Let's Play Silent Hill!


Dec 22, 2009
Chocobo Egg
Tifa Lockhart
Sabin's Tent
Hey all, here's a new series! Silent Hill was made by Konami and is available for PS1 and PS3/PSP over PSN. It's a survival horror game, with more emphasis on horror than the likes of Resident Evil. Mind games are the name of the game here folks!

You can fight enemies if you like but...may be better to avoid a lot of them with your limited ammo and medicines!

Here's the opening for the series:

Can't wait to make a start on this. See you when we enter Silent Hill!

Of course, this game was not made by me. All that will be mine is the gameplay and commentary! :)

The border for this series was brought to you by our very own Big Casino . Also, Paddy McGee smells.
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Episode 1 - A Quick Cuppa


Hi everyone, let's make a start on Silent Hill, shall we? From the opening cinematics (probably best to check out the opening vid in this thread, to be honest), to the loss of a daughter, to meeting Cybil the policewoman, there's so much going on!

We also die...don't we?

But we can consider ourselves safe with handgun, knife, steel pipe and medicine in hand! Especially when we arrive at the house on Levin Street (the key is in the kennel).

Thanks for watching! I hope this turned out ok. We'll hit a new obstacle next episode! :)
I love Silent Hill as much as Final Fantasy! There hasn't been a game I've played that I thought was out and out shit.
Thanks for this thread and enjoy your journey...
I love Silent Hill as much as Final Fantasy! There hasn't been a game I've played that I thought was out and out shit.
Thanks for this thread and enjoy your journey...

Yay, I'm glad you like Silent Hill too! There's only one SH game I could say is completely bad, and that's Book of Memories (imo). Really disliked that one. Otherwise, there are definite positives to every game in the series :lew:.
Episode 2 ~Because Of The Wonderful Things He's Done~


It's all a matter of finding Wizard of Oz keys this time around: Woodman, Scarecrow and Lion. All to make it through our brand new house!

We also find a schoolbus and...a school.

Oh geez, the school...:sad2:

Thanks for watching! See you next time. ;)
Episode 3 - End Of Spring Break


Hey everyone, are you ready for school? We're gonna be following a nursery rhyme (see last episode) to make our way through the puzzles and rooms of our lovely new school. There's lots going on, from finding loads of key items (medallions, chemicals etc), to solving a certain piano puzzle that tends to get everyone stumped!

That clock tower seems to have lead us to some weird new school. I reckon it'll be a right scare next time ;).

Thanks for watching!
Episode 4 - School Of Fairytales


When did Midwich Elementary School get so rundown??? That darn cleaner!

So, it looks like we need to have a quick run 'round of Midwich Elementary again, but this time it's all crapped up. Loads of key items along the way (rubber ball, keys, picture card etc), but most importantly we grab the shotgun! Easy to miss, amazing to use. Possibly the best gun of the standard game.

Got to give a quick shout out to the lizard boss; shoot away with the handgun and switch to the shotgun for when it opens its gob. Make sure to walk backwards while shooting though.

Fiiinally, we hear the church bells ringing...that must be a clue, right? We grab the key from reception and we're done!

Thanks for watching! We'll check out the church next time (and lots more!) :).
Episode 5 - The Church Bell Rang


Hey all, this episode is all about the church and meeting Dahlia (the religious nut). We also head to the petrol station, police station (both optional) and drawbridge (not so optional).

Fiiiinally, we make it to the hospital. I'm surprised we got it all done in one episode 0_0. Our meds and ammo are starting to build up a bit too, so that's extra great. I'm sure they'll dwindle throughout the hospital though...

Thanks for watching! We'll make a start on the hospital dungeon next time. It's a corka of a place :D.
Episode 6 - Elevator To Hell


Hi there! This episode has us make our way through the "normal" part of the hospital, but that doesn't last long...

Turning on the generator in the basement and heading to the hidden 4th floor in the elevator was always gonna be a bad idea. Time for the nightmares to begin!

Evil nurses, doctors and plenty of puzzles incoming! We find both maps for this dungeon, the plate of turtle (we'll need 4 more ot those plates) along with the basement key. There's plenty going on in this short, little video ha!

Thanks for watching! Maybe we'll find out more about Kaufmann next time? Maybe...
So good to see this thread still going. And the giant lizard (I keep forgetting the name of it, but you should see how badly I get the names of the FF characters and monsters!) in the school really freaked me out.
"But... but... It's a PSOne game? How is this possible!!" Please keep on going!
So good to see this thread still going. And the giant lizard (I keep forgetting the name of it, but you should see how badly I get the names of the FF characters and monsters!) in the school really freaked me out.
"But... but... It's a PSOne game? How is this possible!!" Please keep on going!

