Your outlook on life

What is your look on life?

  • Optimistic

    Votes: 6 50.0%
  • Pessimistic

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 33.3%

  • Total voters

Jack's Smirking Revenge

i am the one who knocks
Mar 6, 2007
Simple; are you a pessimist or an optimist?
If you're unclear, a pessimist is somewhat of a negative person. The pick holes in things, and look for more. The general analogy is they "see the glass as half-empty".
An optimist is the oposite. They're happy with what they have, and take everything else as a bonus. "The glass is half-full".

If you chose 'other' then please specify.

Myself, I'm optimistic. I fit the bill for that, as I always look on the bright side of life (do-do, do-do-do-do :P) and enjoy what I have. That said, I'm also a bit of a sadist. I laugh at the pain of others. I know that sounds totally harsh, but I try not to take it too far. I just can't help but laugh when someone gets hurt.
I'll pick other. I see everything as neither good nor bad.
I'm never disappointed or dissatisfied either. ;)
I'm constantly disappointed in things. I find myself envying others frequently, acknowledging my own livelihood to be worse than most; which is most likely far from true. I can't help but wonder what it'd be like in someone else's shoes, so I'd say I was more of a pessimist than anything else in life.

I even look at my staff position with negativity. xD Despite the fact that I have the power to help others, correct problems, and potentially make things better for other people on this site, I just feel pretty... bleh about the whole thing.

Ah, screw it. I luffles life really.
optimist definately im happy with what i have, i work, get paid then go out and have a good time then repeat the process. Im quite happy doin what im doin now
I've been called a pessimist, but I've been trying my best to reverse that, and I think I've been doing a pretty good job. I think I'm more apathetic towards everything than optimistic and pessimistic right now. Working on optimism though.
I am neither a pessimist or an optimist. Sure I pick holes in things, but I also see the up side of things. I am more of a cynic if anything, I trust noone. My main look on life is 'there is no such thing as a free lunch'. In other words, people always want something out of you. No one does you a favour unless they want something in return. Also I stand by 'If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.' Again....if it's a bargin there has to be some kind of hitch.
Dang! I though other meant I don't care...
So I picked optimist. Even though I'm equally both.

When it comes to school and competitions, I'm such a pessimist.
When it comes to life in general, I'm an optimist.
Here comes the sun.
The optimist believes that we live in the best of worlds, while the pessimist fears this is true.

The thought that we live on the best of worlds is a discouraging thought to me.
I think I'm optimistic.I always see the bright side of the bad things and try to be as happy as I can and not to get too desperate.
I'll choose other, since I can be either pessimist or optimist. I've balanced both in order to always make the right choice, though, since I am also human, I can too make mistakes.

Anyways, I think life should be lived to its fullest. Enjoy...
It depends. Normally I'm really optimistic. But...I've been out of a job and away from school for over a year, and it's really taking a toll on my optimism. =x
I chose pessimistic because that is what I am most of the time. I'm trying very hard to reverse it, but I find it difficult. I'm in a real rut right now, so I'm more pessimistic than usual.

Don't get me wrong, I am fine with my life. But, I could do so much more and I don't know how to do it. Hence, my outlook right now.
[SIZE=-1]Why do people laugh?[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Why do people cry?[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Why do people live,[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]When they know they’re going to die?[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Why do I laugh?[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]It isn’t even funny, I feel no joy[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]And yet I still laugh.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Why do I cry?[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]My tears can change nothing,[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]And yet I still cry.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Why do I try when I know I’ll fail?[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Trying is the first step towards failure,[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]I don’t want to fail.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]And yet because I don’t try,[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]I have already failed.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Why do I live when I know I’ll die?[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Life ends in death,[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]There is no avoiding that.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]And yet because I don’t live,[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]I am already dead.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]My existence is trivial,[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]I mean nothing to this world.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]We can change nothing,[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Victory does not exist, only failure.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]In the end,[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Everything we have done,[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Makes no difference at all.[/SIZE]