Your character's race


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Feb 19, 2009
Andre the Adamantoise
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Aoife Linnaete
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Straightforward topic.

What is the current race of your character and why have you opted to go with your current look?

You may have stuck to this one race since your Warrior of Light was first born from the flickering aether of the character creation screen, or you may have recently downed a bottle of Fantasia to undergo a remarkable transformation. If you did the latter, let's hear what transformations you have made and why.


I started off as a normal midlander Hyur with pink-purple hair. I genuinely did not take the time to properly think about my character's race and looks from the get-go, because I was just eager to jump into the free trial and start playing.

Now anyone who plays a Hyur woman will know that they run...kiiiiiind of like Vanille from FFXIII. Perhaps not exactly like Vanille, because her running animation is just extraterrestrial and no girl or woman would ever genuinely run like that. I simply didn't like the run and being a human was just dull after a month or so.

After subbing for the first time, I came across this mysterious bottle of Fantasia in the post. I initially believed it was just like the Aesthetician, so I unknowingly used it without actually having any planned intention of changing my character's race. So I've been a Miqo'te since and I was blessed with a more natural and less silly running animation since.

And I suppose it fits my personality. Cute exterior, then gets fierce. Just look at this death stare:


I started off as a Dunesfolk Lalafell and most likely I'll stay that way as well. Since I thought the game would be like FFXI where you need to be the best race for your class or you won't be anywhere nearly as good as others of a different race I assumed the same rules would apply here and since I wanted to be a THM that's what I went for. I also thought that PIE was a really major stat at the time for THMs like INT is. So the choice came down to INT and PIE AKA Elezen or Lalafell. I chose PIE. It also didn't help that my character was a Tarutaru in FFXI too. Once I found out it wasn't a big deal for THMs by that time I decided I prefer staying as a Lalafell. Dunesfolk Lalafell master race! *peace sign*
I sort of miss this game, but I don't know if I'll be putting the time aside to get the most of it for a while.

Anyway, Polyphemos Bromios has always been (and will always be) a Sea Wolf Roegadyn.

He is supposed to be a tall character. Polyphemos is the name of the most famous cyclops of all in Greek mythology (the name polyphemos itself means 'much famed'). This is why I also gave my character only one working eye. The other eye is white and scarred. My character HAD to be a bulky Roegadyn.

The Bromios aspect is drawn from an epithet of the god Dionysos (god of wine, theatre, madness, etc). In myth Dionysos was also kidnapped by pirates and escaped by turning the pirates into dolphins.

My character is intentionally supposed to be a sort of pirate (his allegiance and home town is Limsa Lominsa). He HAD to be a Sea Wolf rather than a Hellboy (or whatever the other ones who live in volcanoes are called).

Polyphemos Bromios is quite a crazy guy (I struggled to control him myself sometimes!). His favourite activity was to strip to his underwear and embarrass everybody. Like a typical drunken pirate.





To change my character's race would be the equivalent of transforming Mickey Mouse into a bee. Why would I do that?

The new horny race which they have released, whilst tall, still would not fit my character's personality. Being dragonborn is not Polyphemos' scene.
Originally Aerian was a Hyur female, but as I played I kinda began to like the Miqo'te animations much better plus it fits better with Aerians character she would in finding herself thrust into a new world become the one thing she hates the most, cute.

Aerian Elcarus 14_09_2015 14_34_27_1.jpg
Aerian is a warrior in her own world, a savior to those in need and heir to her families legacy, she unfortunately also has a mouth that gets her in more trouble that needed, that's how she ended up in Eorzea in the first place. She is quick, she is smart and she is dangerous with a bow.

She has grown to love the world of Eorzea and while she can often be found changing her appearance a little she loves hunting down that high level gear often in lots of long sprees!
I started as a Hyur female as well. If you stalk the screenshots thread you can probably still see her in the very early stages (despite a hair change already took place at this point). I was against going with any of the "odd" races at first because I felt like they were overused, but I always had a weak spot for the Miq'ote race. Their animations (my character anyway!) are adorable, and I just like how my character turned out. She's not the stereotypical naked cat girl with neon green hair.

So yeah, Miq'ote Seeker of the Sun. :D

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I always wanted Salvae to be a Miq'ote. Not only does it suit her personality (like any feline, she's a stealthy, relentless hunter who also likes a good snooze), but I also wanted a character who looked determined and warrior like in an entirely feminine way. I didn't want a woman who dresses like she thinks a man would if he was a woman type thing :wacky:. Choosing the Seeker of the Moon race was a natural progression in this line of thought. Pale and fair with wide, silvery eyes, I wanted Salvae to look a little guileless and innocent even though there is evidence that she's been on a few scraps.

The Miq'ote mannerisms are also quiet endearing without being overly cutsie or dramatic. Furthermore, they have a solid enough frame and build as to not look ridiculous in the tanking classes, which is very important - who wants people giggling behind their back because they look like a weed in chicken wire? Look at the Lalafells, the only way they get away with wielding an axe, is if they named themselves Tyrion Lannister (true story).

Anyways, it's highly unlikely I'll ever change races or anything, Salvae wouldn't like it very much!

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When I first started playing I had a female Hyur Highlander. More or less the same look as my current character, but taller. And with a big scar across her face. I think I was in Witcher 3 hype mode back then and tried to copy Ciri a bit. Which totally didn't work out, haha. I eventually swapped over to Midlander because... I'm not actually sure. Something about the Highlanders look off. I didn't care too much about the other races mainly because they seemed a bit weird to me back then. I wanted a character that was relatively normal looking :wacky:

But yuuuus. The run animation still bothers me a lot. It's so ridiculous!


(image I took showing off my Ravana weapons but... this is my character!)
Great thread idea.....

Originally, my character was a Hyur Midlander with pretty green eyes and brown hair. A lot of people thought I modeled her off of Quiet from MGS but that is entirely wrong. In fact, I kind of feel my Hyur was rushed a little bit but I did play her a long time before I made the switch to a Duskwight Elezen. Long story short: I found too many lookalikes of my Hyur, hell there is one in this very thread, now that I think about it. I hate playing plain characters and I wanted something more "magicial" to fit my Astrologian and BLM disciplines. I'm convinced I made the best choice and I am perfectly happy with my character right now. I have received lots of unique compliments, but mostly everyone says my Elezen is damn pretty, except for well, Tom, but he's a different story.

Without further ado, here is my beautiful Duskwight Elezen in her Welkin robe.


Why did I make the switch? I always disliked every race except Hyur and Elezen, therefore there wasn't much choice in the matter. I tried altering my Hyur but I still found it basic. Not that Hyur are not creative, I've seen many good ones but they weren't cutting it for me. Elezen, imo is my style. I like beautiful and elegant women, therefore that was a factor in my choice, without a doubt and the long legs :wacky: You may notice that she isn't entirely an elf. I made her a half elf on purpose because I love both races. I did not exaggerate the ears, and I tried to make her look normal while retaining elegant elements of an elf.

To all GIRAFFE comments; it does not bother me one bit to play an Elezen and last I checked, Au ra are taller by default. You cannot make a short Elf, sadly, if that is what people want for the race, but my elf is just the right height and it does not bother me whatsoever. The proportions could use a fix, but at least you do not get as much clipping issues as an au ra male, and maybe a female.

Might be coincidence, but I have more comms than ever before while playing an elezen.