Yuna or Rikku

I love this questions, because they really excite me and makes me wonder who could ever think in this kind of thread. Well now lets talk about the subject or else i m considered as a troll. Well, I rather Yuna because she´s determined just like other yuna´s along the final fantasy series. However rikku is a little more like Selphie, and in her way to approach to the other characters. It is subjective to decide who´s the better, each one must decide for itself
I vote for Rikku, she's had a hard life being Al bhed and all. Also I can't F ing stand Yuna she's too cute and dumb at times. It almost drives me nuts, although she isn't that bad really at heart. (sorry Yuna fans.)
At looks Yuna. I like her personality more than Rikku. Her outfits are beautiful in both games. Anyways I just love Yuna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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no offence, yuna fans, but I find her far too boring, naive and she completely lacks energy in her emotions. and boring. Rikku has the energy and is far more fun. would you really rather hang around with yuna?
I'm not sure, they're both pretty awesome. Yuna would probably take the spot as my favourite of the two though. I loved her outfit, in both the games she was in, and her character design overall was pretty sweet (Especially her boots from the first <3). Her personality was pretty awesome too, how naive she was and clueless about everything, and not to mention how kind she was to everybody else. She was pretty usefull in battle as well, and not just for healing or summoning Aeons, Holy was pretty damn useful spell towards the end of the game, especially if you get her Celestial weapon. The only thing I didn't like about her was the voice actor (for the English versions at least), she really didn't do Yuna justice in my eyes.
no offence, yuna fans, but I find her far too boring, naive and she completely lacks energy in her emotions. and boring. Rikku has the energy and is far more fun. would you really rather hang around with yuna?

Yeah I have to agree with that, Rikku livened up that game a bit. I don’t think that game would of bee as liked as much as it is without her (even if you don’t like her) as she put some more fun into the game.
Yuna, for me.
I don't have anything against Rikku, she's a fun-loving, jumpy little girl and I think she's cool. I would prefer Rikku for a fun day, like going to amusement parks and stuff. But personally Yuna's cuter for me. Yuna is silent, thinking, and generous, and yes slightly naive. I would rather date Yuna :D
Anyone who asks people to choose between Rikku and Yuna is an idiot. I love them both too much to choose.
I preferred Rikku, I liked her lighthearted attitude towards....well everything. I still liked Yuna though.
Yuna. I loved her in X, although X2 was a shocking transformation. Rikku annoyed the hell out of me in both games. She was far too loud and just plain peeved me off.
yeah but Yuna was cute in x but x-2 was probably Rikku who told Yuna to dress like that or square enix was drunk and made them all sexy.
Yuna as Rikku bugs me.

Rikkus personallity is upbeat and it just gets on my nerves while Yuna is a good determined character with a goal.
I like Yuna in X-2. -__- (Oh yes I did :O)

But as for FFX, Rikku is better. She's more fun and cute ^^. Rikku is always bouncing around having fun and such. But like Yuna a little too shy for my liking for most part of the game.
Yuna is useful but, like Garnet, vanishes a lot. Rikku's only useful ability is stealing. Her attacks are weak, her overdrive is bizarre, and finally she has low defense, making her die quite easily. I switch in Rikku to steal. Also, personality-wise, Rikku consistently got on my nerves. Then again, I'm the guy who likes Quina, so what do I know?
she is so funny and if anyone stay with her will enjoy.
remember that scenewhen she makes the food for tidus.
and i like yona too^_^
Yuna seemed like any other goody-goody female protagonist. D:

And at times, I felt her character was trying too hard. But yeah, I loved her spirit about saving her world from Sin and all that. I actually prefer her over Rikku when it comes to battling. But as a character, I have to go with Rikku. She's just so bright, interesting, and funny. I love her attitude, and she rocks. I prefer her over Yuffie,
Selphie, and Eiko any day as well. :D