Zack or Cloud? Better main char?

Better main character?

  • Zack- FFCC

    Votes: 36 53.7%
  • Cloud- FFVII

    Votes: 31 46.3%

  • Total voters

Cardinal Copia

May 21, 2008
New Gridania
Prenneaux Grauhemoix
FFXIV Server
Alright so I apologize if this has already been a thread. But I just wanna ask everyone on here who they feel was a better main character you play as:
Zack from FFCC or Cloud from FFVII
Can't really comment on Zack's role in CC since i have yet to play it, but no matter how good it is, Cloud's role is pretty spectacular in FFVII itself and leaves pretty big shoes to fill.

Sure FFVII is highly hyped year after year when discussing the FF series, but for the time the game was released it opened a lot of people's eyes to the rest of the series. That in turn focused everyone's beloved attention to Cloud and his role in the game. He overcame his hardships, the things thrown at him that he needed to depend on others for, and also the unknown factor. Many say he was living Zack's memories and life in the game, but Cloud had to break that connection and create his own character in which he ended up doing by the end of the game.
I much prefer mister sunshine to mister gloom of doom, to be honest.

Though it's said that Cloud emulated Zack, I don't think that's entirely true. He had his own attitude that separated him from Zack from the beginning of the game.

All that Cloud did indeed emulate was Zack's memories.

For me, Zack appealed to me as a character so much more than Cloud did. It was nice to see a joyful character in the FFVII compilation besides Aerith for once.

Plus, there's just that badass feeling about Zack while you're playing the game. The kind you get when you see a guy get straight decked in the face, but it doesn't even make that guy stagger, and he keeps on moving.

I really liked Zack, too. Crisis Core is the only other game besides Final Fantasy VII that's teared me up(save tales of the abyss. Luke, you fag.). it was sad to see the end, because I felt a really strong connection to Zack's character.
I have never really thought about it but now that I do I would stick with Cloud because he is an amazing character with a pretty good roll
Apart from that Zack was stronger, he also had a far more likeable personality than Cloud. He was enthusiastic (which made Crisis Core awesome) and also tried to see the best in everyone and even when they turned against him he would rather reason with them than fight...opposed to Cloud's "I'll do it alone" sort of personality.

Therefore, I think Zack was a better main character :neomon:
I'll vote for Mr.Fair anytime!!!

He's just perfect @_@. Sweet, cute, driven, positive, and above all...handsome *heart-shaped-eyes* Cloud turned into Squall after he found out who he really was ¬¬*
My vote is for Cloud, even though he is a polygonal mess while Zack is a graphical portrait of manliness! :wacky:

Even though Zack was more positive, enthusiastic and what not, I still preferred Cloud because his flaws made him more interesting as a character in my opinion.

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I would have to say: Zack. I found myself completely absorbed, enchanted, in love with his personality. He was soo upbeat, confident, playful and strong. If I could've somehow jumped into the game and had his babies, I would have - MOVE OVER, Aerith.

As for Cloud, I just couldn't ever form an attachment to his character. I felt pity, for him, of course, but that was about it. The guy went through alot, poor dear. I never really really enjoyed the character, that much. So, there you are, my vote goes for Zack.
That's a tough choice. On one hand we have Cloud, who's promise to carry out Zack's honor and will practically turned him into an emo-Zack. On another hand there's Zack himself, whose dream of becoming a hero led to his unfortunate demise. Hmm...

I'll have to choose Zack. He was the definition of the word 'hero'. Plus, he's always been my favorite character, even before Crisis Core.
I like cloud because I enjoyed FF 7 alot.

-Mod edit, please put more effort into your posts. One liners are normally considered as spam-
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Um, why does Zack have more votes, because he starred in a more recent game and is more current? XD

I have got to say Cloud, even though I haven't played Crisis Core yet. >_> But I have seen videos, and think Cloud is a much better main character, he is the main character of my favourite Final Fantasy game of all time. :P
Um, why does Zack have more votes, because he starred in a more recent game and is more current? XD

It's just their preference, I suppose. You have to consider the fact that there are also a lot of FF7 players who did not like Cloud, and so naturally would prefer Zack as the best main hero.

I've played Crisis Core so I can genuinely say that I think I enjoyed Zack's character more than I did Cloud...and trust me, I LOVE Cloud! But Zack's character is so different from Cloud that I can't help but notice a big difference between the two, although there is that strong inner character in both that is greatly admired. Zack was...full of life, so vibrant and you can almost feel his energy, whereas Cloud always seemed so doubtful and lost, although he did have his moments too. I would say that Cloud's character is something that depresses me in a way, but managed to still intrigued me due to the unique way of how his life was unfolded. But with Zack, he was just out there! And I really like that a lot.
I suppose. I'd better understand why the majority would vote Zack once I play Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core I guess, because as of right now, I haven't really seen him much at all, so I don't really know what he's like.

But based on your description, he sounds interesting, but I'll really need to play FF:CC before knowing whether I think he's better or not, but even still, that couldn't change the fact that Cloud is the main character of the original Final Fantasy VII game, which is my favourite one of the entire Final Fantasy franchise.
I think Zack may have more votes because he was enjoyable as a main character. In FFVII, I found many of the side characters to be more interesting than Cloud. I was more interested in Yuffie, Red XIII, Cait Sith, and Cid's story than Cloud's. Cloud just did not interest me at all and he felt like a pretty dull main character. Sure he was cute, but that's all he really had going for him.

I have seen clips of Crisis Core and so far I prefer Zack.
cloud is kinda a mirror image of zach but cooler but also zach did save cloud and died for it but cloud killed sephioth the first time zach is more talkative and caring nd actully might be human and cloud is cool with a humongous strenght of will and resolve so all in all

neither of them are better they are both as good as each other
Hm, I think ill go with Zack but Cloud is still a pretty cool character as well.
Well i guess all i can really say is Cloud. Can't really judge on Zak since i havn't really playing FFCC. So not much to say :gasp: