Tech You'll see these on the battlefield one day


Blue Mage
Feb 10, 2010

This stuff blows my mind. Technology has come a long ways and it's kind of freaky, but awesome.

It's only a matter of time till they get it down to this.

ahhh ive seen that video before. Tbh i dont find it that impressive really. I dunno, maybe its cuz i dont have an interest in robots but it just looks like a piece of crap to me.
I saw this video a while ago and it still impresses me. It's kind of creepy when it slips on the ice because for a split second, I forget that it's a robot. It looks and reacts like a real animal when it tries to balance itself. :gasp:
im impressed if its upsized to this.


Still, im pretty sure at current tech, its armour would be pretty thin in order for it to be quick and fast, therefore making it vulnerable and vise versa.
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It loooks like those hounds in that book about burning books lol. Wth the firfighter and the future. Ya'll know.!!
Mota_Moogle<3 said:
It loooks like those hounds in that book about burning books lol. Wth the firfighter and the future. Ya'll know.!!
Fahrenheit 451?

In the scene at the beginning where It's climbing the hill I thought it looked like there were two guys in a costume. It's kinda cool how it is able to regain its balance and stuff. But meh, much like Lew I didn't find it that impressive. They should make a robot like Bender, that would be cool.