Zodiac spear in the henne mines??


Nov 30, 2006
Slave lake Alberta Canada
I was reading the brady games FFXII guide. And it says on page 268 that there is a second zodiac spear in the phase 2 dig. has anyone found it there or is this just a mistake?
I was reading the brady games FFXII guide. And it says on page 268 that there is a second zodiac spear in the phase 2 dig. has anyone found it there or is this just a mistake?

That is correct, but it is a 1/1000 chance.

a) The chest only appears 10% of the time
b) Of the 10% that it appears, it will have Gil 90% of the time
c) Of the 10% of the time that an item is in it, it will be an elixir 90% of the time. It will be the zodiac spear the other 10%

This means you have a 1/1000 chance.
Yeah... Very slim.... I've been trying to get it for awhile now, still no luck. I thought I had good luck since I got the Excalibur on my first try but this is getting annoying, although the enemies do provide good training
I've heard of people trying for 12 hours with no results.

I myself have been trying for awhile (leveling up in the process) but to no avail.

I read some guy calculating the chances of the spear with the time needed to do it that it could take up to 54 hours.

Good luck. I say just get the Tournesol, not as tedious and does great damage.
i havent got it but there is a way of getting it 1/100 chance
keep on going there until it actually appears then go back and save your game then every time you load it will be there
I didn't know there was a second Zodiac Spear.. O.O I have the guide as well, but I never really read ahead. I shall check it out later though. I haven't even gotten the first Zodiac Spear yet. -_-
Yeah, I walked back taht way maybe 2 time already and there wasn't a treasur chest either of the 2 times. I'm not that desperate to get it to appear, so I'm going to pass on my last remaining 998 attempts and jsut say "Screw it". If I happen to get lucky one time and it shows up, so be it. I'm not going to intentionally go after it though. No way.
well it has a 1/10 chance that it actually appers
then it has 1/10 chance that it actually has an item instead of gil
then it has a 1/10 chance that the item is a zodiac spear
Yeah, I noticed the chances were slim too, so I just started a new game after I noticed I missed the Zodiac Spear.