Help [X-2] Dammit clasko!


Red Mage
Aug 15, 2007
Where is this moron, ive been following the guide and im in ch. 2 up to the part where im suppose to enter the calm lands and help Clasko clear out fiends from the arena area. But hes not on the ship so it doesnt go to a cut scene when i enter the area like it should.

He was on the airship during chapter 1 and now hes gone.

anyone know if this is some kinda bug or glitch?
I'll move this over to the Help Booth. :monster:

Beyond that, I can't help...I've never played Ten-Two, sorry. D:
When you get him on-board in chapter one, did you talk to him? I do believe you have to talk to him and there might even be an option of telling him to do what he wants to do.

When you then get to chapter two and fly over the Calm Lands, you get the cutscene and told Clasko has jumped ship. As you obviously know.

I had this happen on my first play through. Second playthrough I went and talked to him once he was on the airship and it worked for me.

Other than that, if it doesn't work, I have no clue, sorry. D:
When you get him on-board in chapter one, did you talk to him? I do believe you have to talk to him and there might even be an option of telling him to do what he wants to do.

When you then get to chapter two and fly over the Calm Lands, you get the cutscene and told Clasko has jumped ship. As you obviously know.

I had this happen on my first play through. Second playthrough I went and talked to him once he was on the airship and it worked for me.

Other than that, if it doesn't work, I have no clue, sorry. D:

Ya right after I let him on the airship i went up to the cabin and talked to him. He was on hes hands and knees on the second floor saying "whys the room moving" or something but that was it. I kinda do remember him saying something else and having him on the first floor next to the bar when i played awhile back but the damn guide needs to tell me these things! ug.

Anyways i just decided to go ahead and go on to chapter 3. So no perfect game this play through =( going to be missing .8% ! doh
I haven't played this game in a while, but I think it's actually Chapter 3 when he jumps overboard, I could be wrong though (I might be thinking about Oaka). And so long as you have him on the Celsius, he will leave no matter what.

I'm not totally sure, but there is a possibility that there has to be another event done in order for it to trigger Clasko wanting to bail at the Calm Lands. I know for a fact that there is a significance to the Calm Lands in Chapter 3 already (I won't spoil it though), but this event would have nothing to do with Clasko.

Other than that, I'm not totally sure I can help you otherwise. Best of luck!
Ok I found clasko at the chocobo ranch during chapter 3. I needed shinra to place a Comm sphere at the ranch so i went and there he was. The guide is flawed or something.

Anyways i was super happy about this but then i remember that i missed a few completion % at the begining of chapter 2 or 3 when i was suppose to let yuna rest at the cabin. I forgot! before i completed the chapter though i let her rest but i think it was to late. Isnt there suppose to be some kinda scene during that time or no. I didnt get that scene if there was and im probly going to complete the entire game with .1% missin or something! rats...