You're not even safe in your own home anymore


Dark Knight
Aug 28, 2007
Bambi Branford
FFXIV Server
A woman was threatened with a knife at her home afew houses down from me. He just knocked on her door, pushed the knife through the gap and broke the safety chain off after she answered. He stole all her money then made a run for it

Another similar incident (which was a while back) a man noticed that a woman lived alone with her 2 children, knocked on her back door - she assumed it was a neighbour- He forced his way in, attacked and raped her.

It's frightening that these people just knock on your door and force their way in. It makes me worry all the more knowing I live alone with a young child. Do these sick bastards have no shame? I rarely answer the door when it gets late. I don't think I will at all now
Christ almighty, that poor woman. >.< It must be so scary when things like this happen a few doors down from you aswell, I don't live in a very nice area and a woman was raped round the corner from me in my friend's street some years ago. I get so frightened lying in bed at night listening to screams and shouts outside my window..

Back to the point that you made though about people forcing themselves in, my mum will usually check through the window to see who is at the door before answering it if she isn't expecting anyone. It may be paranoid behaviour but you never know with some people, especially in dodgy areas.. =/
Perhaps you should keep a handgun handy for shooting the bastards if they ever come to your home. :elmo:
I always check my peep hole then ignore it. I get people knocking at all hours sometimes, and it's usually some idiot asking me if Im selling my car. I don't think some people realise how worrying it is having someone knock on your door at that time sometimes. It makes my heart race, I think I get to paranoid aswel. There arejust so many wankers about and theres always some poor person in the paper that has beaten to death. It's always bloody local aswel >_<

Perhaps you should keep a handgun handy for shooting the bastards if they ever come to your home. :elmo:
Funnily enough, my ex just said that :wacky:
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You should keep it loaded and aimed whenever you answer your door. :wacky:

But seriously, this hardly surprises me. That's the way people are these days, unfortunately.

Yeah, it's not surprising at all. You read about incidents like this every day in the papers, but it's still frightening. More so when it happens to someone you know or somebody near you. It's very sickening to think that people actually do things like that, but I guess we are just lucky that we have a good enough sense of right and wrong.
That's strange.

Me? I haven't locked this house for 11 years. xD

You're well lucky to live in a place where you can get away with that!!!! I'd never even think about doin that i've got no wish to wake up with sum dude holding a meat cleaver over me while i'm sleeping :dry:.
It sux how society has got into such a bad way that its almost expected for someone to come break into ure house
That's strange.

Me? I haven't locked this house for 11 years. xD

You must live in the Canadian empire or something.

I don't worry much about stuff like that, because worrying won't really help any. We haven't had any murders or rapes in the nearby vicinity, although we've had a good few cases of theft and such, including one at our house a long time ago. I lock doors and check who it is before I open the door and other such things but I'm not about to go buy a handgun or anything.
You're well lucky to live in a place where you can get away with that!!!! I'd never even think about doin that i've got no wish to wake up with sum dude holding a meat cleaver over me while i'm sleeping :dry:.
It sux how society has got into such a bad way that its almost expected for someone to come break into ure house

Tell me about it. Theres always some shit orother going on. If I go a week without seeing a police car/van on my street then It's nothing short of a miracle.

I live in such a lovely area :monster:

I just noticed I put 'Your' instead of 'You're' in the thread title. Gawd Im a pillock
I don't live in the Canadian Empire, I live in Michigan. :D

I dunno, I never really thought about locking the house before. It's probably because I don't like carrying keys around, but yeah, it's unlocked when there's no one in the house and while I'm sleeping. xD

Yay suburbia! I've never heard about anyone breaking into homes around here, though.
The amount of times Iv forgotten to lock my door at night makes me want to kick myself repeatedly. Im so fucking lucky Iv not woken up to an empty house yet......

Curse my forgetfulness :monster:

Edit* I actually had to get up then and make sure it was definately locked :wacky:
I've heard of so many break in stores lately. It makes me want to go to bed with a baseball bat at the side of my bed. :O

Recently, a girl was kidnapped while sleeping at a slumber party. She was sleeping on the couch and when the other girls woke up the next day she was gone. They found her on the side of a high way about a week later. Thing is, if she was kidnapped that night, how the heck did no one wake up?

We always lock our doors no matter what. This part of Ohio is not the safest place to live. There are so many shootings going on, and it can very well happen in your own home. The guy right across from us is a child molester and that right there is pretty damn creepy enough.

