Let's Play Sonic!


Dec 22, 2009
Chocobo Egg
Tifa Lockhart
Sabin's Tent
Hey guys, this is a new mini-series so that I can have a break from Resi Remake for a few days. Light, colourful and fun; those are the 3 words I would use to describe Sonic The Hedgehog for Master System, which for me is the best Sonic game to date. It's also my first ever game so I may be biased ;)

Still, enjoy the series...there are only 6 episodes :)

Here's the opening:


The first episode will be posted sometime today and one episode will be uploaded per day for the next 5 days.

Enjoy! :grin:
It's time to cross the great bridge in the bridge zone!


Act 2 of Bridge is unique in this game, with the screen that pushes you if you stay still for too long. With the catchy music and new gameplay introduced, Bridge is certainly one zone to experience. We also get the chaos emerald.

Enjoy! :)
We jump around on sausages in the Jungle zone!


The jungle is once again a great zone with an amazing bit of background music. Another unique area in this zone, where the player has to play the level vertically, rather than running to the right all the way. We get the chaos emerald in this zone as well.

Thanks for watching peoples! :)
We hunt for bubbles in the Labyrinth Zone!


Labyrinth is the the underwater zone in this Sonic game. Lotsa air bubbles and slow movement, but surprisingly the music is quite upbeat. Much better than the "serene" (depressing) music that you hear in most games in water areas. We also get the chaos emerald in this zone.

Thanks for watching! :D
Nice LP ! It's so unique and refreshing how your doing the Master Drive version and not the Sega Genesis. Keep it up ! (y)
Nice LP ! It's so unique and refreshing how your doing the Master Drive version and not the Sega Genesis. Keep it up ! (y)

I prefer the master system version by miles, to be honest. It just feels better to me, even without the huge fanbase (although it does have a biggish one). Hope you're enjoying :)

We find Doctor Robotnik in Scrap Brain Zone!


Scrap Brain has some amazing music, which when mixed with the background scenery, is something to be experienced by all. No chaos emerald is found in this episode, but I'm not too sure if there is one, now that I think about it...
Only 1 episode left guys! Hope you're enjoying! :D
I'm giving your series a watch. I've actually never played Sonic for the Master Drive and never seen any game play from it. And I call myself a Sonic fan...
I'm giving your series a watch. I've actually never played Sonic for the Master Drive and never seen any game play from it. And I call myself a Sonic fan...

Haha, I noticed you commenting on the youtube vids themselves, which I highly encourage :grin:. You're right, you aren't a Sonic fan unless you play the best one (this one) :p
Thanks for watching kryceks :)


We finish the game in Sky Base Zone!


Sky Base is actually quite tough...who knew? The lightning and cannons form a level that's not as easy as it may seem. Finally, we reach the last boss. Have a look see! Oh, I miss the last chaos emerald guys...sorry about that :(

I really hope you've enjoyed this mini-series! If you want to carry on following my lp's then head on over to here:


Part A of this series has already been completed, that being Jill's scenario, but part B will start being uploaded tomorrow, which is Chris' scenario. His story is much different to Jill's in terms of cutscenes and some of the gameplay mechanics. Most importantly, Rebecca is a part of Chris' scenario...and she doesn't get enough air time in the resi franchise imo.

Thanks again for watching! :D
haha your so welsh :lew:

That was a cool game though. The amsters systems graphics were so bright. How did they lose to the nes
haha your so welsh :lew:

That was a cool game though. The amsters systems graphics were so bright. How did they lose to the nes

Shoosh you, I have a highly loveable accent :p
Yeah, I find that strange too. I guess the NES just had more 1st party games or something? All I know is that I can't bring myself to play NES games nowadays, because they feel so clunky and dated, whereas master system games are bright and colourful so you can still enjoy playing around with them :)
hahaha dont worry i wasnt hating. Your commentary is really good (y)

Yeah i spose NES got all the big title games. Even if they were crap. Games based on movies got good sales back then.
Aye, so many movie games. Mind you, there were loads of them on the Mega Drive too...and there're millions of them hanging around on this gen of consoles too, unfortunately. I think the only good movie-game I can remember was Toy Story, but that was for Mega Drive :hmmm: