revealed to be ridiculously small) just to emphasise how camera angles make him look big and powerful while he is really a midget. Totally ruined the movie.

Another movie: "Salo"
Oh my god this movie is sick. Search Wikipedia.
Lol at Aztec and Busta! You guys must share a wavelength. :monster:.

I'm not sure if I really have a worst film... Theres very rarely a time that I walk out of a film, or turn it off at the TV as I'm rather OCD about stuff I watch. Once I start watching I want to see it to the end so that I get the full experience, know what they were going for, and judge then.

However one film that annoyed the hell out of me recently was Mamma Mia. I'm not sure if its just because it was annoying in general, or if it is by EVERYWHERE starting to play Abba songs AGAIN.... FOREVER! Loop! Crazy!
But no seriously, I don't really think its a guys film really. I'm not into the whole "hitch'em up and find your daddy" type movie, even if it was set in Greece.

i had to sit through that with the grannies and gramps (that is sorta mean. Oh wells) at the back singing with the songs. Biggest waste of time and money.
Um that movie with Jack Black and Kyle Gass, I can't really remember the name because I wanted to black out all memorys I have of it.

Something like Notorius D and something pick of something.

I hated this movie so bad, so stupid, the story of 2 guys looking for a pick...
Some scenes left me going WTF D:.

They didn't even have creative names, Jack Blacks name in the movie was JB, JB = Jack Black. -_-
Kyle Gass, was KG, KG= Kyle Gass
Like they were so high making this movie they couldn't even make up different names. -__-
I've never actually SEEN it but I heard that the worst of all time is called the Room. They've called it the 'Citizen Kane of bad movies'
Worst movie I saw was probably Mall Cop. That movie was just too damn boring, and a lot of the scenes were just plain awkward. Some of the stunts were pretty cool, but not very thrilling. I know it was supposed to be funny but........I don't know, the comedy scenes seemed pretty used.
The Star Wars prequel trilogy, but especially Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. The Phantom Menace was sort of salvaged by Liam Neeson who's always good, and Darth Maul who was a total badass. George Lucas should never have written or directed these movies himself, and Hayden Christensen's Mannequin Skywalker has got to be THE lamest acting job in any major blockbuster movie ever.
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One of the worst movies I've ever seen which really stuck with me as an awful film was My Blueberry Nights, starring Jude Law, Norah Jones, Natalie Portman, Rachel Weisz and some others. I read a review on it saying 'If you liked Amelie, you'll love this!' and I loved Amelie but... oh my god. :ffs: Do yourself a favour and never watch this film, it's the most boring load of rubbish ever, you'll sit there at the end (if you make it that far) wondering why the hell you just wasted 2 hours of your life with this tripe. You could tell it wanted to be all deep and meaningful, but there was no obvious message in it that really inspired me or made me think. The only reason I watched it to the end was because I kept thinking 'Well something HAS to happen eventually', but no. Nothing happened. It was the most boring and pointless film ever. Don't watch it. :jtc:
The Village. <_<

Don't even get me started on this movie.

They took all the good parts from the movie, stuck it in the trailer and made it look like it was the most awesome movie ever. <_<

I mean I know they do that with a lot of movies but this one was just the worst for it.

Literally, every good part was in the trailers. <_<

Bloodrayne - This is the worst acting ever known to man. If you sit down and watch it you can't even get a laugh at it. Unless you just want some brief nudity or something... well then that's all this movie has on it. I give this the number 1 worst movie of all time.