I don't mind the lizard except when he eats you in one hit. Evil git! Loving the hospital now ha.
Episode 7 - Doctors and Nurses


Hey all, here comes the rest of the hospital! Well...almost.

We grab the rest of the animal plates and use them on the very special door. We also make use of a new lighter and...a few keys etc. Loads goes on in this episode ha.

Thanks for watching! We'll finish the hospital dungeon next time :).

P.S. The optional video tape is played too. That's pleasant.
Episode 8 - Lisa Garland's Fear


Hey all, quite a bit goes on in this episode: from finishing off the last little bit of Alchemilla hospital (including a fair bit of plot progression), to meeting Lisa Garland (one of my all time favourite characters from the series; this isn't the last we'll see from her), to checking out the antique store/2nd church (where we meet Cybill for the first time since the cafe I think?), to beating a boss on the way back to the hospital (in the town center; a centipede or something similar).

Thanks for watching! I hope this wasn't too long. They're gonna be roughly this length until the end of the series now, I think. We'll grab the last cutscene from the hospital next time. Bye! :)


Episode 9 - Sewers Without A Radio


Hey all, with one last bit of story in the hospital, we finally leave the place behind for good (including Lisa who is apparently trapped there...though we will see her again) and head through the sewers towards the lakeside resort area of Silent Hill!

I should probably mention the giant moth boss first though, which is easy enough. Just like with every boss, just shoot and walk backwards (shotgun is best for this; you can't walk and shoot with the rifle).

As for the sewers, I apologise for how kinda jaunty it is (is that the right word?). Even with my notes that I use every time I go through this dungeon, it's tough to tell exactly where you are because of how maze-like it is. Did I ever mention how I hate sewer dungeons in games? Well, at least it's done now ha.

Thanks for watching! We'll be doing mostly optional stuff next time, ready for the best ending in the game :).
Episode 10 - Kauffman's Drug Trade


Hey all, this episode starts off with completely optional stuff (though it is needed for the best ending). It's all to do with getting to know Doctor Kauffman a little bit better and seeing what he has done wrong in his past (and present?).

We do however progress onward through the lakeside resort area of Silent Hill and make it to the boat, where Dahlia and Cybill meet up for a conversation that actually makes a decent amount of sense! About time lmao.

Thanks for watching! We'll be checking out the lighthouse next time...along with loads more ;).


Episode 11 - The Carousel


Well, isn't this episode chock full of stuff? We've got the lighthouse where we finally meet Alessa, the 2nd sewers dungeon (though this one is much easier and way shorter than the other one) and the amusement park area.

Speaking of the theme park, we take on Cybill as a boss! This is the last thing you need to do in order to have the best ending. I hope you grabbed the blood in a bottle from the hospital? Just get up close to her and use the bottle. Done!

Thanks for watching! We'll be starting the final dungeon next time: Nowhere! :D
Episode 12 - The Grim Reaper's List


Hey all, welcome to Nowhere! We make a tonne of progress in our final dungeon: the stelazzio number puzzle, the grim reaper's list, the tap, a few keys, meeting Lisa for the last time (except in the end cinematics) and seeing her for what she really is...

We also head into the basement and find that the worlds are really merging. We end up in the school!

Thanks for watching! See you next time when we finish off the dungeon part of Nowhere :).


Episode 13 - Jelly Bean, Anyone?


Hey all, here's the last of Nowhere! At least, the dungeon part. Look out for all five key items that you need to find throughout the dungeon, along with the many keys and more minor key items (such as the ring of contract and camera).

This episode shows the painting puzzle along with the dreaded fridge (don't tell me it's empty!). Look out for the jelly beans too. There are 39 flavours in that bag! :eek:

Thanks for watching! The next episode will be the last of the series...and it's a corka! ;)

P.S. Cruel game! Making us turn the electrics off to progress...
Episode 14 - The Best Ending ~FIN~


Hey all, here's the last bit of Silent Hill! This involves the boss of Nowhere, along with all of the cinematics that the best ending provides :). I don't want to say anymore, so I'll leave it there. We do get to see more of Lisa though, I'll say that much ha.

Thanks for watching this series guys. It's been fun, and seems to have just flown by :/. Mario Kart 8 and Earthbound are still on the go, so keep an eye out for those if you fancy them :).

Also, my Twitter is right here if you want updates for anything: www.twitter.com/greenyxii (note the extra i). Thank you!