Worth getting?


Dark Knight
Aug 28, 2007
Bambi Branford
FFXIV Server
It's not out yet, but to stop people creating duplicate 'should I buy this' threads, ima just sticky this, for those of you who got it early, and those of us who won't have it a good while to read through your experiences

So, is Dissidia worth buying?

Please try to avoid posting OLOLOL IT'S GREAT BUY IT, that's not a convincing argument, thanks gaiz

Edit* Don't forget spoiler tags if needed
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Since I have played it in JAP language and I have a level 100 guy, I s'pose I could say that this game is awesome :awesome:. It's definitely worth buying once it goes on EN. Even if it's not a regular Final Fantasy, the character development gives it the FF-feeling, and we always love a change in gameplay, right? :monster:
Overall, a great game even if you aren't into this kind of games.
Go buy it :wacky: (when it comes in EN, of course.)
Yes dissidia Final Fantasy is a really good game and it is worth getting. Lots of chracters and moves. Lots of upgrading, Online play and all that make it awesome. Also Icons from every Final Fantasy can be used as your profile picture. Kelly you should buy this game when it comes out. Also the Story is great but I will not spoil it for you. Anyways I can not wait for the eng version so I can understand the fucking dialogue for once. So yeah basically a great buy!!
i could definantly see myself getting this game when it comes out for english. every final fantasy game has been worth getting. all I know about the game is that there are like 12 good characters and 12 evil ones. any yes, Cloud is in the game as a main character :d
ive only seen videos but i think it looks amazing. The graphics are great and to just play as 22 characters is a real joy. I personally will pre order quickly so i can buy the collectors. Imagen cloud vs leon lol its got so many great features. The board game part of it looks alright but not to cheer for. So yes you should get it :)
I downloaded the trailer for free from the PSP store the other day and it looks amazing! Seriously, I've never anticipated such a game before. The graphics look top notch, plus it's bashing all the FF characters together for the very first time. I'd definitely buy it once it comes out over here, regarding I have the money.
I seen some footage and it looks sexy....damn sexy....I mean super damn sexy. You know like in the trailer where the sides are split between good and evil, cosmos and chaos are standing behind on their sides then all of sudden they all rush each other. OMG I can just smell it now....sexy juices.
-Other than it's a chance to play as different characters from different ffs in one game taking on epic battles, so I'd say it's definitely worth it. Plus it has replay value with unlocks and online.
..Not to mention it's just a long hard explosion of sexiness that I want all over my face...Right now. I wanna be drenched.
I'm so excited for Dissida!! I don't have my own Psp..so I preordered the pack that comes with it..

The graphics look sooo good.

I want to buy the Japanese version too but I wasn't sure if the psp was like a ds and you could play either one in it.

It looks great^^
*drools* I've been waiting for this game for almost a WHOLE YEAR. Of course, I'm probably going to drop dead once I own it.
when i saw the trailer i," jumped out of my chair, and shouted YES!!!!!!!".
i have been wishing for this kind of final fantasy game for a while. a game with many of my fav. heroes and villians reunited in one game, i will totally buy this, that is of course when i get my psp.
As someone who has the game in English, FF:Dissidia is definitely a game worth buying. The cast of characters from each game (excluding FFXI and FFXII) is a good selection, which gives players the choice of whether or not to use ranged characters or hand-to-hand characters - and let's not forget those that can do both!

For a game that involves so many personalities, SquareEnix has succeeded to create a game where the characters actually resemble what they were like in their own games. Kefka is still the non-serious psychopathic guy he was in FFVI, Cloud is still the hero who doesn't care, Squall still plays the lone wolf (lion in his case ;3) and so on and so on. For the FF fans who have followed the series, this game will definitely suck you in for hours and hours of gameplay. It's likely that you'll start kissing your PSP good night before you sleep - that is granted that you actually sleep xD

We all know that FF is an RPG, and we all know that RPGs involve fighting, leveling up, gaining new abilities, obtaining and using items. In the back of our minds, though, we all know that we've asked the question: "What would it be like if the main characters from each FF were to fight each other?" This is where you'll thank Dissidia for showing you what it could be like. In the game, you level your character(s), you can buy items as well as obtain them from battles (low drop rates, boys and girls xD), you can Master Abilities (definitely taken from FFIX). You can even choose who you want to see fighting!

I'll stop my review now, but I'll say that I've been playing for nearly a week now, and I've got a Lvl 100 Zidane that has nearly mastered all his abilities, and I'm working on obtaining the best Equipment and Accessories I can for him, and I've still got another 21 characters to do that for!!! I'm still having a lot of fun, and finding it hard to put the game down even after a few hours of playing.
I definitely recommend Final Fantasy: Dissidia.

By the way, anyone want to fight?~
I would fight you, but I don't own a PS3 lol or Dissidia at the moment.
But, if I ever do get a PS3, can I still take ya up on the offer?
I would fight you, but I don't own a PS3 lol or Dissidia at the moment.
But, if I ever do get a PS3, can I still take ya up on the offer?

I don't have a PS3 either xD I actually wrote this post before I actually knew you had to have one to go online ^-^ But yeah, when we get PS3s, I'll accept your challenge. We'll see if you can catch me~
From the trailer I saw, it looked decent enough. However, the review that Digital Spy gave it might yet be enough to sway anyone. They even gave 4 out of 5 stars, which is saying a lot, too.
I just got the game yesterday and so far I've enjoyed it.

I've been playing through the characters stories and because I don't really know 'all' of the Final Fantasy characters, it's interesting getting to know what they're like and their moves and such. =)

I like that it's varied and they all have their own style and extremely different personalities.

It's going to be a joy to play!

So yes, I would say that this is definitely worth getting!
This is worth getting just for the overall quality of the game. It's hard to find a game that could match it. As for playability and fun factor its unique mixture of RPG and fighting makes it attractive to fans of both genres.
Its a great game for those who want to see their fav final fantasy protaginists fighting advent children style. Also, if you have ever wanted to use Sephiroth in a fighting game (other the Enhergeiz :God Bless The Ring) and the other antagonists, then its your knid of game. The story allows for people like Cloud and Squall to interact, which is a dream come true
Not one negative review man. Dood if you're on this forum it's a must buy. and besides you can play ONLINE (if you have a ps3) c'mon what are the cons here. I don't see one except for the fact that it'll suck away at your time for a while.
Not one negative review man. Dood if you're on this forum it's a must buy. and besides you can play ONLINE (if you have a ps3) c'mon what are the cons here. I don't see one except for the fact that it'll suck away at your time for a while.

That's not even the bad thing xD Unless you work <.< or have a life <.<
Sadly, I have a life... I'm taking a break from it for a while <3 Dissidia's great to use the time up on ^-^
It's not that great. Basically the characters are all the same, exactly the same as in the previous games, there's no real development at all, they have voices and not particularly good ones at that. The combat system is pretty much hack n slash, press circle then square etc etc. It's on PSP so the graphics aren't that great.
It's a game for FF fans rather than RPG fans, the point of it is that you get to use the main characters in a way that you didn't in the original game.