012: Duodecim Yuna Officially in Dissidia Duodecim

Stoic Hero

The Leading Man
Feb 27, 2009
Where do YOU live?
Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy's latest character reveal isn't much of a surprise due to a teaser clip in the game's latest trailer. But since it's now official, we thought we'd pass along the word.

This week's issue of Japan's Weekly Shounen Jump comic magazine confirms that Final Fantasy X's Yuna will be a playable character. The magazine has first in-game screens and also reveals that Yuna will be able to cast summons like Bahamut, Shiva and Ixion.

Yuna's appearance in the game was pretty much confirmed when Square Enix released a trailer with CG showing a character briefly walking on water. If you played FFX, you would have easily recognized this scene.

Is Yuna's Duodecim role limited to just her FFX summoner form, or will she also appear guns blazing ala Final Fantasy X-2? We'll have to wait for a followup report for more details!. Expect that some time next week.

Source:IGN http://psp.ign.com/articles/114/1143599p1.html
I think it's probably about time it was confirmed since they released the trailer a while back and it was so, so, so obvious that it was Yuna walking across the water towards the end. However, though I have little interest in Dissidia 012, I think it would be better off for them to start announcing new villains to balance the sides rather than just heroes.

This has already been established earlier on in the Dissidia section, so there's little need for this thread.

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