Your favourite summon and why?

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Yeah i agree with you shiva was good but my favourites was Bahamut and odin the most helpful summons
I'd have to say Leviathan and Slyph. Leviathan was good for knocking
down the monsters while the Slyphs attack then heal you. Pretty
sweet indeed. XD
I thought Titan was the most useful summon. It is the most powerful thing that Rydia has in the game for a while. Also once you get Nuke, Bahamut becomes useless because of the time it takes.
Leviathan has always been my favorite summon in and Final Fantasy.
Bahamut is up there with Leviathan though. He was very useful in the last battle.
shiva - i miss her in ff12 :(
siren - she is so pretty. i like pretty summons
shemhazai - she is pretty too but pretty weak as well
mateus - i love the look, too bad its male
And can't forget Odin. He's very useful when your in an area where the enemies are very weak and you get attacked by a whole bunch of them. Kind of is a good replacement for Cecil's dark attack.
I would say Bahamut. I don't like Odin because I don't use summons on normal fights and on bosses he misses everytime I use him
I've always liked Bahamut and Shiva. Then there's Gilgamesh, Alexander, and Leviathan too. But Bahamut would be my favorite. He's a badass, what can I say? :D Now with Shiva, I love her different faces and features in the FF series. She's just so interesting to watch!

Ah, Yojimbo's pretty cool too. I think his hat is what did it for me. ^_^

Rydia has several 'hidden' summons - Goblin, Bomb and Cocatris are the ones i can remember. My favourite summons in the game are Leviathan, Bahamut and Asura.
Bahamut's my favourite summon in this game.
He's MegaFlare attack is pretty much devastating. :cool:

Leviathan's a close second.
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