

Feb 2, 2007
Ok, im on chapter 4, in the thunder plains trying to get to the zalamander. But i can't find a way up to the second level and all the walkthroughs I've read only say *climb the rocks*.... which im not quiet understanding... any help?
Ok first you need to walk around the left side when you walk in... Then you need to hold circle while walking into a lowered platform that should get you up there but I'm not sure so if you still need help I can try again.
Indeed. The Zalamander was a tough boss also, if i remember correctly. I am pretty sure i had a tough time fighting him because i had no fire defence...or lightning of them...
Same here. There really is no need to do anything but attack...the magic is poor and after the novelty of the dress spheres wears off you cant be bothered changing to a mage etc.
yeah as soon as you get dark knight the game become extremly easy (even though it was easy anyway)
even if you are underleved the bosses have too little hp :(
That's why I think that the Turn Based Battle System was better because you could use Magic without being attacked whilst looking for the right Magic to use...the same goes for using Potions, by the time you've selected it and the purple bar gets full the character you were going to use it on gets KO'd...very annoying.
Yeah I found that if you attacked it was too easy to kill all the bosses. Just for fun I had Songstress/Lady Luck/White Mage as a combo. That made a bit more challenging (to actually kill the bosses).
That's why I think that the Turn Based Battle System was better because you could use Magic without being attacked whilst looking for the right Magic to use...the same goes for using Potions, by the time you've selected it and the purple bar gets full the character you were going to use it on gets KO'd...very annoying.

try putting the system to "wait" in the options, i did and it worked, i did it cause i used a white mage throughout the whole game(from the moment i got the sphere ofc)

also, i died 3 times on that boss... because i used some item that killed random encounters i never really picked up a lot of exp, so i trained a few hours in the thunder plains and then pwned the bastard