Xemnas Battle Tips


The Beauty of The Night
Jun 4, 2008
As you can see from the title, I'm at the part where you fight Xemnas. I can usually get pass the other battles but I always die at the part where you get Riku as a teammate. There are a few things that I've tried like complete pursuit on Xemnas and trying to bash him but that gets my killed. I've also tried relying on Riku's Aura shield thing but Xemnas moves around a lot.

Does anyone have any advice to help me?
Ugh I got stuck here for ages....which particular Xemnas are you on....? Is it the last one?

I only really struggled when he took Sora hostage -__- (I swear that part took me so long)

Other than that I just did him over with reaction commands and mashing the X button.....and running around in circles alot
Uhhh yeah. well I can't actually remember the original Xemnas battle style but here goes: Firstly, practice using Guard and Reflect. Equip Glide, and fly toward Xemnas. Just before you touch him, use Reflect. This should block his attcak, and deal damage. If he teleports away, press square then triangle. This way, if he does that spin attack, you'll guard it. If he does that 'Spiderman web attack'' then you'll dodge it.

By the way, you can actually cancel the 'Riku saves Sora' thing. As soon as he says ''Can you spare a heart' either Reflect, or drive. this way, you'll be invincible to his effect, and the attack is canceled. If you have trouble with his lasers, just try to time your guards. I can't really help you there though.

The rest of his original moves are easy to dodge.
Press the triangle button as if your life depended on it. That should suffice.

Seriously, I watched my menu bar at the bottom of the screen more than I watched the characters. Press the button when necessary, and you're golden. Simple stuff.
I'll try to take the advice on cancelling the Riku saves Sora because that's where I mess up. Riku's not very fast and good on combos and that gets me killed.

I don't have glide. How do you get it?
Get Final form, then level it up to 3. You'll get Glide.

To obtain Final Form (If you haven't) you must drive at any time, as long as you have at least 5 bars. It doesn't always work.