I've heard so many scary stories about break-ins, and it's so ridiculous.

My husband's co-worker was telling him about what happened to her son and daughter-in-law a few months ago. Two men broke in to her son's house and beat him up, while also trying to take advantage of his wife. They were about to rape the girl (both her and her husband were tied up), burning her legs with lighters, trying to make her open her legs.. while one of them was trying to cut the guy's fingers (his fingers were just hanging by the skin)... And then the girl yelled for their dog (a rotweiler) who was inside their house in a cage to "kill" the two men. Their dog managed to break the cage and bit one of the intruders. I heard that the dog actually bit a good chunk of the skin.

And so...the dog had saved both its masters' lives.

Unfortunately, I live with a few dumb people here (my half-siblings). There's been times when they would leave our garage door open when going out to go to school, and my daughter and I would be the only ones left in the house. Hours later, I'd realize that they had left the garage door open where someone can easily walk in to the house.

Hah, a few times they actually left the front door wide open! I woke up, went to the living room...find the front door open and searched the house for possible intruders. :dry:
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OH that reminds me... one time I came home from school to find the front door to my house wide open. Our house is kind of weird in the fact that it doesn't have a ground level floor; as soon as you enter the house, you're on a landing that goes to the top floor, and one that descends to a floor that's partially below ground. Anyway, the way to the 'second floor' is just a simple open staircase, but the way to the submerged floor has a door, and that was open too.

Sooo I stormed into the house and found that nothing vital was missing, and that the front two doors of my house had been open all day. When my dad got home, he said he was carrying some things out of the house and had shouted for me to close the doors behind him, but little did he remember that I have zero hour, and always leave the house before him... I almost died laughing when he told me that.

Who knows? Maybe something is actually missing... that was a year ago though, and I haven't noticed anything, so. :P
The world we live in today is becoming a pretty scary place. A few miles from where I live, three kids broke into an elderly man's home, beat and robbed him, and then talked about whether to kill him or not. He had to sit there, not knowing what they were gonna do. Thankfully, they shoved him into a bookcase instead of killing him, and he was able to get help.

About a week ago, the decapitated body of a women was found in a city near where I live as well. She was brutally tortured and raped before the bastard killed her.

I'm scared to even be home alone really because of all the stuff going on where I live. Its normal to hear about shootings and killings all of the time on the nightly news. I always lock my doors at night.

^ Wow, thank goodness the dog was there to stop those intruders, otherwise those two people might not have even been alive.
Yeah, look through the window/peephole before hand.
Some people are really nasty like that.

House break ins around here appear to have increased. Also watch out for conmen who lie their way in and then steal stuff when you're in the kitchen making a cup of tea/coffee. Don't take an eye off them for a second. A f**king utterly worthless piece of drug-addicted scumbag shit who used to be my step-brother(to my total dismay) stole my first Playstation 2 from the living room when my dad foolishly let him in and then went into the kitchen.
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I live in a town that probably has maybe 500 people at most. It's all dirt roads and the only thing in 'town' if you can call it a town is a gas station. I never even worry about locking my doors in my house, and I always leave my keys in my truck because I really never have to worry about anything. I don't know of any crimes ever to happen here anyway, and in a town like the one I live, you hear everything. The towns around us sometimes I hear things, but never out in the sticks.
A woman was threatened with a knife at her home afew houses down from me. He just knocked on her door, pushed the knife through the gap and broke the safety chain off after she answered. He stole all her money then made a run for it

Another similar incident (which was a while back) a man noticed that a woman lived alone with her 2 children, knocked on her back door - she assumed it was a neighbour- He forced his way in, attacked and raped her.

It's frightening that these people just knock on your door and force their way in. It makes me worry all the more knowing I live alone with a young child. Do these sick bastards have no shame? I rarely answer the door when it gets late. I don't think I will at all now


Lots of sickos out there. You'd like to refrain from letting stuff like that affect the way you go about your business, but for the sake of safety, I don't think I'd be answering doors either--not with stuff like that going on.
just last month two men broke into this 80+ year old ladies house. they beat her half to death and stole all her money and everything they could carry.
then they tied her up and locked her in her basement and set her house on fire and left her to die.
luckily her neighbour came home and was able to free her.

but last week a guy got stabbed to death walking home from a party a couple of kms from where i live, and they havent caught the guy/s that did it, so the whole town is on edge atm.

the worlds becoming a more dangerous place, people are scared to walk around after dark