xiii for x360


ShinRa Guard
Jun 13, 2007
:rolleyes:i think that would be a great idea
i dont have a ps3
lots of people that love final fantasy cant afford ps3's
they would sell twice as many copies if it was released for 360 also

I am currently viewing that article and most of the comments are ridiculous. A lot of people really don't know what they are on about. :dry:
It doesn't really matter to me, I will have a ps3 way before FF13 is released. SO if they choose to release it on the 360 as well, then i will just pick whatever one looks better.
Apparently it's going to be a very depressing FF. Ugh. D:
depressing FF? for the entire game you think? a bunch of them started out depressing and eventually brightened up, such as VII and VI...well not so much VI that game was mildly depressing throughout but it had its bright spots. im not a fan of depressing FF's...
Yeah, same here. Depressing games are not what we need lol when games are a source of fun and entertainment.
:rolleyes:i think that would be a great idea
i dont have a ps3
lots of people that love final fantasy cant afford ps3's
they would sell twice as many copies if it was released for 360 also

I think they should release Halo 3 for the PS3. There's a lot of people who have a PS3 and can't afford an XBox 360 who love Halo. They'd sell twice as many copies that way, and keep PS3 owners happy. And yet why don't they? Because it's bad for business. If that happened, less people would get an XBox 360, because let's face it, you only get an XBox for Halo.

So that means that FFXIII won't be released on the 360, because it's not only bad business for Sony, but also for SE because it makes them look like sell outs.
i hope this doesn't come out for the 360. The Playstation has always been sucessful because of exclusive games, we need FFXIII and Metal Gear Solid 4 to keep people wanting a PS3 :)
I kinda do want it to remain PS3 although I hope I can afford one when the time comes. If 360 and PS3 have all the same games then it will just come down to 2 things.

1. What console has the best graphics.
2. What console is cheaper.

I think if this was the case then I think even more people would be in favour of the 360. Every console needs big game exclusive.

true but the PS3 is the most powerful system, so that will always win that category.

You've just got to trust Sony. They came through with the PS1, then PS2 and now they're about to do their best with the PS3. Admittidly, the best games aren't out yet, but there are more than enough to keep anyone occupied.

Unfortunately people hate on the PS3 for stupid reasons, my friend said: ''it's too big'. Who cares if it's big, it is the most powerful and has some nice games out and even better games are coming out soon..

I have faith in Sony