
Jan 11, 2008
I'm been wondering about this for a long time. I've cheked out many websites on the Final Fantasy XIII realeases. Some websites say there is coming out two titels of XIII, and some other's say there's coming out three titels.
Does anyone know!
There are only 3 games that have been officially announced, two of them are for PS3, and Agito is for mobile phones.

I wouldn't be surprised if a 4th game, most likely for PSP, was announced though.
What about a XIII sequel?

I would quite like it, if it was well thought out. XIV might be at the end of the PS3's life cycle, as XII was for the PS2, or we might get 3 titles this time round. Games take considerably longer to develop now than they did in the time of the PS1, though.
I don't think they'll make an XIII sequal, not just yet anyway. Since announcing a sequal now before the first ones even released would just be stupid xD

i feel so left out. i dont even have a ps3 yet.
i cant wait until XIII, its gonna be bomb. who cares if theres a sequal? Hopefully, if there is a FFXIII - 2 It wont get bashed as much as FFX - 2 did. Even though I likes that game. NO GLARING!

so . . . i guess i should buy a ps3 sometime soon, aye?

when exactly DOES FFXIII come out?
Don't feel bad, I don't have one yet either unfortunately.. I don't think there will be an FFXIII-2 or anything like that because the story is brand new and if people wanted a sequel to something it would probably be one of the older Final Fantasys. The only way I see a sequel is if they leave it at a cliffhanger ending or the main character dies, and fans call for a sequel (sound familiar?)

On gamestop it says December 1, 2008 is when the pre-release comes out. That will most likely change, however, when it gets closer to time. I'm betting that they push it for a Christmas release, since that will make them the most money.
Bah I can't believe people are talking about a sequel already, XIII and it's many spin offs aren't even out yet >_<

Im getting really rather annoyed, why can't they just stick to one sodding game

And I don't have a PS3 either, which I only intend on buying if a VII remake comes out. I don't want to even sniff XIII until I have some solid proof it's actually a good game and not just something pretty to loook at

/end rant