Worst Part of FFCC


Chocobo Breeder
Jan 2, 2007

The worst part of FFCC, in my opinion, is the fact that you can't remove defend from the command list. I mean, who even uses it, especially during boss fights? To a Clavat or Lilty, it's more like you're just standing right in front of the monsters, trying to tell them "Hey guys! I want you to hit me from the back!" and Selkie users have to press it with each attack they want to dodge. So why did Square Enix make defend unable to change or remove, if hardly anyone's going to use it?

Wow, I never knew anyone got that involved with the game.
I understand what you mean. :S I don't even bother with trying to use it. It half the time just gets in the way.
I don't block. I run. :P

The worst part... I'd have to say that I was a little disappointed that the X Aura gave NO sort of bonuses, aside from being the only one you need in order to pass every stream...

Mind you, it's been a while, so it's not very fresh in my mind. <_<
Basically everything.

- Your characters had no personality, just like those from FF1
- That stupid chalice thing - whenever your moogle was carrying it, it would usually ask you to hold it in a boss battle. Retarded and not helpful
- The whole - let's fill this chalice up, bring it back, fill it, bring it back, fill it, bring it back shit - That's all you basically ever did.
On the other hand, Lisa, it made it easy to put down for a few months only to come back to it later; there's not much to forget, and less to remember.
On the other hand, Lisa, it made it easy to put down for a few months only to come back to it later; there's not much to forget, and less to remember.

..Don't mean to sound stupid but what do you mean exactly? When I stopped playing it, I stopped playing it o.x
I mean that there's little story to go back to the beginning for. If you ever wanted to play it again, then you'd be able to continue from where you quit, with no worries about missing any sort of plot points.
I just hate doing the same thing every year, it sucked so much.
Not exactly the best FF game ever.

I kinda got tired of having to stay in the Crystal barrier, and Mog asking me to hold it all the time. They should have had side-quests or something besides fill the Chalice up, bring it back and start the whole year over. That got boring. And the bosses didn't change much whenever you had to re-visit. What, they couldn't even make it different? You just visited the same places year after year and did the same thing year after year. And I didn't exactly lnot having the same inventory for all my characters. I couldn't give the items I wanted to to others. Bleugh.

The only thing I really appreciate from it, besides it being an FF game, is the Focus attacks. I rather liked those. But that's about it.
I really did enjoy the opening song to Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicals.. side from that the game was a bit of waste of money.. I beat it got all the Ultima Weapons.. and watched the ending the 1 player ending and the multiplayer ending
Personally GA, I dont know why you even bought the game, I agree the best part is the Opening Music theme but that was the only thing good about it..

Sorry to say but the game was a waste of your money, and i've told ya this in real life as well :P