Young boy killed for being gay

Blue Link

Red Mage
Jan 24, 2008
I usually stay away from political matters, but I had to bring this up.

This year around Valentines Day, a young boy was killed by a classmate because he was gay. This is sad, no horrible, because someone is teaching children that it is okay to kill people because of their sexual preferences! Something should be done! I don't want a country full of people who are afraid to be themselves for fear of getting killed! That's not what this country was founded on! Hatred should not be tolerated!!!
I find the general distaste expressed towards homosexuality to be beyond ridiculous. I've witnessed kids be bullied because of their orientation, but killing someone over it? Madness. Though that's not to say making their lives a misery due to sexuality is at all justified, but it's almost infinitely more moral than killing...

I can only pity the masses if this is what justifying heterosexuality is coming to.

Dave Greenblade, in future I suggest you add more thought into your posts before making them.
Even now, homosexuals are often treated as second class citizens, and alot of prejudice remains. It's not surprising, but definitely backwards and unacceptable.
This is disgusting, really. =/ It's sickening to think that people kill, but how they can kill over something as trivial as sexual preference is completely alien to me. Sadly, I cannot say that I'm at all surprised though. Hell, a guy from my year at school is in jail for killing someone who wouldn't give him a light for his cigarette. Whilst it's devastating that people I know can do things like that, I have to be thankful that atleast the country I live in won't kill you for sexual orientation. I mean, look at what Mugabe did, or worse still in Yemen where homosexuality is punishable by death. =/
There are always people who hate those who are different to them. It's a shame that the world hasn't learned much, even after all the atrocities which have been committed. But the thing is, homosexuals are dehumanised, and believed to be subhuman deviants by people who would do such things. Disgraceful. If anything, the people who kill others based on prejudice are subhuman monsters.

Doubt this is much an issue for debate though, except maybe the causes of prejudice and hate.
I really dont like homosexual people based on my beliefs, but with that being said i dont think that they should be killed because of it.
Really don't like, as in hate?

What does someone with a different sexual orientation do to harm you or anyone else?

Most likely nothing, but it's religion. 'Unnatural' and 'not the way God meant for it to be'. I don't agree with this ofcourse but there you go, that's irrelevant to anyone else's opinions/beliefs. I think it's just best to be yourself, without religion trying to make us all the same. It's a vast generalisation ofcourse, but the opinions towards homosexuals in particular is something which I strongly disagree with.
Unfortunate story.

I've never understood what the big deal is with homosexuality. Some people are attracted to members of the opposite sex--some are not.

It's sad that some people take it so seriously as to kill someone over it. It's a twisted world, I suppose.
I don't agree with what you say, but I defend your right to say it. as a gay man, I appreciate your candor. but honestly, there are things much worse than gay people, such as wars and needless killing.

damn it! forgot to quote! this is a response to NANAKI_BLOODs previous post.
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It's absolutely disgusting that someone would get killed just for his sexual preference. Kids can be cruel but this is taking it way to far. The world is getting an increasingly disgusting place to live in
We studied homosexuality in Psychology, and found that most homosexual men have an abnormally sized hypothalamus.
This means that homosexuality, in most cases, IS GENETIC. Once this is officially recognized by the medical community, I wonder how many people will hide behind religious excuses, instead of actual ignorance and discrimination.

I hate when people talk about how they don't like the 'behavior' of homosexuals. What makes their bedroom dealings anyone's business? It's not like I look at every couple I pass by and immediately wonder what their sexual activities are, so why should it be any different for homosexuals?

To get back on topic, I obviously am very disgusted by it, especially from school kids.
I'm glad to see so many people here are humane enough to feel empathy. Let's pray that the family of the child find peace and that God has mercy on the murderers immortal soul.
I have no faith in god, but killing a boy for living his life is meaningless and ridicules, the boy probably had nothing to do with his murderers.
Thank you for being so kind about that S. I respect you for not cursing at me just because i'm not fond of gayness. But just like everyone else who are not offended by gay people or are maybe offended by other things, then they should realize that the way I was brought up was to not tolerate things like being gay or drugs. Not saying that being gay is the equivalent of doing drugs I just have certain things that I dont care for too much. But I wont judge you S, and I actually have a lot of respect for you now.
Thank you and your welcome. You've gained my respect as well. I only wish everyone were more like you. Staying true to what you believe and not allowing it to effect those who believe different, cuz in the end, you're the one who finds peace in your beliefs, not them.
Thankfully enough, I live in a place where there isn't any apparent discrimination against homosexuals, so it's really kind of shocking to hear of something like that happening. Sometimes people can be so barbaric, it's incomprehensible.

Oh, and by the way, if you were referring to America in your opening post, it was founded on hatred. The rebels hated the British, so we had the American Revolution. I don't know much about other countries, but I think this particular act of violence was fueled by the killer's own personal/religious beliefs instead of being some extension of the government. A pity such hate crimes aren't so readily discussed in politics, though.