X-Men rp?

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Blue Mage
Jul 18, 2006
Anybody here in FFF insterested in either starting or joining an X-men rp?

I was thinking about setting it in a future in which all the X-men characters that we all know and love have grown too old or retired. Professor Charles Xavier has established Academies for gifted youngsters all around the world. Each "gifted youngster" with adequate control over his or her power, achieve a rank known as "agent". It's the job of an agent to primarily protect the Academy and the students, meaning that they spend most of their time practicing and protecting their respective cities. Only those who exhibit exceptional control over their powers, and/or demonstrate constant compassion and selflesness (to human and mutant alike) can achieve the rank and title of X-men.

I was also thinking of having the story take place in a fairly crowded metropolis (to make things fun) that has a great history of mutant prejudice.
Participants can play as Humans, Mutants from Xavier's side, or Mutants from the Brotherhood (yes, I do want to see them in there). If they wish, participants can (and are strongly encouraged) create a counter-persona, or counter-part to their character. A participant with a heroic main character can create a villiain or two that the group can struggle against if he r she so chooses, and vice-versa.

Participants can also create their very own plotines and story arcs (to me in private, so it doesn't spoil the surprise for the other participants), where they can be worked on, and eventually put into action. Essesntially, I want to work more on cooperation and interactivity with the other participants, to create an element of constant surprise. (Aside from me) No other character will know, when a player-made story will run into a new plot twist, or even whether, the character's of participants (or even the participants themselves) will betray the rest of the group.

Toodles for now!

Angry black guy needs some sleep.
i like it! I be a human! I would be the defenseliss annoying girl that says..
- Watch Out!
-Behind you!
- Okey Dokey!
- Ahhh! Somebody please help me!
Thanks y'all. All I just need to know now is who's willing to join. Well, that and any suggestion for the story or any rp mechanics. Afterwards, i'll get to work the next time i'm on.
Exactly Stanmore. You can play as either, but you must know that they are both old codgers by now. I'll further illustrate that once I have enough time to get around and write it up. You're also going to have to do them their due justice as X-men, and be able to role play better than you ever have in your whole life.

I'll post more later.

And don't forget about any suggestions!
I think most people are failing to grasp the concept of this RP idea. It's set in the future: official Marvel characters are gonna be far too old to RP as. Unless we change the setting to a retirement home.
I think that i'm probably going to end up placing the setting either far into the future when everyone is dead, or in an alternate universe where none of the current X-men living or participating.

Maybe people will get the hint then.

Either way, i'm hoping that there'll be more people interested when we start. And we when do, people need to know that they're making a bit of a comittment to finishing this rp or at the very least, posting.
Yeah I'm interested in this. do you have any set profile guideline for everyone to follow.

AND HERE IS A NOTE TO EVERYONE THAT DIDN"T GET IT THE FIRST FEW TIMES. MAKE YOUR OWN CHARACTERS. the actual x-men characters should only be around as npc at most.
I got an idea on how the profiles should look for this one. It is most like the other rps with a couple additions. This may help get this thing started. I this is ok, then I'll put up my character next.
Oh and if you don't read many of the recent comics, many mutants like Jubilee have lost their abilities.

mutation:(this is where you put how the mutation affects their appearance)
Hair color, length, and style:(for head only. if there is hair elswhere on body that isn't normally there it goes in mutations)
Eye color:
Significant features: (say a noticable birthmark, tatoo, scar, accessory that is always worn)
Build:(if human in appearance. ex. athletic, thin, fat, etc)
Abilities:(this is where you put their mutant powers or the benefits of their physical mutations)
Geneology:(Basic family history. this would be if you are related to a current or former character in comics. Say who they are an the relation they have to the character. remember some characters are already dead, or are in specific relationships. you can't have a character be the child of cyclops and polaris for example.)
Afilliation: (What group are you with)
I was thinking of something like this so that there won't be any details lost. We can also get better description of characters this way. I was thinking of being a litte bit stricter with my rules this time around. This is a Marvel RP. It'd be insulting to us and Marvel, if every character was mega-powered, with the participants writing poorly.

I also wanted to make sure to pick out a storyline that will keep participants and prospective participants engrossed and involved in the story. I don't want everyone suddenley not even posting for weeks at a time.

This RP has to be a really good one.

Mutant name (if any):
Affiliation (Whether you're alligned with the brotherhood, the x-men, number one, or the government, put it here. I'm still trying to decide which storyline will make for a better RP):
Appearance (includes height, weight, build, eye color, and other features of note)
Special abilities (Y'know, like hacking or lock picking. Just don't go overboard)
Insanities/psychoses (if any) (I might put this right in with personality)
Prejudices (If any) (this might go in with personality good)
Residence (includes your hometown and your home state.... unless you're from another world...)
History (whuch will inlude geneology)
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