Zidane's voice

Tetra Master

Mandirigma ng Liwanag
Feb 18, 2007
have you people seen the japanese trailer of dissidia FF where Zidane and Kuja are fighting? they're voiced by the seiyus of Naruto and Gaara respectively in role. What do you think of their voices especially Zidane's? I thought Kuja's is perfect but with Zidane he sounds inappropriately too young. I hope they choose him a better voice for the english version.. maybe someone that sounds like Sora in KH2 would be good. how about you?
Wait, what?
Do you happen to have a link to this? ^.^
the trailer? it's in youtube.com just type dissidia final fantasy.
cute sig of Squall Strife btw. I love it. ^_^
I agree, Zidanes voice is just wrong. I never imagined him with such a high pitched voice O_O Maybe for Vivi...but not Zidane...

This is what im really worried about with dissidia - crappy voice actors =/
Are you kidding? Most english voiceovers suck, kthxbai.

On top of that, you're not contributing anything to the thread.

I'm half expecting the American voiceover for Zidane to be done by David Gallagher. He did Riku's voice, and it seems like it would fit Zidane's figure.

For Kuja, I just can't wait to see what comes of him. If they put Tidus in the game, I really hope they make someone else do his American voice. :\
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Are you kidding? Most english voiceovers suck, kthxbai.

No, they don't.

Stop watching Sailor Moon and One Piece.

The Japanese over-exaggerate everything they speak in their diologue to the point you can' ttake it seriously. Not that its less than eloquent way of being spoken already makes you want to laugh.

The Japanese language has never been very appealing so I'm not gonna listen to them. Kthxbai.

On top of that, you're not contributing anything to the threa

Yes I am. This is about Zidane's voice in the Japanese trailer. I said I had no interest in watching it and will wait for the English version.

and I thought Kuja would sound a little more like Seymour.
Ugh. They better find a better VA for him then the one for Seymour.
Japanese is lame.
well that's your opinion. but we can't really say how good japanese voice actors are if we don't speak their language. personally I find them cool coz they sound lively even though I don't understand what they're saying. though I think you could be right that it seems they sometimes exaggerate the way they talk. as for the english voices it really depends on the actors. some aren't really doing well but if you hear the best ones they're really impressive!

Are you kidding? Most english voiceovers suck, kthxbai.

Thank you!

The Japanese over-exaggerate everything they speak in their diologue to the point you can' ttake it seriously. Not that its less than eloquent way of being spoken already makes you want to laugh.

Gosh, then I wonder why in Japan voice actors are more respected in society? Not to mention, most dubbed anime is recored in Canada because it's cheaper.
This is about Zidane's voice in the Japanese trailer. I said I had no interest in watching it and will wait for the English version.

Right, and the english version is going to be better? I'm sure they'll use a 12 year old boy to voice Zidane, most likely.

Anyways, I was a little annoyed when I heard Zidane's voice. He's suppose to be 16, not sounding he hit puberty.

I thought Kuja voice did fit his character.
Kuja's voice sounds fine, and i don;t see Gaara in my head when i see him talk.

Zidane sounds terrible, the voice doesn't suit him and when i hear him talk i see Naruto, not Zidane. Very stupid choice for a voice actor, there are only two kids in IX, Vivi and Eiko, Zidane needs to sound older.
I honestly think it'd suit Zidane if only he's a girl. but heck... I wonder why the voices in japanese versions often sound too childish or childlike rather. It's like in the case of Dragonball Z where Goku and his sons have their kid voices retained as adults which is just wrong.
I think the voices are fitting for the Japanese context. For the American context, Kuja's voice is decent, but Zidane's will need to be more boyish - definitely not too deep though.